Note: Prior ordinance history: Ord. 2004-884.
For the purpose of this title, certain words, phrases and terms used herein shall have the meaning assigned to them by this chapter as determined by the Community Development Director.
When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future; words in the singular number include the plural; and those in the plural number include the singular.
If any of the definitions in this chapter conflict with definitions in other provisions of the municipal code, these definitions shall govern.
(Ord. 2011-968 § 1; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)
means two adjoining parcels of property with a common property line, including two or more lots adjoining only at a corner, except where such common property line is located in a public street right-of-way.
"Access" or "access way"
means the place, means, or way by which pedestrians and vehicles shall have safe, adequate and usable ingress and egress to a property or use required by this title.
"Accessory building"
means a building, part of a building, or structure, which is incidental or subordinate to the main building or use on the same building site. As used in this title, accessory building and accessory structure shall mean the same.
"Accessory dwelling unit"
means a second dwelling unit located on the same lot as the primary single-family dwelling unit, either attached or detached from the primary residential dwelling unit, and which provides complete independent living facilities for one or more persons. An accessory dwelling unit shall include permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation on the same parcel that the primary single-family dwelling is situated.
"Accessory living quarters"
means living quarters on the same building site as a dwelling, designed or used for housing domestic employees or guests, having no cooking or kitchen facilities and not rented or otherwise used as a separate dwelling.
"Accessory structure"
means a structure or building that is incidental to the principal structure. Such structures may be attached to or detached from the principal structure. Typical accessory structures would include, but are not limited to, garages, gazebos, workshops, sheds, decks, patios, and ground-mounted solar systems.
"Accessory use"
means a use incidental, related, appropriate and clearly subordinate to the main use of the lot or building, which does not alter the principal use of such lot or building.
"Adult bookstore."
See Section 18.20.410.
"Adult cabaret."
See Section 18.20.410.
"Adult entertainment"
means that as set out in Article 5 of Chapter 18.20.
"Adult hotel or motel."
See Section 18.20.410.
"Adult model studio."
See Section 18.20.410.
"Adult motion picture arcade."
See Section 18.20.410.
"Adult oriented business."
See Section 18.20.410.
"Affordable housing definitions"
means the following terms and phrases that are defined for the purposes of Chapter 18.19 (Density Bonus, Waivers, and Incentives).
"Affordable ownership housing cost"
means the total housing costs paid by a qualifying household, which shall not exceed the specified fraction of their gross income as specified in California Health and Safety Code Section 50052.5.
"Affordable rent"
means the total housing costs, including a reasonable utility allowance, paid by a qualifying household, which shall not exceed a specified fraction of their gross income as specified in California Health and Safety Code Section 50053.
"Affordable unit"
means a dwelling unit within a residential development which will be reserved for sale or rent to, and is made available at an affordable rent or affordable ownership cost to, very low, low, or moderate-income households.
"Child care facility"
means a child day care facility other than a family day care home, including, but not limited to, infant centers, preschools, extended day care facilities, and school age child care centers.
"Density bonus"
means an increased residential density of between 20 to 35 percent over the maximum General Plan density which is granted to an owner/developer of a housing project agreeing to construct a prescribed percentage of very low and/or low income dwelling units, as defined by California Government Code Section 65915 (refer to Chapter 18.19 of the Yorba Linda Zoning Code.)
"Density bonus units"
means those residential units granted pursuant to the provisions to Chapter 18.19 which exceed the otherwise allowable maximum residential density for the development site.
means any association, corporation, firm, joint venture, partnership, person, or any entity or combination of entities, which seeks City approval for all or part of a residential project.
Development standard.
For Chapter 18.19 (Density Bonus, Waivers and Incentives), a "development standard" includes a site or construction condition that applies to a residential development pursuant to any ordinance, general plan element, specific plan, or other local condition, law, policy, resolution, or regulation. A development standard subject to waiver does not include additional density beyond that allowed in Chapter 18.19.
"Household income levels: very low, low and moderate"
means households whose gross incomes do not exceed the qualifying very low, low and moderate income limits established in Section 6932 of the California Code of Regulations, and amended periodically based on the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) estimate of median income in the County of Orange Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area, and as adjusted by the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). Pursuant to Code Sections 6926, 6928 and 6930, these income limits are equivalent to the following:
Very low income household: 50 percent of area median income, adjusted for household size appropriate for the unit and other factors determined by HUD
Low income household: 80 percent of area median income, adjusted for household size appropriate for the unit and other factors determined by HUD
Moderate income household: 120 percent of area median income, adjusted for household size appropriate for the unit and other factors determined by HUD
"Housing development"
means one or more groups of projects for residential units constructed or to be constructed in the City for sale or for rent. Housing development also includes a subdivision, planned unit development, or condominium project, the substantial rehabilitation and conversion of an existing commercial building to residential use, and the substantial rehabilitation of an existing multifamily dwelling, where the rehabilitation or conversion would create a net increase of residential units.
"Housing units"
means the total number of residential units in a housing development, including the affordable units and the market rate units.
"Incentives" or "concessions"
are defined in Chapter 18.19.
"Total housing costs"
means the total monthly or annual recurring expenses required of a household to obtain shelter. For a rental unit, total housing costs shall include the monthly rent payment and utilities. For an ownership unit, total housing costs shall include the mortgage payment (principal and interest), homeowner's association dues, mortgage insurance, taxes, utilities, and any other related assessments.
"Agricultural experiment facility"
means an establishment engaged in the development of agricultural products and improvements in farm operations, including investigations into soil preparation, planting, harvesting, and management methods.
means the use of land to produce agricultural products, including private greenhouses, horticultural collections, flower and vegetable gardens, and fruit trees. This use may also include the sale of the agricultural products grown on the same premises.
means any dedicated way, intended for vehicular service to the rear or side property served by a street.
"Ambient level"
means that general noise level one finds in a certain area at a given time.
"Animal boarding"
means a place where the principal use is the keeping of animals for more than a 24-hour period and where the principal use is the provision of food and comfort and at which the provision of medical treatment of animals is an ancillary use.
"Animal day care"
means an animal facility that provides nonmedical care to domestic animals, typically dogs, in need of supervision on less than a 24-hour basis.
