The following sign standards have been established for residential districts and for public land and open space that is directly adjacent to a residential district.
Home Occupation. Each single-family or duplex dwelling unit with a permitted home occupation per section 4.7-165 of the Springfield Development Code is allowed one non-illuminated wall sign of not more than one and one-half square feet.
Multifamily, Mobile Home Parks, Day Care Facilities, Subdivisions, Group Care Facilities and Bed and Breakfast Facilities. Each multiple-family dwelling complex, mobile home park, adult day care or child care center, residential subdivision, group care facility, and bed and breakfast facility shall be allowed one wall sign or freestanding sign at each public vehicular entrance of not more than eight square feet for one face or 16 square feet total sign area. The maximum height for freestanding signs shall be five feet above grade. The maximum height for wall signs shall be 20 feet above grade, provided that in no case shall a wall sign extend above the building wall. Internally-illuminated signs are prohibited.
Non-Residential Professional Offices. Each property shall be limited to one freestanding sign and one wall sign. The freestanding sign shall be a maximum of 16 square feet for one face and 32 square feet total for two or more faces. The wall sign shall be a maximum of 16 square feet. Freestanding signs or wall signs shall not be more than eight feet above grade. Each detached building shall be permitted one additional wall sign not to exceed eight square feet. Internally-lighted signs are prohibited.
Institutional Uses. Each property containing a permitted church, school, park or other institutional use shall be limited to a maximum of three wall signs not to exceed a combined area of 80 square feet, and two freestanding signs not to exceed a combined area of 40 square feet. Freestanding signs or wall signs shall not be more than eight feet above grade. Each detached building shall be permitted one additional wall sign not to exceed eight square feet. Internally-lighted signs are prohibited.
[Section 8.240 amended by Ordinance No. 6008, enacted March 18, 2002; further amended by Ordinance No. 6114, enacted February 7, 2005; further amended by Ordinance No. 6276, enacted March 19, 2012; further amended by Ordinance No. 6389, enacted October 15, 2018]
The size, color, design, material, and location of all signs within the Historic Overlay District shall comply with the standards in section 3.3-900 of the Springfield Development Code. The addition or alteration of a sign shall be reviewed by the historic commission at the time of any major or minor alteration to a historic landmark structure.
Historic Landmark Plaques. Standards for the design, size, material, placement and content of historic house plaques shall be approved by the historic commission and kept on file with the development services director.
Special Use Signage. For uses identified in the Springfield Development Code, section 3.3-935.B, one of the following shall be permitted:
One freestanding or wall sign of not more than eight square feet for one face and 16 square feet for two faces where frontage exists on a collector or an arterial street. One freestanding or wall sign of not more than four square feet for one face and eight square feet for two faces where frontage exists along a local street.
A freestanding sign shall not exceed five feet in height and a wall sign shall be no more than 20 feet above grade.
In addition, an entrance identification sign of not more than one and one-half square feet shall be permitted.
[Section 8.242 amended by Ordinance No. 6389, enacted October 15, 2018]
Single Businesses. When only one business occupies a building, the business shall be permitted a maximum number of three wall signs totaling 64 square feet for all faces, and not more than 32 square feet for any one face.
Multiple Businesses. When multiple businesses occupy the same building, each business shall be allowed one wall or freestanding sign of not more than 32 square feet for one face, or 64 square feet for two or more faces. The maximum height for this freestanding sign shall be eight feet. This sign shall be in lieu of the wall signs permitted in subsection (1).
Property Signage. In addition to the signs named above, each property shall be allowed one freestanding sign of not more than 100 square feet for one face, or 200 square feet for two or more faces. The maximum height for this sign shall be 12 feet above grade.
Illumination from Signs on Non-Residential Property. External illumination shall be shielded so that the light source elements are not directly visible from property in a residential zone adjacent to or across a street from property in the non-residential zone.
