The regular meetings of the city council of this city shall be held in the City Hall of the city of Upland, located at 460 North Euclid Avenue, on the second and fourth Monday of each month at the hour designated by resolution of the city council. Whenever a regular meeting falls on a holiday, the meeting shall be held on the following day.
(Prior code § 2200)
The council chamber in the City Hall of the city of Upland shall be the place in which all the regular meetings of the council shall be held and special meetings of the city council shall also be held in the council chamber of the City Hall unless the council designates a different place for such special meeting and notice thereof is given as prescribed for special meeting of the council in the Government Code of the state of California.
(Prior code § 2200.1)
All city offices shall be maintained in the City Hall of the city of Upland as far as may be reasonably possible or required. The city council may from time to time, however, designate other places in the city of such offices as the city council deems appropriate and maintain same upon making a finding that it is not practical or convenient to maintain such office or offices at the site of the City Hall.
(Prior code § 2200.2)
Each member of the city council shall receive, as salary, the sum of $1,200.00 per month, which shall be payable from and after the operative date of this ordinance at the same time and in the same manner as the salaries are paid to other officers and employees of the city of Upland.
(Prior code § 2200.3; Ord. 1981 § 2, 2023)
The salaries prescribed in this chapter are and shall be exclusive of any amounts payable to each member of the council as reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses incurred by him or her in the performance of official duties for the city.
(Prior code § 2200.5)
The salary provisions of this chapter shall become operative only on and after the date upon which one or more members of the council become eligible for the salary prescribed herein by virtue of beginning a new term of office following the April, 1966, general municipal election.
(Prior code § 2200.6)
In recognition of the additional workload imposed upon the mayor of Upland by virtue of his or her office, he or she shall be paid a supplementary salary of $100.00 per month in addition to salaries paid other city council members.
(Prior code § 2200.7)
City Council; Mayor. The elective officers of the city shall constitute a city council consisting of four members elected by district at the times and in the manner provided in this chapter, in a sequence to be determined by ordinance or resolution, and a directly elected mayor, each of whom shall serve a term of four years and until their respective successors qualify.
Residency in Districts. Except for the directly elected mayor, each member of the city council must be and remain a resident of the council district from which the member is nominated at least 30 days prior to the time the member is nominated, elected, and throughout that member's term of office. In the event any member of the city council ceases to be a resident of the district from which the member was nominated and elected or, in the case of an appointee, the member ceases to be a resident of the district the member was appointed to represent, the office shall immediately become vacant and shall be filled in the manner provided by Section 36512 of the Government Code, as may be amended from time to time. Notwithstanding the above, if a member of the city council ceases to be a resident of the district solely because of a change in the boundaries as provided herein, the member shall not lose office during that term by reason of such change. The mayor may reside in any district within the city and shall be elected by the voters city-wide; however, the mayor must be and remain a resident of the city at least 30 days prior to the time the mayor is nominated, elected, and throughout the mayor's term of office. All members of the city council must abide by the proof of residency requirements set forth in Sections 2.02.110 through 2.02.150 of the Upland Municipal Code.
Council Districts. The city is hereby divided into four districts, as set forth herein. Candidates for council seats in each district shall be nominated and elected only by the voters of that district and shall reside in that district.
District Boundaries.
Plan 111 Total Population Demographics
City-Wide Totals
District 1
District 2
District 3
District 4
Total Population
% Deviation
Hispanic Origin
% Hispanic Origin
NH White
% NH White
NH Black
% NH Black
NH Asian
% NH Asian
Plan 111 CVAP Demographics
Total CVAP
Hispanic CVAP
% Hispanic CVAP
% NH White CVAP
% NH Black CVAP
% NH Asian CVAP
Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, and pursuant to California Elections Code Sections 21606(a) and (b), each of the council members currently in office at the time the ordinance codified in this section takes effect shall continue in office until the expiration of the full term to which he or she was regularly elected or appointed. Any vacancy in or recall election for a council term currently in effect shall be filled based on the council districts in effect at the time the current council term was last regularly elected.
Changes in Boundaries. The boundaries of said city council districts, but not the number thereof, may be changed by ordinance adopted by the city council by three-fifths vote of all its members; provided that districts established by the city council shall be as nearly equal in population and as geographically compact as possible. Boundaries shall be evaluated and adjusted, if necessary, before the first day of November of the year following the year in which each decennial census is taken, and as provided in Elections Code Sections 21601, 21602 and 21607. However, the city council shall not change the boundaries of districts more than once in any two-year period and no such change shall be made within the period of 180 days preceding a general municipal election. The preceding limitations shall not apply to changes made necessary by changes to city boundaries. After city council has exercised its power to change the boundaries of districts, these changes shall immediately be reflected in the district boundaries specified by ordinance adopted by city council.