"Animal hospital"
means a place where animals are given medical or surgical treatment and are cared for during the time of such treatment. May be either large animal hospitals which are for the care and medical treatment of equine, bovine, cleft-hoofed and other similar farm animals or small animal hospitals which are for the care and medical treatment of animals which are no larger than the largest breed of dogs, including dogs, cats, fish, birds, reptiles and similar domesticated species. The term includes "veterinarian" and "veterinarian hospital or clinic."
means a building or portion thereof that is used for occupancy by two or more individual persons or families living independently of each other.
means a place of business where five or more electronic or electrical coin-operated games are operated for compensation. For the purposes of this title, the term shall include desktop computers within the meaning of "electronic operated games," and Internet gaming establishments (a.k.a. "internet cafés," "cybercafés") and other establishments where five or more computers are used for commercial purposes shall be included within the meaning of "arcade."
"Area of shallow flooding"
means a designated AH or AO zone on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (F.I.R.M.) in which:
The base flood depth ranges from one to three feet;
A clearly defined channel does not exist; and
The path of flooding is unpredictable and indeterminate.
"Area of special flood hazard"
means the land in the floodplain within a community subject to a one percent or greater chance of flooding in any given year.
"Assisted living facility."
See "Managed care facility."
"Athletic club"
means fitness centers, gymnasiums, health clubs (including indoor sauna, spa or hot tub facilities), indoor tennis, handball, racquetball, and other indoor sports activities.
"Automobile service station"
means a lot or portion of a lot used for the servicing of motor vehicles. Such servicing may include sale of motor fuel and oils, lubrication, sale and service of tires, tubes, batteries, service of auto accessories, and incidental car washing, waxing and polishing. The term includes either the sole sale of motor fuel, or the sale of fuel in conjunction with any or all of the foregoing sales/services. Such servicing shall not include tire recapping, sale of major auto accessories, wheel repair or parts, sale or rebuilding of engines, battery manufacturing or rebuilding, radiator repair or steam cleaning, body repair, painting or upholstery, or installation of auto glass.
(Ord. 2011-968 § 1; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)
means a business serving alcoholic beverages as the main use. The business may also include the sale of minor food items such as sandwiches and snacks to be consumed on site, provided such food service is ancillary to the sale of alcoholic beverages and shall constitute less than 50 percent of the business gross receipts.
"Base acre"
means the gross acreage of a parcel of land exclusive of major roadways, designated public trails, required parkland and ancillary public facilities.
"Base flood"
means the flood having a one percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year.
means a space having one-half or more of its floor-to-ceiling height below the average level of the adjoining ground and with a floor-to-ceiling height of not less than six and one-half feet.
"Base-mounted sign"
means a sign permanently attached to a planter or pedestal as distinguished from the support of a pole or poles.
means a room or space within a dwelling intended primarily for use for sleeping purposes. For purposes of required parking pursuant to Chapter 18.22 of the Zoning Code, rooms identified on plans as "dens," "offices" or similar type shall also be considered "bedrooms" for determining required parking at the discretion of the Community Development Director.
"Boarding or roominghouse"
means a building containing a dwelling unit where lodging is provided with or without meals for compensation for five or more persons.
means any structure having a solid roof supported by columns or walls and intended for the shelter, housing, or enclosure of any individual, animal, process, equipment, goods, or materials of any kind. A patio cover shall not be considered a building.
"Building frontage"
means that side of a building, which contains the main entrance for pedestrian ingress and egress. If more than one main entrance exists, the one that more nearly faces or is oriented to the street of highest classification as portrayed on the current General Plan of Circulation shall be considered the building frontage. If all streets are of the same classification, the side of the building with the smallest lineal dimension containing a main entrance shall be considered a building frontage.
"Building height"
means the vertical distance from the lowest point on the exterior of the structure to the highest point of the structure, but exclusive of vents, air conditioners, chimneys, or other such incidental appurtenances.
"Building separation"
means the distance measured between two buildings.
"Building site"
means a legally created parcel or contiguous parcels of land in single or joint ownership, which provides the area and the open spaces required by this title, exclusive of all vehicular and pedestrian rights-of-way and all other easements that prohibit the surface use of the property of the owner thereof.
"Building site area"
means the entire project site, inclusive of all slopes, private streets, easements, and driveways. All areas of land bounded by the property lines of the project site are to be included in the building site area.
(Ord. 2011-968 § 1; Ord. 2014-1005 § 6; Ord. 2014-1011 § 6; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)
means any portable, demountable, or permanent cabin, room, enclosure, pool house, or similar structure erected, constructed or placed on a property and used in conjunction with a primary house or dwelling.
means a fixed roofed structure of any material either freestanding or connected to a building, or supported by columns or posts. Included within the meaning of this term are canopy, tent, lean-to, cabana or any structure with a roof cover or walls made of cloth, vinyl, flexible plastic, canvas or other similar material. Temporary car tents, patio umbrellas and children's play structures are not included within the meaning of the term.
"Caretakers quarters"
means a residence located on a premises with a main non-residential use and occupied only by a caretaker or guard employed on the premises, and his or her family.
means a permanent roofed structure with not more than two enclosed sides used or intended to be used for automobile storage for the occupants of the premises.
"Car tent"
means a temporary structure consisting of plastic, canvas or other similar material that is used primarily for sheltering vehicles. The term is not synonymous with the terms "canopy" or "carport" as defined above.
means a business, which prepares its food on-site to be served and consumed off-site. Catering does not include drive-through restaurants.
"Child day care center"
means a child day care facility operated by a person, corporation or association used primarily for the provision of daytime care, training or education of children at any location other than their normal place of residence. The terms, "preschool" and "nursery" are included within the meaning of "child day care center."
means a structure or portion of a structure that is used primarily for religious worship and related religious activities.
means the City of Yorba Linda.
means a place for medical services to human patients not involving the overnight housing of human patients.
means an association of persons (whether or not incorporated) for a common purpose, but not including groups organized solely or primarily to render a service as a business for profit.
"Coffee shop"
means a completely enclosed restaurant facility wherein the customers are served at a counter and/or tables.
"Co-generation plant"
means the production of electricity as a by-product of another use such as the use of heat from a manufacturing process to produce steam or the use of wind used in the generation of power or electricity. As used herein, the term means a use, which is incidental or accessory to another primary use.
