The historic (H) combining zone is included in the zoning regulations
to achieve the following objectives:
A. To
recognize, preserve and protect historically significant structures,
sites, and features that reflect elements of the City's heritage.
B. To
encourage public knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the
City's past.
C. To
strengthen civic and neighborhood pride and sense of identity based
on the recognition and use of historic resources.
D. To
enhance the visual and aesthetic character, and aesthetic appeal of
the City.
E. To
assure that new construction and subdivision of lots in the historic
combining zone district are compatible with the character of the historic
resources in the district.
F. To
identify and resolve conflicts between preservation of historic resources
and alternative land uses.
G. To
encourage historic preservation, property maintenance and enhancement
in the Town Center area.
H. To
implement the goals and policies found in the historic resources element
of the General Plan.
(Ord. 2004-884; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)
The historic combining zone district is an overlay district
that may be applied to a property or group of properties by ordinance
of the City Council. The zoning map will identify the historic combining
zone district as an
(H) after the underlying zone district. Requirements of this
section shall be considered in conjunction with the requirements of
the underlying district, if a conflict exists between the requirements
of the underlying district and this section, the requirements of this
section shall apply.
(Ord. 2004-884; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)
Any structure, site, district, or natural feature may be designated
as part of the Historic combining zone district by the City Council
if it meets one or more the following criteria:
A. It
exemplifies or reflects special elements of the City's cultural, architectural,
aesthetic, social, economic, political, or artistic heritage; or
B. It
is identified with persons, a business use or events significant in
local, state, or national history; or
C. It
embodies distinctive characteristics of style, type, period, or method
of construction, or is a valuable example of the use of indigenous
materials or craftsmanship; or
D. It
is representative of the notable work of a builder, designer, or architect;
E. Its
unique location or singular physical characteristic represents an
established and familiar visual feature of a neighborhood, community
or the City; or
F. Its
integrity as a natural environment or feature strongly contributes
to the well being of residents of the City or the well being of a
neighborhood within the City; or
G. It
is a geographically definable area possessing a concentration or continuity
of site, buildings, structures or objects as unified by past events
or aesthetically by plan or physical development.
(Ord. 2004-884; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)
The Historic combining zone district shall be established by the City Council through the same procedures as a change in zoning as described in Article 7 of Chapter
18.36 of this title. However, any person may request that the historic combining zone be applied to a structure, site, district, or natural feature by submitting an application for such designation to the Community Development Department. The Planning Commission shall conduct a study of the proposed designation and make a preliminary determination based on such documentation as it may require as to its appropriateness for consideration. The study shall be completed within 180 days of receipt of the application. If the Planning Commission determines that the application merits consideration, but only if it so determines, it shall make a recommendation to the City Council, and the City Council shall decide whether or not to proceed with the zone change. No permits for alteration, demolition or removal of any improvements, building or structure within the proposed historic combining zone district shall be issued while the public hearing or any appeal related thereto is pending.
(Ord. 2004-884; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)
A. A conditional
use permit shall be required prior to:
1. New
construction and/or alteration of the exterior features of a building
or site within a designated historic combining zone district, or alteration
of a historic resource within a (H) zone, requiring a City building
permit. A conditional use permit shall not be required for minor accessory
structures such as tool sheds and swimming pools, subject to a determination
by the Community Development Director that such structures are minor
accessory structures.
2. Demolition
or removal of any historic resource or of any improvements in a Historic
combining zone district.
3. A
conditional use permit shall not be required for the following: (a)
ordinary maintenance or repairs that do not involve a change in design,
exterior material or original appearance of an improvement; nor (b)
any construction, reconstruction, alteration or removal of any feature
which has been determined and certified by the Building Official to
be necessary to protect the public health or safety due to an unsafe
or dangerous condition.
B. Procedures for applying for a conditional use permit shall be the same as described in Article 3 of Chapter
C. Required
Findings for Construction or Alteration. The following findings are
required for issuance of a conditional use permit for the alteration
of a historic resource, or for construction of improvements within
the historic combining zone district. No conditional use permit shall
be issued if the findings cannot be made. For work on an Historic
resource in an historic district, the required findings for both the
resource and district shall be made.
1. Alteration
of a Designated Historic Resource.
a. The proposed work will not detrimentally alter, destroy or adversely
affect the resource and, in the case of a structure, is compatible
with the architectural style of the existing structure.
b. The proposed modification will retain the essential elements that
make the structure, site or feature significant.
2. Construction
of Improvements in the Historic District.
a. The proposed work conforms to the municipal code and design standards
that may be established from time to time by the Planning Commission.
b. The proposed work does not adversely affect the character of the
district or historic resources within the district.
c. The proposed work is harmonious with existing surroundings. The extent
of harmony shall be evaluated in terms of appropriateness of materials,
scale, size, height, placement and use of a new building or structure
in relationship to existing buildings and structures and the surrounding
D. Required
Findings and Additional Permit Procedures for Demolition, Removal,
or Relocation of Historic Structures.
1. A
conditional use permit for the demolition of a historic resource shall
not be approved unless the Planning Commission, or on appeal, the
City Council finds that one or more of the following conditions exist:
a. The structure/site is a hazard to public health or safety and repairs
or stabilization are not physically possible; or
b. The site is required for public use that will be of more benefit
to the public than the historic resource, and there is no feasible
alternative location for the public use; or
c. Reconstruction or restoration is not economically feasible or practical.
2. No
person shall carry out or cause to be carried out any demolition,
removal or relocation of a historic resource or structure within a
historic district without first receiving a demolition or relocation
permit from the City. Such permit shall not be issued until after
a conditional use permit has been approved by the Planning Commission
or by the City Council on appeal.
E. The
requirements of this section shall not apply to any publicly-owned
(Ord. 2004-884; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)
A. Permitted
1. All
uses shall be permitted in the Historic combining zone district as
are authorized in the underlying residential zone district.
2. The
City Council may also permit other non-listed uses that support the
purposes of the district as a conditional use following a public hearing
and recommendation by the Planning Commission.
B. Site
Development Standards.
1. The
site development standards shall be the same as those in the underlying
residential zone district.
2. The
City Council, either independently or upon recommendation by the Planning
Commission, may authorize alternative development standards that support
the integrity of the historic character of the resource or district
in question through review of a conditional use permit for improvements
to a historic resource or improvements in a historic district.
(Ord. 2004-884; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)
A. Permitted
Uses. All uses shall be permitted in the historic combining zone district
as are authorized in the underlying commercial district. The City
Council may also permit other non-listed uses that support the purposes
of the district as a conditional use following a public hearing and
recommendation by the Planning Commission.
B. Site
Development Standards. The site development standards shall be the
same as those in the underlying commercial zone district with the
following exceptions:
1. The
front building setback may be established at the property line except
for corner properties requiring sight clearance, in which case the
setback shall be to the approval of the City Engineer.
2. On-site
parking requirements may be modified under any one or a combination
of the following provisions:
a. On-site parking requirements may be waived upon the presentation
to the City of a long-term lease, running with and as a condition
of the business license, for private off-site parking accommodations
within 500 feet of the business or activity to be served.
b. All or a portion of required number of parking spaces may be satisfied
by depositing with the City an amount determined by the City Council,
to be used for public parking accommodations within the area.
(Ord. 2004-884; Ord. 2019-1056 § 3)