[Section 8.244 amended by Ordinance No. 5862, enacted September 15, 1997; further amended by Ordinance No. 6008, enacted March 18, 2002; further amended by Ordinance No. 6114, enacted February 7, 2005; further amended by Ordinance No. 6276, enacted March 19, 2012; further amended by Ordinance No. 6389, enacted October 15, 2018]
Each property in a NC District shall be allowed one freestanding sign not to exceed 40 square feet per sign face, with a maximum size of 80 square feet for two or more faces. This sign cannot exceed eight feet in height above grade and shall not be internally illuminated. In addition, each business in the NC District shall be limited to two wall signs, with a maximum combined area of 40 square feet and cannot exceed 20 feet in total height above grade. Wall signs are also prohibited from being internally illuminated.
Illumination from Signs on Non-Residential Property. External illumination shall be shielded so that the light source elements are not directly visible from property in a residential zone adjacent to or across a street from property in the non-residential zone.
[Section 8.246 amended by Ordinance No. 5862, enacted September 15, 1997; further amended by Ordinance 6008, enacted March 18, 2002; further amended by Ordinance No. 6008, enacted March 18, 2002; further amended by Ordinance No. 6114, enacted February 7, 2005; further amended by Ordinance No. 6276, enacted March 19, 2012; further amended by Ordinance No. 6389, enacted October 15, 2018]
These standards apply for all property located in CC or MRC Districts except those located in the Downtown Sign District, I-5 Mall Sign District and the I-5 Commercial Sign District:
Single Businesses. When only one business occupies a building, the business shall be permitted a maximum number of four wall signs totaling 350 square feet for all faces.
Freestanding, Roof and Projecting Signs. In addition to wall signs permitted above, one sign from this group shall be permitted for each property. The total area permitted for a freestanding sign, roof or projecting sign shall be 100 square feet for one face or 200 square feet for two or more faces at a maximum of 20 feet above grade.
Second Story Businesses and Above. Two wall signs per business shall be permitted with a maximum sign display area of 175 square feet for all faces.
Illumination from Signs on Non-Residential Property. External illumination shall be shielded so that the light source elements are not directly visible from property in a residential zone adjacent to or across a street from property in the non-residential zone.
[Section 8.248 amended by Ordinance No. 5862, enacted September 15, 1997; further amended by Ordinance No. 6114, enacted February 7, 2005; further amended by Ordinance No. 6276, enacted March 19, 2012; further amended by Ordinance No. 6389, enacted October 15, 2018]
The Downtown Sign District is shown on Map No. 1. In cases where the sign standards of the Downtown Sign District conflict with standards found in other sections of this code, the stricter standard will prevail unless there is a specific reference to another section of this code. In that case, the referenced section’s standards will prevail.
Sign Limit. Except for signs permitted according to section 8.250(3) and (6), each business in this District is limited to three signs. This limit includes a maximum of one freestanding, projecting, or roof sign allowed per building in accordance with the standards in section 8.250(5). These limits apply to pedestrian-oriented signs that exceed the standards in section 8.250(3)(a) and to window signs that exceed the maximum area of coverage in section 8.250(6).
Pedestrian-Oriented Signs. Pedestrian-oriented signs that meet the following limits and standards do not count toward the sign limit in section 8.250(2) and will not be charged a permit fee:
Pedestrian-Oriented Sign Limits.
For businesses that front only one public street or that do not front any public street, one pedestrian-oriented sign per business; or
For businesses that front more than one public street, either: one pedestrian-oriented sign per business per building wall that fronts a public street; or, one pedestrian-oriented sign at the corner of a building where two street frontages intersect.
Pedestrian-Oriented Sign Standards.
Window and Wall Signs. Signs placed on an entry door, storefront window, wall, or building column visible from the sidewalk that are no larger than nine square feet and are installed within an area between four and six feet high above the grade of the abutting sidewalk.
Double-Faced Blade Signs. Double-faced blade signs attached to the building face at a 90-degree angle or at a 135-degree angle when installed at a building corner (plus or minus a maximum of 15 degrees), less than one inch thick, and no larger than nine square feet. These signs may be mounted from an ornamental bracket.
Wall Signs. Each business facing a public street is allowed the following, in addition to any pedestrian-oriented signs under section 8.250(3):
First Story Businesses. First story businesses facing a public street are permitted signage of three square feet per lineal foot of building wall.
Second Story Businesses and Above. Businesses above the first story that face a public street are permitted signage of one and one-half square feet per lineal foot of building wall.