"Commercial recreation"
means any use or activity where the primary intent is to provide amusement, pleasure or sport but which is operated for financial gain. It includes establishments where food and beverages are sold as an ancillary use, but does not include restaurants, nightclubs and cocktail lounges.
means the Planning Commission of the City of Yorba Linda.
"Common interest development"
means any of the following: (1) a community apartment project; (2) a condominium project; (3) a planned development; (4) a stock cooperative.
"Community apartment"
means a development in which an undivided interest in the land is occupied with the right of exclusive occupancy of an apartment located thereon. For the purposes of this chapter, community apartment will be subject to the same conditions and standards as condominiums.
"Community care facility"
means any facility, place or building that is maintained and operated to provide nonmedical residential care, day treatment, adult day care, or foster family agency services for children and/or adults, including, but not limited to, the physically handicapped, mentally impaired, incompetent persons, and abused or neglected children. Article 8 of Chapter 18.20 of this title contains a list of such facilities.
means an estate in real property consisting of an undivided interest in common in a portion of a parcel of real property, together with a separate interest in space in a residential, industrial or commercial building on such real property, such as an apartment, office or store. "Condominium" shall include townhouses.
"Condominium conversion"
means a change in ownership of a parcel or parcels of property, together with structures thereon, whereby the parcel or parcels and structures previously used as rental units are changed to condominium ownership.
"Condominium project"
means the entire parcel of real property, including all structures thereon, subdivided or to be subdivided for the purpose of converting existing structures to condominium units.
"Congregate living facility"
means the same as "convalescent home."
"Construction office"
means a temporary structure or a portion of an existing structure used as the primary management location for buildings or uses under construction.
"Contractor's yard"
means a base facility for contract construction services (building, electrical, plumbing, etc.), including administrative offices, and the storage of new, used or discarded lumber, building materials, equipment, scrap metals, and other items associated with the building trades, whether or not for purposes of sale.
"Convalescent home"
means a facility licensed by the State Department of Public Health, the State Department of Social Welfare, or the County of Orange, which provides bed and ambulatory care for patients with postoperative convalescent, chronically ill or dietary problems, and persons aged or infirmed unable to care for themselves; but not including alcoholics, drug addicts, or persons with mental or contagious diseases or affliction.
"Convenience store"
means any small retail establishment offering for sale prepackaged food products, beverages, household items, newspapers, magazines, sandwiches and/or other freshly prepared foods, such as salads for off-site consumption.
"Corporation yard"
means a storage and work area for public maintenance vehicles and equipment.
means the City Council of the City of Yorba Linda.
means the County of Orange.
"County Recorder"
means the County Recorder of the County of Orange.
(Ord. 2011-968 § 1; Ord. 2013-981 § 7; Ord. 2016-1019 § 4; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)
"Day care center"
means a facility that provides nonmedical care to children under 18 years of age in need of personal services, supervision, or assistance essential for sustaining the activities of daily living or for the protection of the individual on less than a 24-hour basis. Day care centers include employer-sponsored child care centers and family child day care homes.
means a platform, either freestanding or attached to a building, which is supported by pillars, posts, or walls. Decks may be covered by open lattice or solid roof structures, but are open on at least one side.
means the total number of dwelling units permitted on an acre or portion of an acre of land exclusive of all existing public streets and rights-of-way. For the purposes of this code, a "base acre" as defined above shall be the basis for determining density.
"Design flood"
means the flood against which protection is to be provided by means of land use regulation or flood protective or flood control works. When a Federal flood control project has been authorized, the design flood will be that defined by the cognizant agency. In all other cases, the design flood shall be either at the 100-year recurrence interval (base flood), or the standard project flood, whichever is determined applicable by the City Engineer.
"Detached (freestanding) sign"
means a ground sign with no form of support other than its own structural members.
means any manmade change to improved or unimproved property, including, but not limited to, buildings or other structures, mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation or drilling operations, or change in density or intensity of the use of land or any division of land.
means the Community Development Director of the City of Yorba Linda.
means a building intended or used principally for sleeping accommodations, where such building is related to an educational institution.
"Double-faced sign"
means a sign with two faces only, with each face oriented 180 degrees from the other.
"Drive-in/drive-through restaurant"
means a place of business that sells food products or beverages and which:
Delivers such food products or beverages to customers outside of the building in which they are prepared by means of a service window, counter, or similar method or device; or
Delivers such food products or beverages to customers within a building that is designed in such a manner that a majority of the customers will remove such food products or beverages from the building for consumption either on the premises or in the immediate vicinity.
means a vehicular passageway providing access from a public or private street to a structure or parking area, or in the case of residences, to a garage, carport, or legal parking space. Residential circular driveways are included in the definition provided that a portion of the driveway is designed in a manner to provide access to a garage, carport, or legal parking space.
means a building or portion thereof designed exclusively for residential occupancy.
"Dwelling group"
means two or more single-family, multiple dwellings, or boarding or rooming houses located on one lot.
"Dwelling, guest"
means living quarters within an accessory building for use exclusively by temporary non-paying guests of the resident family, such quarters having no cooking facilities or kitchen.
"Dwelling, multiple"
means a building containing two or more dwelling units or a combination of two or more separate single-family dwelling units on one lot, not including "accessory dwelling units" as defined in Section 18.04.020.
"Dwelling, single-family"
means a detached building designed primarily for the use of one family.
"Dwelling unit"
means one or more rooms and a single kitchen in a single-family dwelling, apartment house or hotel designed as a unit for occupancy by one family for living and sleeping purposes.
(Ord. 2011-968 § 1; Ord. 2016-1019 § 4; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)
means a portion of a lot which is reserved or used for utility rights-of-way, access or any public or private use, as indicated on a subdivision map, deed restriction or other recorded document.
"Emergency shelter"
means a facility that provides immediate and short-term housing and may offer supplemental services to homeless families and/or individuals on a first-come, first-serve basis where people must vacate the facility each morning and have no guaranteed bed for the next night. Supplemental services may include counseling, food, and access to social programs.
"Equestrian center."
See "Stable, commercial."
"Estate fencing"
means fencing on larger residential zoned parcels, primarily in R-A, RLD and R-E zones, which may be permitted to exceed maximum fence height within the front setback area.
(Ord. 2011-968 § 1; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)
means two or more persons living together as a single housekeeping unit in a single dwelling unit. Family also means the persons living together in a licensed residential facility as that term is defined in California Health and Safety Code Section 1502(a)(1), which serves six or fewer persons, excluding the licensee, the members of the licensee's family, and persons employed as facility staff who reside at the facility.
