The city of Upland shall have an official seal, consisting of a circle, having on its circumference the words "City of Upland, California, Incorporated May 15th, 1906."
(Prior code § 1500)
That a two-inch brass disc set in the southwest corner of three by three foot concrete base for light standard 104 feet east of the centerline of Euclid Avenue and 185 feet south of the centerline of Arrow Highway in the city of Upland, marked "Official Bench Mark" is established as the official bench mark or datum plane for the city and for the purpose of all official grades hereafter established and all official surveys hereafter to be made in the city and the city datum plane or benchmark is and shall be 1253.32 feet above a plane which is considered as and called sea level, and in the establishment of all grades and the marking of all surveys for the city the bench mark or datum plane shall be used and all such grades and surveys shall be taken from the datum plane or bench mark and shall be above the plane considered as sea level as aforesaid, which is 1253.32 feet below the official bench mark or city datum plane.
(Prior code § 1501)
It shall be unlawful for any person to make or use the city seal, city logos (any logos, past or present, including department specific logos), or city flag of the city of Upland deceptively, fraudulently, or without express consent from the city manager of Upland. Unauthorized use of the city seal, city logos, or city flag is declared a public nuisance and the city can abate or enjoin such use.
(Ord. 1962 § 2, 2022)