Freestanding, Projecting, or Roof Signs. Each building is permitted one freestanding sign, one projecting sign (not including pedestrian-oriented blade signs that meet the requirements of section 8.250(3)), or one roof sign in accordance with the following standards:
Roof signs and projecting signs are limited to a maximum area of 80 square feet for one face and 160 square feet for two or more faces. When installed at a corner building, projecting signs must be attached to the building corner at a 135-degree angle (plus or minus a maximum of 15 degrees).
Freestanding signs along Main Street between Mill and 8th Streets are not permitted.
Freestanding signs along South A Street and Pioneer Parkway W and E:
Sign faces must be no larger 32 square feet for one face and 64 square feet for two or more faces.
Post- or pole-mounted signs must be no higher than 12 feet above grade with at least eight feet clearance from grade to the bottom of the sign.
Monument signs must be no higher than five feet above grade.
Freestanding signs in all other areas:
Sign faces must be no larger than 24 square feet for one face and 48 square feet for two or more faces.
Post- or pole-mounted signs must be no higher than 12 feet above grade with at least eight feet of clearance from grade to the bottom of the sign.
Monument signs must be no higher than five feet above grade.
Window Signs.
Notwithstanding the exception in section 8.234(6), window signs that do not exceed 10% of the gross glass area of windows and exterior doors along each street frontage do not require a sign permit.
Window signs that exceed 10% of the gross glass area of windows and exterior doors per street frontage are subject to the limits in section 8.250(2) and the requirements for wall signs under section 8.250(4), with the following exceptions:
A window sign that is permitted as a pedestrian-oriented sign under section 8.250(3) may exceed 10% of the gross glass area.
One or more window signs may exceed 10% of the gross glass area without a permit for up to 60 days per calendar year cumulatively. This 60-day period can be consecutive or accrued in smaller periods throughout the calendar year.
All window signs, including those that count as pedestrian-oriented signs, must not entirely obstruct the view into the business from the abutting sidewalk.
Encroachment and Clearance.
The minimum vertical clearance for all permanent signs encroaching in the public right-of-way is eight feet measured from grade to the bottom of the sign. When affixed to a building, signs must not:
Encroach into the public right-of-way by more than four feet from the building wall as measured in a perpendicular line between the building wall and the outermost edge of the sign or sign structure; nor,
Encroach within two feet of any curb or driveway line.
This section does not apply to A-frame signs as defined in section 8.234(14), nor to banners or signs as defined in section 3.223(1).
Illumination From Signs on Non-Residential Property. External illumination must be shielded so that the light source elements are not directly visible from property in a residential zone which is adjacent to or across a street from the property in the non-residential zone.
Historic Signs. Within the Downtown Sign District, signs lawfully located at properties or buildings listed on the city’s adopted Historic Landmark Inventory or on the National Register of Historic Places as of the date of listing or the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section on July 17, 2019 are not considered nonconforming signs under section 8.232, provided that they meet the safety requirements of this code under sections 8.204 through 8.216.
[Section 8.250 amended by Ordinance No. 5862, enacted September 15, 1997; further amended by Ordinance No. 6008, enacted March 18, 2002; further amended by Ordinance No. 6114, enacted February 7, 2005; further amended by Ordinance No. 6276, enacted March 19, 2012; further amended by Ordinance No. 6389, enacted October 15, 2018; further amended by Ordinance No. 6403, enacted June 17, 2019]
The area containing the Booth Kelly District is defined in Article 19 of the Springfield Development Code. The following combination of signs shall be permitted for this property because of its unique size:
Wall Signs. One wall sign of up to 200 square feet per business is permitted. The maximum height for all wall signs is 20 feet from grade.
Freestanding Signs. One sign of up to 200 square feet for one face and 400 square feet for two faces shall be permitted for the overall site. In addition, each property of at least 10 acres shall be permitted one freestanding sign of 200 square feet for one face and 400 square feet for two faces. All freestanding signs shall be installed at a maximum of 30 feet in height from grade to the bottom of the sign.
Illumination from Signs on Non-Residential Property. External illumination shall be shielded so that the light source elements are not directly visible from property in a residential zone adjacent to or across a street from property in the non-residential zone.