"Family day care facility"
means a facility as defined by Section 1596.750 of the California Health and Safety Code and which provides nonmedical care to children under 18 years of age in need of personal services, supervision, or assistance essential for sustaining the activities of daily living or for the protection of the individual on less than a 24-hour basis. The terms "day care facility," "child day care facility," and "child day care home" are included within the meaning of "family day care facility."
"Family day care facility, large"
means a facility consistent with Section 1596.78 of the California Health and Safety Code and which provides care, protection and supervision of nine to 14 children, including children under the age of 10 years who reside at the home on less than a 24-hour basis. "Child care facility" and "child care home" are included within the meaning of the term.
"Family day care facility, small"
means a facility that provides family day care for eight or fewer children, including children under the age of 10 years who reside at the home on less than a 24-hour basis. "Child care facility" and "child care home" are included within the meaning of the term.
means an area of land and its buildings used for growing crops and/or rearing animals, typically under the control of one owner or manager.
means a general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of normally dry land areas from:
The overflow of inland or tidal waters;
The unusual and rapid accumulation of runoff of surface waters from any source; and/or
Mudslides (i.e., mudflows) that are proximately caused or precipitated by accumulations of water on or under the ground.
"Flood hazard area"
means an area having special flood mudslides (i.e., mudflow) and/or flood-related erosion hazards, as shown on a Sectional District Map, Flood Insurance Rate Map (F.I.R.M.) or Flood Boundary and Floodway Map.
"Flood Insurance Rate Map (F.I.R.M.) and Flood Boundary and Floodway Map"
mean the official maps on which the Federal Insurance Administration has delineated both the areas of special flood hazards and the risk premium zones applicable to the community.
"Flood Insurance Study"
means the official report provided in which the Federal Insurance Administration has provided flood profiles, as well as the boundaries and the water surface elevations of the base flood.
means the land area adjacent to a watercourse, and/or other land areas susceptible to being inundated by water from any source (see definition of "flood").
"Flood-related erosion"
means the collapse or subsidence of land along the shore of a lake or other body of water as a result of erosion or undermining, caused by waves or currents of water exceeding anticipated cyclical levels or suddenly caused by an unusually high water level in a natural body of water, accompanied by a severe storm, or by an unanticipated force of nature, such as flash flood or by an abnormal tidal surge, or by some similarly unusual and unforeseeable event which results in flooding.
means the channel of a river or other watercourse and that part of the floodplain reasonably required to discharge the design flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more than one foot at any point assuming equal conveyance reduction outside the channel from the two sides of the floodplain.
"Floor area"
applies not only to the ground floor area, but also to any additional stories or basement of said structure, unless otherwise stated and is exclusive of exterior courts, carports, elevator shafts, light and stair wells. All horizontal dimensions shall be taken from the exterior faces of walls including enclosed porches.
"Floor area ratio"
means the ratio of building floor area to the lot area.
"Fortune telling"
means an activity or establishment involving the foretelling of the future or predicting and providing advice on or about future events for financial or other valuable consideration. Fortune telling includes uses where the fortune is told through astrology, palm reading, psychometry, card or tea reading, clairvoyance, crystal gazing, divination, magic mediumship, phrenology, prophecy, spiritual reading, or similar means. Fortune telling does not include advice or forecasting based on historical trends or given during licensed medical care.
means flying birds or poultry of any kind, either wild or domestic.
"Fueling facility"
means the same as "automobile service station."
(Ord. 2011-968 § 1; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)
"Garage, private"
means a detached building or a portion of a main building on the same lot for the parking and temporary storage of vehicles of the occupants of the premises.
"Garage, public"
means any garage other than a private garage.
"Garage, repair"
means a building other than a private garage used for the service and/or repair of vehicles and related equipment.
"Garage, storage"
means any premises used exclusively for the storage of vehicles.
"General Plan"
means the General Plan of the City of Yorba Linda, as amended from time to time, and shall consist of the General Plan Map and Document adopted by the City Council.
means the average level of the finished ground surfaces surrounding a building.
means to feed on growing grass and pasturage, as do cattle, sheep, etc.
means a building, room, or area, usually chiefly of glass, in which the temperature is maintained within a desired range, used for cultivating tender plants or growing plants out of season.
"Gross area"
means the total horizontal area within the lot lines of a lot or parcel of land before public streets, easements or other areas to be dedicated or reserved for public use are deducted from such lot or parcel.
"Guest house"
means an attached or detached accessory living quarter which has sanitary facilities, but no cooking facilities or kitchen, and which is used primarily for sleeping purposes by members of the family occupying the main residence and their non-paying guests or domestic employees.
"Guest room"
means a room that is designed to be occupied by one or more guests for sleeping purposes, and having no cooking facilities.
(Ord. 2011-968 § 1; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)
"Hardware store, large"
means a retail establishment 10,000 square feet and over in floor area that sells tools, equipment, building supplies, and landscaping supplies.
"Hardware store, small"
means a retail establishment under 10,000 square feet in floor area which sells tools, equipment, building supplies, and landscaping supplies.
"Health club."
See "Athletic club."
"High-rise building"
means a building or structure that exceeds 35 feet in height.
means a street shown as a freeway, major, primary, or secondary highway on the General Plan of the City.
"Home occupation"
means a business activity conducted in compliance with Article 2 of Chapter 18.20 of this title.
means the science and art of growing fruits, vegetables, flowers, or ornamental plants.
means an institution for the diagnosis, care and treatment of human illness, including surgery and primary treatment.
means a structure or portion thereof or a group of attached or detached structures containing completely furnished individual guest rooms or suites occupied on a transient basis for compensation.
(Ord. 2011-968 § 1; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)
"Ice machine"
means a permanent structure, intended for automatic operation in the vending of crushed, cube, and/or block ice in prepared package sizes.
means the manufacture, fabrication, processing, reduction or destruction of any article, substance or commodity, or any other treatment thereof in such a manner as to change the form, character, or appearance thereof, and including storage elevators, truck storage yards, warehouses, wholesale storage and other similar types of enterprise.
"Intermediate care facility"
means a facility with a capacity of four to 15 beds and is an intermediate care facility, a developmentally disabled care facility or a nursing facility as defined by the California Health and Safety Code Section 1250(e) and (h) respectively.