Current Officeholders. The five members of the city council in office at the time this section takes effect shall continue in office until their terms expire.
(Ord. 1909 § 3, 2016; Ord. 1954 § 2, 2021; Ord. 1958 § 2, 2022)
Proof of Residency. In order to ensure a city council candidate resides in the district for which council seat he or she is running, the candidate must provide the following additional information to verify their 30 day residency requirement:
Proof of Home Ownership/Rental Property. Proof of home ownership as evidenced by providing the following: (a) a copy of a grant deed; (b) a mortgage payment billing statement verifying the address; or (c) any other document that can be used to verify home ownership and residency of the property; and evidence of a homeowner's property tax exemption filed with the San Bernardino County Assessor for proof that the home is the primary residence. If a candidate does not have a tax exemption on file they must submit an affidavit signed, under penalty of perjury, by the candidate verifying that the home is the candidate's primary residence; or, if the home ownership is in the name of a person other than the candidate, or in the name of a legal entity, such as a trust, partnership or corporation, the candidate must submit an affidavit signed, under penalty of perjury, by the homeowner or authorized legal representative of the entity verifying the candidate is living in the home as his or her primary residence.
If the residence is rented or leased by the candidate, the candidate must provide proof of residence by providing a signed copy of a lease or rental agreement. If a candidate is living at a residence without a lease or rental agreement and whose name otherwise does not appear in the proof of home ownership, the candidate must have the landlord or property owner sign an affidavit, under penalty of perjury, verifying the candidate's residency in landlord's or property owner's property.
Proof of Motor Vehicle Registration. A copy of any motor vehicles registered to the candidate for the residency claimed or proof of a valid California driver's license showing their address on their license is consistent with the address shown on their nomination papers. If the residence address on either the driver's license or auto registration is in the process of being changed, the candidate must provide a document from the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV14 form) verifying the change is in process. If a candidate does not own an automobile or does not have a California driver's license, the candidate must submit any other state of California issued identification showing their address on the identification document is consistent with the address shown on their nomination papers.
Utility Bill. A utility bill in the candidate's name showing that the service address is consistent with the address in the candidate's nomination papers. In the event a utility bill has not been generated, a letter from an authorized representative of the utility provider stating that an account has been opened in the candidate's name shall suffice. If there is an agreement with a landlord or other legal entity, as verified by a rental agreement or lease agreement that the landlord or other legal entity shall pay the utility bill, the candidate must submit an affidavit signed, under penalty of perjury, by the landlord or the other legal entity, stating the responsibility for paying the utility bill.
Affidavit. The candidate must sign an affidavit, under penalty of perjury, verifying residency.
Failure to Provide Documents. Failure to provide any of the above-required documents shall disqualify a candidate from meeting the city council residency requirements set forth in Section 2.02.100 of the Upland Municipal Code. Willfully submitting false, forged, altered documents or coercing or unduly influencing persons providing affidavit documents shall also disqualify candidates and constitute a misdemeanor violation in addition to any other legal remedy available to enforce a similar fraudulent act.
(Ord. 1954 § 3, 2021)
Candidates are required to file all the documents specified in Section 2.02.110 of the Upland Municipal Code with the Upland city clerk's office for verification no earlier than the first day of the candidate filing period and no later than losing date of the filing period as it relates to candidates running for a city council seat. The city clerk shall review and verify that the required information is correct and meets all the requirements. The city clerk shall diligently work to review and verify all residency documents submitted and shall complete the review and verification of the candidate's residency documents no later than five calendar days from receipt. The city clerk shall then do one of the following:
If the documents meet all requirements to demonstrate residency, the city clerk's office shall certify that residency requirements have been met and shall mail a letter to the San Bernardino County Registrar of Voter's office and to the candidate so stating;
If any deficiencies are discovered in the documents provided or certain documents are missing, the city clerk's office shall send a letter to the candidate showing the specific deficiency(ies) or missing document(s). The candidate shall have until the closing date to file nomination papers to correct the deficiencies and shall re-submit the required documents for verification to the city clerk;
If the candidate fails to demonstrate residency by complete verification of all required documents within the prescribed time limits, or the resubmitted documents do not demonstrate residency, the city clerk's office shall mail a letter to the candidate advising them that they have failed to meet the requirements; or
If the resubmitted documents by the candidate meet all requirements to demonstrate residency, the city clerk's office shall certify that residency requirements have been met and shall mail a letter to the San Bernardino County Registrar of Voter's office and to the candidate so stating.