[Section 8.252 amended by Ordinance No. 5862, enacted September 15, 1997; further amended by Ordinance No. 6008, enacted March 18, 2002; further amended by Ordinance No. 6114, enacted February 7, 2005; further amended by Ordinance No. 6276, enacted March 19, 2012; further amended by Ordinance No. 6389, enacted October 15, 2018]
The I-5 Mall District is designated on Map No. 2. The following combination of signs shall be permitted for property within this district because of its unique size and the lack of street frontage for businesses and building complexes located within the area:
Wall Signs. In addition to freestanding signs, the property may have wall signs at each primary entrance. The total allowable area for all such signs shall be 1,000 square feet. No single sign shall exceed 400 square feet.
Freestanding Signs.
Two freestanding signs shall be permitted for each property greater than 20 acres. The sign closest to I-5 shall be limited to 700 square feet for one face and 1,400 square feet for two or more faces with a maximum height of 50 feet above grade. The other freestanding sign shall be limited to 400 square feet per face, or 800 square feet for two or more faces, with a maximum height of 30 feet.
One additional freestanding sign will be permitted at each vehicular entrance. Each sign will be limited to 25 square feet for all faces with a maximum height of 20 feet.
Anchor Tenants. Anchor tenants with 50,000 or more square feet of gross area shall be permitted a wall sign for each principal face of the building. The maximum allowable sign area per wall shall not exceed 200 square feet per building face.
Second Story Businesses and Above. Each structure with a second story business shall be permitted one wall sign that is a maximum of 50 square feet.
Tenants. Tenants between 20,000 and 49,999 square feet of gross area shall be permitted a wall sign for each principal face of building. The maximum allowable sign area per wall shall not exceed 100 square feet per building face.
Additional Wall Signage. In addition to the wall signage identified above, 12 additional wall signs shall be allowed on the exterior wall of the mall structure. These additional signs shall not exceed a combined square footage of 1,200 square feet, with no one sign exceeding 100 square feet. These signs will be located in a predetermined four-foot sign band on the structure which begins 17 feet six inches from grade.
Illumination from Signs on Non-Residential Property. External illumination shall be shielded so that the light source elements are not directly visible from property in a residential zone adjacent to or across a street from property in the non-residential zone.
[Section 8.254 amended by Ordinance No. 5862, enacted September 15, 1997; further amended by Ordinance No. 6008, enacted March 18, 2002; further amended by Ordinance No. 6089, enacted June 21, 2004; further amended by Ordinance No. 6114, enacted February 7, 2005; further amended by Ordinance No. 6276, enacted March 19, 2012; further amended by Ordinance No. 6389, enacted October 15, 2018]
Area Covered. The I-5 Commercial Sign District applies only to properties designated CC and NC that are within the geographically bounded area located on Map No. 2.
Single Businesses. Each business shall be permitted a maximum of four wall signs totaling a maximum of 350 square feet for all faces.
Freestanding or Roof Signs. Either one freestanding or roof sign shall be permitted per property. The total area permitted for each freestanding sign shall be 100 square feet for one face or 200 square feet for two or more faces, with a maximum height of 20 feet above grade.
Second Story Businesses and Above. Each business shall be permitted two wall signs per business with a maximum sign display area of 175 square feet.
Additional Freestanding Sign. Each property shall be permitted one additional freestanding sign. The total area permitted shall be 200 square feet for one face and 400 square feet for two or more faces, with a maximum height of 65 feet above grade. The additional freestanding sign that is over 100 square feet shall be installed at a minimum of 30 feet in height from grade to the bottom of the sign.
Illumination from Signs on Non-Residential Property. External illumination shall be shielded so that the light source elements are not directly visible from property in a residential zone adjacent to or across a street from property in the non-residential zone.
[Section 8.256 amended by Ordinance No. 5862, enacted September 15, 1997; further amended by Ordinance No. 6008, enacted March 18, 2002; further amended by Ordinance No. 6114, enacted February 7, 2005; further amended by Ordinance No. 6276, enacted March 19, 2012; further amended by Ordinance No. 6389, enacted October 15, 2018]
Industrial and Heavy Industrial Sign Standards.
Maximum Height. The maximum height for all signs is 30 feet from grade to the top of the sign.