(Ord. 2011-968 § 1; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)
(Ord. 2011-968 § 1; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)
"Kennel, commercial"
means any property used for the purpose of boarding, breeding, raising or training dogs, cats, or other similar small animals such as miniature goats, miniature horses or pot-bellied pigs, over the age of four months, for a fee or for sale.
"Kennel, noncommercial"
means any property where a specified number of dogs, cats, or other similar small animals such as miniature goats, miniature horses, or pot-bellied pigs, over the age of four months are kept or maintained for the use and enjoyment of the occupant for noncommercial purposes. See Section 18.20.630 of this title for the specific numbers of animals considered to be a noncommercial kennel.
"Key lot"
means any lot where the side property line abuts the rear property line on one or more lots and where said lots are not separated by an alley or any other public way.
(Ord. 2011-968 § 1; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)
"Laboratory, analytical"
means a use in which products or machines are experimented, tested and analyzed.
"Laboratory, sample"
means a use or facility, either as a primary use or accessory use, in which sample material is tested and analyzed, usually related to medical or dental samples or products. Such facilities are typically operated as a medical office and entail patient visits.
"Large animals"
means and includes equine or cleft-hoofed animals and shall include such other animals described and assumed by their size, weight, and/or appearance to be large animals.
means a business premises equipped with individual clothes washing and drying machines either coin-operated or attendant-operated for the use of retail customers, except laundry facilities provided as an accessory use in an apartment house or an apartment hotel.
"Liquor store"
means retail shop that predominantly sells prepackaged alcoholic beverages intended to be consumed off the store's premises.
"Live entertainment"
means an amplified musical act (including karaoke), theatrical act (including stand-up comedy), play, revue, scene, dance act, or combination, performed by one or more persons, whether or not they are compensated for the performance, in a privately owned premises that is open to the public, whether or not admission is charged.
A parcel of real property with a separate and distinct number or other designation shown on a plat recorded in the office of the County Recorder; or
A parcel of real property delineated on an approved record of survey, parcel map or subdivision map as filed in the office of the County Recorder or in the office of the Planning Department, and abutting at least one public street or right-of-way, or easement determined by the Commission to be adequate for the purpose of access; or
A parcel of real property abutting at least one public street or right-of-way or easement determined by the Commission to be adequate for the purpose of access and held under separate ownership from abutting property at the time Orange County Ordinance No. 1477 became effective on May 24, 1962.
"Lot, corner"
means a lot located at the intersection or interception of two or more streets at an angle of not more than 135 degrees. If the angle is greater than 135 degrees, the lot shall be considered an "interior lot."
"Lot coverage"
means the ratio between the ground floor area underneath all solid roof structures and buildings located on the lot and the net area of the lot, exclusive of the ultimate street right-of-way.
"Lot depth"
means the average horizontal distance between the front and rear lot lines measured in the mean direction of the side lot lines.
"Lot, interior"
means a lot other than a corner or reverse corner lot.
"Lot line"
means any line bounding a lot as herein defined.
"Lot line, front"
On an interior lot, the "front lot line" is the property line abutting the street. On a corner or reverse corner lot, the front lot line is the shorter property line abutting a street, except in those cases where the subdivision or parcel map specifies another line as the front lot line. On a through lot or a lot with three or more sides abutting a street or a corner or reverse corner lot with lot lines of equal length, the Director shall determine which property line shall be the front lot line for the purposes of compliance with yard and setback provisions of this title.
"Lot line, interior"
means a lot line not abutting a street.
"Lot line, rear"
means a lot line not abutting a street that is opposite and most distant from the front lot line. In the case of an irregular-shaped lot (see Figure 18.04-1), a line within the lot, parallel to and at a maximum distance from the front lot line, having a length of not less than 10 feet. A lot that is bounded on all sides by streets may have no rear lot line.
Figure 18.04-1 Rear Lot Lines for Irregular Lots
"Lot line, side"
means any lot line not a front lot line or rear lot line.
"Lot, panhandle"
means a lot which utilizes a narrow strip as its means of providing vehicular access to the lot, provided that the narrowest portion of the lot shall have a minimum dimension of 20 feet at its narrowest point. The term includes "Flag lot."
"Lot, reverse corner"
means a corner lot, the side line of which is substantially a continuation of the front lot lines of the lot to its rear, whether across an alley or not.
"Lot, through"
means a lot having frontage on two dedicated parallel or approximately parallel streets.
"Lot width"
means the average horizontal distance between the side lot lines, measured at right angles to the lot depth at a point midway between the front and rear lot lines.
Figure 18.04-2 Lot Types
(Ord. 2011-968 § 1; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)
"Managed care facility"
means any of the following:
"Assisted living facility"
means a facility providing care on a monthly basis or longer which is the primary residence of the people served. Such facilities provide services to residents such as dining, medical, transportation and recreation. Any commercial services provided are for the exclusive use of the occupants of the facility. Such facilities may be located in more than one building and/or on contiguous parcels within the building site.
"Convalescent hospital"
means a facility licensed by the California Department of Health Services which provides bed and ambulatory care for seven or more patients with postoperative convalescent, chronic illness or dietary problems and persons unable to care for themselves, including persons undergoing psychiatric care and treatment both as inpatients and outpatients, but not including persons with contagious diseases or affliction. Convalescent hospitals include nursing homes, convalescent homes, rest homes or homes for the aged.
"Residential care facility for the elderly"
means those facilities as defined in Section 1569.2 of the California Health and Safety Code, including Alzheimer's care facilities.
"Manufactured home"
means a factory built, single-family structure that meets the National Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards Act and built after June 15, 1976 (42 U.S.C. Section 54010).
"Massage establishment"
means a fixed location where massage is performed for compensation, excluding those locations where massage is only performed on an out-call basis or as an accessory use.
