All commercial hot air balloon businesses are subject to the following regulations for operations occurring during the period between May 1 to October 31 of each year:
Insurance required. Prior to issuance of a business license for any commercial hot air balloon flight business, the business operator shall provide to the Town of Mt. Crested Butte proof of full commercial hot air balloon insurance coverage, containing public liability insurance in an amount not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) each occurrence single limit bodily injury and property damage, including passengers, but not more than $100,000 bodily injury to each passenger, or $400,000 for bodily injury to all passengers. Such insurance shall provide coverage for passengers and spectators, as well as the general public. Such insurance coverage need not cover participants in activities to be conducted from such hot air balloons, such as paragliding, hang-gliding, parachute jumping, or bungee jumping, or other similar activities, during "Aerial Weekend" or other special events. In the event such activities are to be conducted from the hot air balloons, appropriate release of liability forms, approved by the town, shall be required of each individual participant in such activities.
Days of operation. Commercial free-flight balloon operations, exclusive of special aerial events, including the special event designated as "Aerial Weekend," shall operate a maximum of three days per calendar week. All commercial balloon companies shall conduct free-flight operations on the same three days per week.
Launch sites. Free-flight balloon launches shall not take place from congested areas within the town boundaries; such launches shall occur from the site or sites approved in advance by the town manager of the Town of Mt. Crested Butte, Colorado. In issuing permissions for launch sites to commercial balloon businesses, the town manager shall consider the proximity of residential improvements to the launch site, the desires of the occupants of any surrounding residential improvements, and the flight conditions prevailing from such proposed launch sites.
Compliance with FAA regulations required. All commercial balloon operations originating within the town shall be conducted in strict accordance with FAA regulations promulgated to regulate the operations of lighter-than-air craft.
Landing sites. Except in the event of an emergency or landing necessitated by weather conditions, balloon landings are prohibited from the public right-of-way of Gothic Road within the Town of Mt. Crested Butte, Colorado. Landings occurring within the public rights-of-way of public streets within the Town of Mt. Crested Butte, Colorado, shall not impede traffic using the traveled portion of the right-of-way.
Tethered flights. The town manager of the Town of Mt. Crested Butte may issue permits for tethered flights of balloons for operations commencing not earlier than 10:00 a.m., local time from areas of the town other than those approved for free-flight launches. Such permit shall specify the period of time to be covered thereby and the location thereof.
(Ord. No. 87-5, § 2, 9-15-87; Ord. No. 88-7, § 3, 12-6-88; Ord. No. 89-7, § 1, 9-5-89; Ord. No. 92-11, § 1, 7-7-92; Ord. No. 02-6, §§ 1, 2, 7-2-02; Ord. No. 07-5, § 1, 5-15-07; Ord. No. 21-3, § 1, 5-18-21)
Violation of the regulations contained herein shall result in enforcement action being taken by the town against the offending operator pursuant to section 11-53 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Mt. Crested Butte and shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of section 1-14 of the Town Code.
(Ord. No. 87-5, § 3, 9-15-87; Ord. No. 88-7, § 4, 12-6-88; Ord. No. 21-3, § 1, 5-18-21; Ord. No. 23-7, § 5, 9-19-23)