Single Businesses. Each business shall be permitted a total number of four wall or projecting signs with a maximum of 350 square feet for all faces.
Freestanding or Roof Signs. In addition to wall signs permitted above, one sign from this group shall be permitted for each property. The total area permitted shall be 100 square feet for one face or 200 square feet for two or more faces.
Additional Freestanding Signs. Each property of at least five acres shall be permitted one additional freestanding sign of 200 square feet for one face and 400 square feet for two or more faces.
Illumination from Signs on Non-Residential Property. External illumination shall be shielded so that the light source elements are not directly visible from property in a residential zone adjacent to or across a street from property in the non-residential zone.
[Section 8.258 amended by Ordinance No. 5862, enacted September 15, 1997; further amended by Ordinance No. 6008, enacted March 18, 2002; further amended by Ordinance No. 6114, enacted February 7, 2005; further amended by Ordinance No. 6276, enacted March 19, 2012; further amended by Ordinance No. 6389, enacted October 15, 2018]
Application. The Billboard District standards apply to all signs located in the geographically bound areas in Map No. 3 that are greater than 200 square feet for a single face and not otherwise permitted in this code. The number of billboards contained in the Billboard District shall not exceed 38 signs within the city of Springfield city limits and nine in the Glenwood Designated Billboard District. All signs that are located outside the designated Billboard District or fail to meet the sign face requirements, shall be considered non-conforming. The billboard standards shall apply to all billboards located in the areas designated on Map No. 3. Prior to any site work, the applicant must provide the city with an approved permit from the state of Oregon for the placement of the billboard at the specified proposed location under the Oregon Motorist Information Act of 1971 (ORS 377.700 et seq.)
Spacing between Billboards. All billboards located in the Billboard District along I-105 and I-5 shall be spaced a minimum of 500 feet apart. All other designated zones shall permit billboards to be located a minimum of 150 feet apart as measured from the center line of the adjacent street.
Height. All billboards shall be installed at a minimum of 16 feet, and a maximum of 30 feet in height to the bottom of the sign. Interchanges located on I-105 and I-5 may permit billboards to be installed at a maximum of 45 feet in height to the bottom of the sign.
Sign Face Requirements. All billboards installed along I-105 and I-5 shall be a maximum of 14 feet by 48 feet (672 square feet total) or 10 feet by 30 feet (300 square feet total). Double faced or one sided billboards shall be considered as one sign and each side may not exceed the allowable size as listed above.
Billboard Districts.
Main Street and South A Street (North/South frontage):
11th Street to 46th Street.
Chapman Lane to 57th Street.
South A Street from 11th to the intersection of Main Street.
Highway I-105:
Eastbound only from Mohawk Boulevard to 42nd Street.
Westbound from 52nd Street to the intersection of Highbanks Road (approximately 2,500 feet).
Westbound from 42nd Street to I-5.
I-5 Northbound from I-105 to Old Coburg Road underpass.
Beltline Road from Gateway Street to I-5.
Harlow Road from Gateway Street to I-5.
Shelly Street westbound from Laura Street (southern street frontage only).
I-5 Northbound from milepost 190.5 to I-105, east side of I-5 only— Glenwood Billboard District.
South side of Franklin Blvd from the west side of Henderson Avenue to East Side of I-5—Glenwood Billboard District.
Relocation of Existing Billboards. The relocation of all billboards located within city limits shall receive priority over signs currently located outside of city limits.
[Section 8.260 amended by Ordinance No. 6008, enacted March 18, 2002; further amended by Ordinance No. 6114, enacted February 7, 2005; further amended by Ordinance No. 6276, enacted March 19, 2012; further amended by Ordinance No. 6389, enacted October 15, 2018]
One freestanding sign shall be permitted at each entrance and shall not exceed 32 square feet for all faces. The total sign height shall be a maximum of five feet above grade. In addition to the freestanding sign, three wall signs shall be allowed not to exceed a total combined square footage of 40 square feet.
Illumination from Signs on Non-Residential Property. External illumination shall be shielded so that the light source elements are not directly visible from property in a residential zone adjacent to or across a street from property in the non-residential zone.