"Medical marijuana dispensary"
shall include the terms "dispensing collective," "dispensing cooperative," "medical cannabis collective," "medical cannabis cooperative," "medical marijuana collective," "medical marijuana cooperative," or similar term, and shall mean any association, cooperative, affiliation, or collective of persons where "qualified patients" and/or "primary care givers" are organized to provide education, referral, or network services, and facilitate or assist in the distribution of medical marijuana. "Medical marijuana dispensary" also means any facility or location where the purpose is to dispense, provide, or otherwise make available marijuana, or any facility or location where the purpose is to dispense, provide, or otherwise make available marijuana as a medication that has been recommended by a physician, and where marijuana is made medically available to and/or distributed by or to primary caregivers and/or qualified patients in strict accordance with California Health and Safety Code Sections 11362.5 through 11362.83, inclusive. "Medical marijuana dispensary" also includes establishments from which marijuana is delivered to patients who cannot obtain it from a dispensary due to physical or mental disability, for medical purposes in compliance with Health and Safety Code Sections 11362.5 through 11362.83, inclusive. For the purposes of this title, the terms "primary caregiver," "qualified patient," and "person with an identification card" shall be as ascribed in Sections 11362.5 and 11362.7 of the California Health and Safety Code. "Medical marijuana dispensary" shall include the terms "dispensing collective," "dispensing cooperative," "medical cannabis collective," "medical cannabis cooperative," "medical marijuana collective," "medical marijuana cooperative," or similar term, and shall mean any association, cooperative, affiliation, or collective of persons where "qualified patients" and/or "primary care givers" are organized to provide education, referral, or network services, and facilitate or assist in the distribution of medical marijuana. "Medical marijuana dispensary" also means any facility or location where the purpose is to dispense, provide, or otherwise make available marijuana, or any facility or location where the purpose is to dispense, provide, or otherwise make available marijuana as a medication that has been recommended by a physician, and where marijuana is made medically available to and/or distributed by or to primary caregivers and/or qualified patients in strict accordance with California Health and Safety Code Sections 11362.5 through 11362.83, inclusive. "Medical marijuana dispensary" also includes establishments from which marijuana is delivered to patients who cannot obtain it from a dispensary due to physical or mental disability, for medical purposes in compliance with Health and Safety Code Sections 11362.5 through 11362.83, inclusive. For the purposes of this title, the terms "primary caregiver," "qualified patient," and "person with an identification card" shall be as ascribed in Sections 11362.5 and 11362.7 of the California Health and Safety Code.
"Membership store/warehouse"
means a retail or wholesale establishment that sells goods in bulk quantities. Membership stores/warehouses are typically large in size, consisting of 50,000 or more square feet in floor area.
means any storage facility in which individual units are rented to the public. The term includes "self storage facility."
"Mobile home"
means a movable or transportable vehicle, other than a motor vehicle, designed as a permanent structure intended for human habitation and having no foundation other than jacks, piers, wheels, or skirtings. Mobile homes also include factory-built homes prior to June 15, 1976.
"Mobile home park"
means any area or tract of land where two or more mobile home spaces are rented or leased or held out for rent or lease to accommodate mobile homes used for human habitation.
"Mobile home space"
means a plot of ground within a mobile home park designed for the accommodation of one mobile home.
"Model home complex"
means dwelling units temporarily used for display purposes as an example of dwelling units available or to be available for sale or rent in a particular subdivision or other residential development approved by the City. Model homes may also incorporate sales or rental offices for dwellings within the development.
means the same as "hotel."
(Ord. 2011-968 § 1; Ord. 2013-981 § 8; Ord. 2014-1008 § 2; Ord. 2016-1019 § 4; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)
"Net acre"
means all land within a given area or project including residential lots, interior local streets, and other open space which directly serves the residents of the project; but exclusive of all exterior collector streets and other easements which primarily serves the community at large.
"Nonconforming building"
means a building or portion thereof which was lawful when established but which does not conform to the provisions of this title.
"Nonconforming lot"
means a lot, the area, frontage or dimensions of which do not conform to the provisions of this title.
"Nonconforming use"
means a use lawful when established but which does not conform to the provisions of this title.
means a place where young plants and trees are grown for sale or for planting elsewhere.
(Ord. 2011-968 § 1; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)
"Outdoor advertising"
means and includes the definitions of "sign."
(Ord. 2011-968 § 1; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)
means the extension of the main walls of a building above the roof level (see Figure 18.04-3).
Figure 18.04-3 Parapet
"Patio cover"
means a roofed structure, either with the overhead cover partially open or solid, at least two sides of which are open, and is either attached to the main structure or freestanding.
"Planned development (PD)"
means commercial, residential, industrial and other land uses, either singularly or in combination, together with related land, buildings and structures, planned and developed as a whole in a single development operation or a programmed series of operations in accordance with detailed, comprehensive plans encompassing such elements as the circulation pattern and parking facilities, open space, utilities, and lots or building sites, together with a program for provision, operation and maintenance of all areas, improvements, facilities and services provided for common use of the residents thereof.
means the roofed or covered structure over the front entrance to a building.
(Ord. 2011-968 § 1; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)
(Ord. 2011-968 § 1; Ord. 2016-1019 § 4; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)
means a large farm where cattle or other animals are bred and raised.
"Reception window"
means the area within the direct line between a satellite antenna and those orbiting or fixed-space communications satellites or similar devices.
"Recreational court"
means any hardscape area used primarily for recreational purposes, including, but not limited to, tennis courts, handball courts, basketball courts, batting cages constructed of permanent materials, racquetball courts, and skateboard ramps, but excluding pools, and driveways used primarily for access to a garage.
"Recreation facility"
means a use or activity where the primary intent is to provide amusement, pleasure or sport.
"Recreational vehicle"
means any vehicle or trailer designed and used for temporary or emergency human habitation, including motorhomes, travel trailers, and pick-up trucks with camper shells; components or accessories to a vehicle designed and used for temporary habitation, such as camper shells; boats and other watercraft; vehicles not permitted for street use, such as dune buggies and off-road motorcycles; and all vehicles designed to transport other recreational vehicles and other utility trailers.
"Recyclable material"
means reusable material including, but not limited to, metals, glass, plastic and paper, which are intended for reuse, remanufacture, or reconstitution for the purpose of using the altered form. Recyclable material does not include refuse or hazardous materials.
"Recycling centers"
means and includes recycling facility, collection facility, processing facility, reverse vending machine(s) and mobile recycling unit as those terms are defined within this chapter.
"Recycling collection facility"
means a center for the acceptance by donation, redemption, or purchase of, recyclable materials from the public. Such a facility does not use power-driven processing equipment except as indicated in Chapter 18.32 of this title. Collection facilities may include the following:
Reverse vending machine(s);
Small recycling collection facilities which occupy an area of not more than 500 square feet and may include:
A mobile unit,
Bulk reverse vending machines or a grouping of reverse vending machines occupying more than 50 square feet,
Kiosk type units which may include permanent structures, and
Unattended roll-off containers placed for the donation of recyclable materials;
Large recycling collection facilities that may occupy an area of more than 500 square feet and may include permanent structures.