(Ord. 1954 § 4, 2021)
Proof of Residency. To ensure that city councilmembers meet the residency requirements set forth in Section 2.02.100 of the Upland Municipal Code throughout their entire term in office, each councilmember's residency must be verified annually for each year in office. Councilmembers are required to submit the following documents to the city clerk during the last 31 calendar days of the year (December 1st through December 31st):
Proof of Home Ownership/Rental Property. Proof of home ownership as evidenced by providing the following: (a) a copy of a grant deed; (b) a mortgage payment billing statement verifying the address; or (c) any other document that can be used to verify home ownership and residency of the property; and evidence of a homeowner's property tax exemption filed with the San Bernardino County Assessor for proof that the home is the primary residence. If a councilmember does not have a tax exemption on file they must submit an affidavit signed, under penalty of perjury, by the councilmember verifying that the home is the candidate's primary residence; or, if the home ownership is in the name of a person other than the councilmember, or in the name of a legal entity, such as a trust, partnership or corporation, the councilmember must submit an affidavit signed, under penalty of perjury, by the homeowner or authorized legal representative of the entity verifying the councilmember is living in the home as his or her primary residence.
If the residence is rented or leased by the councilmember, the councilmember must provide proof of residence by providing a signed copy of a lease or rental agreement. If a councilmember is living at a residence without a lease or rental agreement and whose name otherwise does not appear in the proof of home ownership, the councilmember must have landlord or property owner sign an affidavit, under penalty of perjury, verifying the councilmember's residency in landlord's or property owner's property.
Proof of Motor Vehicle Registration. A copy of any motor vehicles registered to the councilmember for the residency claimed or proof of a valid California driver's license showing their address on their license is consistent with the address shown on their nomination papers. If the residence address on either the driver's license or auto registration is in the process of being changed, the councilmember must provide a document from the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV14 form) verifying the change is in process. If a councilmember does not own an automobile or does not have a California driver's license, the councilmember must submit any other state of California issued identification showing their address on the identification document is consistent with the address shown on their original nomination papers.
Utility Bill. A utility bill in the councilmember's name showing that the service address is consistent with the address in the councilmember's original nomination papers. In the event a utility bill has not been generated, a letter from an authorized representative of the utility provider stating that an account has been opened in the councilmember's name shall suffice. If there is an agreement with a landlord or other legal entity, as verified by a rental or lease agreement that the landlord or other legal entity shall pay the utility bill, the councilmember must submit an affidavit signed, under penalty of perjury, by the landlord or the other legal entity, stating the responsibility for paying the utility bill.
Affidavit. The councilmember must sign an affidavit, under penalty of perjury, verifying residency.
Relocation. In the event that a councilmember moves to a new residence in the district after the filing of the previous affidavit, the councilmember must confirm such new residence, within 60 days of moving, using items 1 through 4 of subsection A of this section, for the new residence address. Incumbent councilmembers who have not relocated since the residency information required was last provided may comply by supplying a copy of a current California driver's license or, if a councilmember does not have a California driver's license, any other state of California issued identification, and an affidavit, signed under penalty of perjury, that they have not relocated and all previously supplied information remains true and correct.
Failure to Provide Documents. Failure to provide any of the above-required documents shall disqualify a candidate from meeting the city council residency requirements set forth in Section 2.02.100 of the Upland Municipal Code. Willfully submitting false, forged, altered documents or coercing or unduly influencing persons providing affidavit documents shall also disqualify candidates and constitute a misdemeanor violation in addition to any other legal remedy available to enforce a similar fraudulent act.
(Ord. 1954 § 5, 2021)
Any fraudulent residency complaints shall be submitted to the city attorney. The city attorney shall refer all complaints to the San Bernardino County District Attorney. The San Bernardino County District Attorney shall have the discretion to investigate residency complaints and if sufficient evidence of fraud is found during the investigation, the district attorney can elect to prosecute.
(Ord. 1954 § 6, 2021)
The city clerk shall maintain a record of the names, corresponding council districts and all required supporting documents, consistent with applicable confidentiality laws, of all candidates that have been certified to meet the residency requirements at the city's website and shall make said record and documents available for inspection at the city clerk's office during normal business hours. Any confidential information shall be redacted before the public record is made available for inspection, in accordance with the California Public Records Act.
(Ord. 1954 § 7, 2021)
During the period between the election of one or more new council members and the date they officially assume office, the city council shall not take action to hire or fire the city manager or city attorney other than by a minimum of four affirmative votes.
(Ord. 1965 § 2, 2022)