The special housing (SH) combining zone is intended to encourage special housing types that warrant special development standards.
With respect to senior citizen housing, the objectives of this Article are:
Facilitate development of areas suitable for senior citizen residential use.
Recognize the special needs of a senior citizen residential development as distinguished from other type residential development.
The regulations as they pertain to senior housing are further intended to provide for the opportunity to combine the (SH) zone with any other zone if the City deems it to be in the public interest.
(Ord. 2004-884; Ord. 2011-968 § 10; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)
Planned senior residential developments when constructed in conjunction with an approved Federal, State, or local program found to be in the public interest, and when at least one occupant in each unit is 62 years of age or older. The City may upon specific request approve the inclusion of facilities for the handicapped. Such developments shall be subject to approval of a conditional use permit unless classified as affordable units, in which case, the project shall be subject to design review.
Accessory uses or structures incidental to the permitted use.
Any use permitted by the underlying zone when the Planning Commission and/or City Council determine that both uses are compatible and within the intent of both the underlying zone and the special housing (SH) zone.
(Ord. 2004-884; Ord. 2011-968 § 11; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)
Eligibility. To be eligible for the property development standards set forth in subsection C of this section, the developer must meet the applicable provisions of Government Code Section 65915, including that the developer proposes to construct a housing project containing at least 50 percent of the units for senior citizens. The term "senior citizen" as used herein shall have the same meaning as set forth in Civil Code Section 51.3(b)(1) and shall mean a person 62 years of age or older, or 55 years of age or older in a "senior citizen housing development." The term "senior citizen housing development" as used herein shall have the same meaning as set forth in Civil Code Section 51.3(B)(4) and shall mean a residential development consisting of at least 35 dwelling units, which is developed for, or substantially rehabilitated for, senior citizens.
(Ord. 2004-884; Ord. 2011-968 § 12; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)
The following development requirements shall apply to all senior citizen developments:
General Requirements.
The senior citizen development shall be designed and developed in a manner compatible with and complementary to existing and potential development in the immediate vicinity of the project site. Site planning on the perimeter shall provide for the protection of the property from adverse surrounding influences as well as protection of the surrounding areas from potentially adverse influences within the development.
All exceptions that apply under State and Federal law for residents under age 62 shall also apply under this article.
Specific development standards. The specific site development requirements outlined in Table 18.18-1 shall apply to a senior citizen development in any overlay zone. The requirements are minimum unless otherwise stated. In the event that the underlying zone has more restrictive setback requirements, then the more restrictive requirement shall govern.
Table 18.18-1
Minimum site area
2 acres
Minimum lot size
Minimum front yard setback
20 ft.
Minimum side yard setback, interior
10 ft.
Minimum side yard setback, street
20 ft.
Minimum rear yard setback
20 ft.
Minimum space between buildings
10 ft.
Maximum building height1
35 ft.
Maximum density
25 units/net acre
Maximum site coverage
Minimum dwelling unit size
Floor area to be determined by a conditional use permit.
Minimum parking spaces per unit
As required by conditional use permit.
Senior citizen or handicapped; at least one occupant per unit is 62 years of age or older.
Or as otherwise approved by the Planning Commission in conjunction with a conditional use permit or design review.
Open Space.
Required open space shall comprise at least 20 percent of the total area of the planned development. Land occupied by buildings, street, driveways or parking spaces may not be counted in satisfying this open space requirement; provided however, that land occupied by recreational buildings and structures may be counted as required open space.
All or any part of the required open space shall be reserved for use in common by the residents of the development. The Planning Commission may require that open space easements over the required open space be conveyed to the City.
Each building shall be surrounded on all sides by relatively level open space having a slope no greater than 10 percent and extending a minimum distance of 10 feet in all directions measured from the furthest projection of the external walls of the building.
Setback Adjacent to Streets and Common Areas. No building, except as hereafter provided, shall be located closer than five feet from any interior vehicular or pedestrian way, trail, court, plaza, open parking lot or any other surfaced area reserved for public use or for use in common by residents of the development. Such setback shall generally be measured from the nearest edge of a surfaced area; provided, however, that where no sidewalk exists in conjunction with a public or private street, such setback shall be measured from the nearest edge of the street right-of-way or private road easement.
Streets. All public streets within or abutting the proposed development shall be dedicated and improved to City specification for the particular classification of street. When the developer desires to retain any streets within the development as private streets, such streets shall be permanently reserved and maintained for their intended purpose by means acceptable to the Planning Commission and the City Attorney. Other forms of access, such as pedestrian ways, courts, plazas, driveways or open parking lots shall not be offered for dedication.
Accessory Uses and Structures. Accessory uses and structures shall be located as specified on the development plans as approved by the Planning Commission; provided, however, that accessory structures shall meet all of the setbacks for site development as specified in Section 18.18.040.
Signs. No sign or outdoor advertising structure shall be permitted except as prescribed in Chapter 18.24.
(Ord. 2004-884; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)
Prior to submitting an application for a senior housing development, the applicant or prospective developer should hold preliminary consultations with the Community Development Department and other City staff to obtain information and guidance before entering into binding commitments incurring substantial expense in the preparation of plans, surveys and other data. Such preliminary consultations should be relative to Federal, State, and local program requirements in guaranteeing the project's consistency with the objective of this combining zone. Additionally, during the pre-application process, the developer should be prepared to discuss any requests for incentives and/or a density bonus.
(Ord. 2004-884; Ord. 2011-968 § 13; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)
An application for a senior housing development must be for a parcel or parcels of land which is under the control of the person, corporation, or entity proposing the development. The application shall be accompanied by the following plan and maps:
A boundary survey map of the property or if the applicant proposes to subdivide the property, a subdivision map in compliance with Chapter 17.08.
Topography of the property and the preliminary proposed finished grade shown at contour intervals of not to exceed two feet.
The gross land area of the development, the present zoning classification and land use of the area surrounding the proposed development, including the location of structures and other improvements.
A general development plan with at least the following details shown to scale and dimensions:
Location of each existing and each proposed structure in the development area, the use or uses to be contained therein, the number of stories, gross building and floor areas, approximate location of entrances thereof;
All streets, curb cuts, driving lanes, parking areas, public transportation points and illumination facilities for the same;
All pedestrian walks, malls and open areas for use of occupants and members of the public;
Location and height of all walls, fences and screen planting, including a detailed plan for the landscaping of the development and the method by which such landscaping is to be accomplished;
Types of surfacing, such as paving or turfing to be used at various locations;
A preliminary grading plan of the area.
Plans and elevations of building and structures sufficient to indicate the architectural style and construction standards.
The proposed means for assuring the continuing existence, maintenance and operation of the project as an affordable housing project.
Such other information as may be required by the Community Development Director to allow for a complete analysis and appraisal of the planned development.
(Ord. 2004-884; Ord. 2011-968 § 14; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)
All development within the (SH) zone shall comply substantially with the site plans as approved by the design review or conditional use permit. Any modification shall be as prescribed in 18.36.275.
(Ord. 2004-884; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)