"Recycling collection facility, certified"
means a recycling facility certified by the California Department of Conservation as meeting the requirements of the California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act of 1986. A recycling facility does not include storage containers or processing activity located on the premises of a residential, commercial, or manufacturing use and used solely for the recycling of material generated by that residential property, business or manufacturer. Recycling facilities may include the facilities set out in the definitions of "recycling collection facility" and "recycling processing facility."
"Recycling processing facility"
means a building or enclosed space used for the collection and processing of recycled materials. Processing means the preparation of material for efficient shipment, or to an enduser's specification, by such means as baling, briquetting, compacting, flattening, grinding, crushing, mechanical sorting, shredding, cleaning, and remanufacturing. Processing facility includes the following:
A light processing facility occupies an area of under 45,000 square feet of gross collection, processing and storage area and has up to an average of two outbound truck shipments per day. Light processing facilities are limited to baling, briquetting, crushing, compacting, grinding, shredding and sorting or source-separated recyclable materials sufficient to qualify as a certified processing facility. A light processing facility shall not shred, compact or bale ferrous metals other than food and beverage containers.
A heavy processing facility is any processing facility other than a light processing facility.
"Recycling unit, mobile"
means an automobile, truck, trailer or van, licensed by the Department of Motor Vehicles that is used for the collection of recyclable materials. A mobile recycling unit also means the bins, boxes or containers transported by trucks, vans, or trailers and used for the collection of recyclable materials.
"Rehabilitation facility"
means a community care residential facility that provides 24-hour nonmedical services to adults, including nonmedical alcoholism or drug abuse recovery, treatment, or detoxification services.
"Religious institution"
means religious facilities operated by organizations for worship or the promotion of religious activities, including churches, mosques, synagogues, temples, etc., and religious schools. Other establishments maintained by religious organizations, including full-time educational institutions, hospitals and other potentially related operations (i.e., a recreational camp) are classified according to their respective activities.
"Rental housing development"
means a structure or set of structures with common financing, ownership and management, and which collectively contain five or more dwelling units. No more than one of the dwelling units may be occupied as a primary residence by a person or household who is the owner of the structure or structures. (Health and Safety Code Section 50675.2.)
"Residential care facility for the elderly"
means a community care facility, licensed by the State, providing residential health care to elderly persons who reside as a family unit or in a group setting, whether such persons are ambulatory or not.
means any establishment serving prepared foods which are intended for on-premises consumption. If 25 percent or more of the gross floor area including outdoor dining area is designed for seating/dining areas, the use shall be classified as a restaurant.
"Retail food"
means businesses where food is prepared and sold for off-premises consumption. If less than 25 percent of the gross floor area including outdoor dining area is designated for seating/dining area, the use shall be classified as retail food. Typical uses which may be classified as either retail food or restaurant, depending on the 25 percent floor area criterion, include: coffee house/tea house, donut/bagel shop, pizza store, ice cream shop and other similar fast food establishments.
"Retail trade"
a business primarily engaged in the selling or offering for sale of merchandise or services directly to the general public for personal or household consumption or use but not for resale.
"Reverse vending machines(s)"
mean(s) an automated mechanical device which accepts at least one or more types of empty beverage containers including, but not limited to, aluminum cans, glass and plastic bottles, and issues a cash refund or redeemable credit slip with a value not less than the container's minimum redemption value as determined by the State in accordance with Section 14560 et seq., of the California Public Resources Code, commonly known as the California Beverage Container Recycling and Letter Reduction Act. A reverse vending machine may sort and process containers mechanically provided that the entire process is enclosed within the machine. In order to accept and temporarily store all three containers types in proportion commensurate with their relative redemption rates as to meet the requirements of certification as a recycling facility, multiple grouping of reverse vending machines may be necessary. A bulk reverse vending machine is a reverse vending machine that is larger than 50 square feet; is designed to accept more than one container at a time; and will pay by weight instead of by container.
Riding club.
See "Stable, commercial."
(Ord. 2011-968 § 1; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)
"Satellite antenna"
means any antenna used to receive and/or transmit radio or television signals from orbiting or fixed-in space communication satellites or other similar devices designed to transmit and receive signals.
"Satellite receiving antenna diameter"
means the diameter of a satellite antenna measured by a line bisecting the dish shaped antenna extending from the outer edge on one side to the outer edge on the site side.
"School/educational institution"
means a public or private institution conducting regular academic instructions at Kindergarten, elementary, secondary, collegiate levels, and including graduate schools, universities, research institutions and religious institutions. Such institutions must either:
Offer general academic instruction equivalent to the standards prescribed by the State Board of Education; or
Confer degrees as a college or university or undergraduate or graduate standing; or
Conduct research; or
Give religious instructions.
"Self storage facility."
See "Mini-warehouse."
"Service stations"
means the same as "automobile service station."
"Setback line, front yard"
means the line that defines the depth of the required front yard. Said setback line extends across the full width of the lot, and shall be parallel with the street line or the line established by the General Plan.
"Setback line, rear yard or side yard"
means the line that defines the width or depth of the required rear or side yard. Said setback line shall be parallel with the property line, removed therefrom by the perpendicular distance prescribed for the yard in the zone. Where the side or rear yard abuts a street, the distance shall be measured as set forth in the "setback line, front yard."
means any notice or advertisement, pictorial or otherwise, used as an outdoor display or visible from outside a building for the purpose of advertising the property or the establishment or enterprise, including goods and services, upon which the sign is exhibited, or for use for off-site directional purposes, or otherwise designed to communicate information. This definition shall not include official notices issued by any court or public body or officer or directional warning or information sign or structures required by or authorized by law.
"Single-room occupancy building"
means any dwelling or part thereof designed or used primarily for singleroom occupancy, containing five or more single-room living units, and which is occupied by the same tenants for an uninterrupted period of not less than one month.
"Single-room occupancy unit" or "SRO"
is a room used or intended to be used as a residential housekeeping unit by not more than two occupants for living and sleeping, with or without cooking facilities, that contains not more than one habitable room consisting of not more than 250 square feet of floor area excluding from the calculation of floor area any kitchen having less than 70 square feet of floor area.