[Section 8.262 amended by Ordinance No. 5862, enacted September 15, 1997; further amended by Ordinance No. 6008, enacted March 18, 2002; further amended by Ordinance No. 6114, enacted February 7, 2005; further amended by Ordinance No. 6276, enacted March 19, 2012; further amended by Ordinance No. 6389, enacted October 15, 2018]
One freestanding monument sign shall be permitted for each entrance to special light industrial districts and at each entrance to approved business parks. The monument sign shall conform to the freestanding sign standards below and shall be permitted in addition to signs allowed for individual businesses as follows:
Single Business. Each business shall be permitted a total of three wall signs not to exceed a maximum of 150 square feet for all faces.
Freestanding Signs. Each property shall be permitted one freestanding sign. The total area permitted shall be 100 square feet for one face and 200 square feet for two or more faces. The maximum height for all freestanding signs shall be a total of six feet to the top of the sign.
Entrance Signs. In addition to the freestanding sign identified above, each property shall also be allowed a freestanding sign at each vehicular entrance to the property. These signs shall not exceed 18 square feet for one face or 36 square feet for two or more faces and shall not exceed four and one-half feet in height.
Illumination from Signs on Non-Residential Property. External illumination shall be shielded so that the light source elements are not directly visible from property in a residential zone adjacent to or across a street from property in the non-residential zone.
[Section 8.264 amended by Ordinance No. 5862, enacted September 15, 1997; further amended by Ordinance No. 6008, enacted March 18, 2002; further amended by Ordinance No. 6114, enacted February 7, 2005; further amended by Ordinance No. 6276, enacted March 19, 2012; further amended by Ordinance No. 6389, enacted October 15, 2018]
The Sports Facility Sign District is designated on Map No. 4. The following combination of signs shall be permitted for property within this district because of its unique size and uses within the area:
Wall Signs. In addition to the freestanding signs, the property may have wall signs at each building public entrance. The total allowable area for all such signs shall be 400 square feet No single sign shall exceed 100 square feet.
Freestanding Signs.
Two freestanding signs shall be permitted for each property. The freestanding signs shall be limited to 50 square feet per face, or 100 square feet for two or more faces, with a maximum height of 10 feet.
One additional freestanding sign is permitted at each vehicular entrance. Each sign is limited to 25 square feet for all faces with a maximum height of two and one-half feet.
Murals. Murals are allowed as an artistic painting applied to and made integral with a wall surface. To be exempt from permits, murals shall not include logos or lettering.
Illumination from Signs on Non-Residential Property. External illumination shall be shielded so that the light source elements are not directly visible from property in a residential zone adjacent to or across a street from property in the non-residential zone.
[Section 8.267 amended by Ordinance 6114, enacted February 7, 2005; further amended by Ordinance No. 6276, enacted March 19, 2012; further amended by Ordinance No. 6389, enacted October 15, 2018]
The RiverBend Development District is designated on Map No. 5. The following combination of signs shall be permitted for property within this district due to its unique size and the number of structures located within the approved area:
Wall Signs. Wall signs shall not be allowed with the exception of street address identification of the building(s).
Freestanding Signs.
Two freestanding monument signs shall be permitted for each approved vehicular entrance off Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway to the RiverBend Development Each monument sign structure shall be limited to 16 feet in height above grade, 70 feet in length, five feet in width with the lettering not to exceed 60 square feet for each sign per side.
In addition to the above-mentioned monument signs, an additional freestanding sign shall be permitted with a maximum height of 10 feet above grade, seven feet in length, three feet in width, with lettering area not to exceed 45 square feet per side.
Also, each additional building on the approved development site will be permitted two additional freestanding signs not to exceed seven feet in height, 12 feet in length, four feet in width, with lettering not to exceed 30 square feet per side.
One additional freestanding sign will be permitted. This sign shall not exceed nine feet in height, 40 feet in length, four feet in width, with the lettering not to exceed 50 square feet per side.
Additionally, two monuments signs may be placed at a location designated by the property owner not to exceed 16 feet in height, five feet in length, three feet in width, with lettering not to exceed 16 square feet per side.
Location of this district will be limited to properties referenced on Map No. 5.
[Section 8.268 added by Ordinance No. 6198, enacted June 18, 2007; amended by Ordinance No. 6389, enacted October 15, 2018]