"Site plan"
means a plan, prepared to scale, showing accurately and with complete dimensioning, all of the buildings, structures and uses and the exact manner of development proposed for a specific parcel of land.
"Small diameter satellite antenna"
means a satellite antenna with a satellite receiving antenna diameter of 18 inches or less.
"Site plan"
means a plan, prepared to scale, showing accurately and with complete dimensioning, all of the buildings, structures and uses and the exact manner of development proposed for a specific parcel of land.
"Small animals"
means poultry, rabbits, domestic, and those other such comparable-sized animals distinguished from those described as large animals.
"Solar energy system"
means an accessory structure, including any solar collector or other solar energy device, whose primary purpose is to provide for the collection, storage and distribution of solar energy for space heating or cooling, or for water heating; or any structural design feature of a building whose primary purpose is to provide for the collection, storage, and distribution of solar energy for space heating or cooling, or for water heating.
"Specified anatomical areas."
See Section 18.20.410.
"Specified sexual activities."
See Section 18.20.410.
"Stable, commercial"
means a stable for horses, mules or ponies that are rented, used or boarded on a commercial basis for compensation.
"Stable, private"
means an accessory building for the keeping of horses, mules or ponies owned by the occupants of the premises and not rented, used or boarded on a commercial basis for compensation.
means the State of California.
means that portion of a building included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the floor next above it, or if there is no floor above it, then the space between such floor and the ceiling next above it.
means a public thoroughfare or right-of-way or approved private thoroughfare or right-of-way determined by the Commission to be adequate for the purpose of access, which affords the principal means of access for abutting property including avenue, place, way, drive, land, boulevard, highway, road and any other thoroughfare, except as excluded in this title. The word "street" shall include all major and secondary highways, traffic collector streets and local streets.
"Structural alteration"
means any change in or alteration to a structure involving a bearing wall, column, beam or girder, floor or ceiling joists, roof rafters, roof diaphragms, foundations, piles, retaining walls, or similar components.
means a combination of materials to form a construction for use, occupancy, or ornamentation whether installed on, above, or below the surface of land or water or affixed to a building. Structures include swimming or wading pools, spas and covered patios, but do not include paved areas, walkways, flat portions of tennis courts and similar outdoor areas, and further excepting fences or walls three feet or less in height.
means the division of a lot, tract, or parcel of land into two or more lots, tracts, or parcels of land for sale, lease or finance purposes. For the purposes of the sign regulations contained in Chapter 18.24, subdivision shall also mean those lots and/or dwelling units within a specified geographical area and for which a sales office and/or model home complex has been established.
"Supporting structures"
means poles, masts, bases, guy wires, eyelets, and any and all other appurtenances to satellite antennas whether used to anchor the antenna, enhance reception, or any other use whatsoever.
"Supportive housing"
is housing with no limit on length of stay, that is occupied by the target population, and that is linked to onsite or offsite services that assist the supportive housing resident in retaining the housing, improving his or her health status, and maximizing his or her ability to live and, when possible, work in the community. (Health and Safety Code Section 50675.14.)
(Ord. 2011-968 § 1; Ord. 2011-971 § 2; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)
"Target population"
is defined as persons with low incomes having one or more disabilities, including mental illness, HIV or AIDS, substance abuse, or other chronic health conditions, or individuals eligible for services provided under the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act (Division 4.5 (commencing with Section 4500) of the Welfare and Institutions Code) and may include, among other populations, adults, emancipated youth, families, families with children, elderly persons, young adults aging out of the foster care system, individuals exiting from institutional settings, veterans, and homeless people. (Health and Safety Code Section 50675.14(b)(3).)
"Tattoo parlor"
means a business that provides body art both permanent and temporary and includes body piercing.
"Temporary structure"
means a structure without any foundation or footings and that is removed when the designated time period, activity, or use for which the temporary structure was erected has ceased.
"Temporary use"
means a use established for a limited duration with the intent to discontinue such use upon the expiration of the time period.
"Tenant identification"
when used in conjunction with a center identification sign means the name of a business, services or product and may include a business logo.
"Thrift store"
means any retail commercial facility in which at least 50 percent of the gross receipts are from the sale of used merchandise.
"Transitional housing"
means buildings configured as rental housing developments, but operated under program requirements that call for the termination of assistance and recirculation of the assisted unit to another eligible program recipient at some predetermined future point in time, which shall be no less than six months. (Health and Safety Code Section 50675.2.)
means a type of children's play structure constructed among the branches, around or next to the trunk of one or more mature trees, and which is raised above the ground. Treehouses are supported by the branches and/or trunk of a tree only.
(Ord. 2011-968 § 1; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)
means the purpose for which land or a building is arranged, designed, or intended, or for which either land or building is or may be legally occupied or maintained.
"Used car sales"
means sale of previously owned vehicles in which 50 percent or more of the gross receipts are for such vehicles.
(Ord. 2011-968 § 1; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)
"Vehicle, commercial"
means any vehicle which fits the definition of commercial vehicle set forth in California Vehicle Code Section 260, Special Construction Equipment, California Vehicle Code Section 565, and Truck Tractor, California Vehicle Code Section 655, as amended from time to time, or any successor provisions thereof.
"Veterinary hospital/clinic."
See "Animal hospital."
(Ord. 2011-968 § 1; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)
means the use of a building or buildings for the storage of goods of any type, when such building or buildings contain more than 500 square feet of storage space and where no retail operation is conducted.
means the selling of any type of goods for purposes of resale.
(Ord. 2011-968 § 1; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)
(Ord. 2011-968 § 1; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)
means any open space on the same lot with a building or dwelling group, which open space is unoccupied and unobstructed except for the projections permitted by this title.
"Yard, front"
means a space between the front yard setback line and the front lot line or future street line, and extending the full width of the lot.
"Yard, rear"
means the space between the rear yard setback line and the rear lot line, extending the full width of the lot.
"Yard, side"
means a space extending from the front yard, or from the front yard lot line where no front yard is required by this title, to the rear yard, or rear lot line, between a side lot line and the side yard setback line.
(Ord. 2011-968 § 1; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)
"Zoning Ordinance" or "ordinance"
means the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Yorba Linda.
(Ord. 2011-968 § 1; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)