Every person carrying on the business of a billiard room or poolroom or hall shall pay an annual license fee as provided in Section 5.04.350 of this title.
(Prior code § 6520.1)
No person shall conduct or carry on any public billiard room or table or public room or table or billiard or pool business within the city without first having procured a permit in writing so to do from the city council as herein provided, or after any such permit shall have been revoked.
(Prior code § 6520.2)
Any person desiring to conduct or carry on a public billiard room or table or public poolroom or table or billiard or pool business within the city shall make written application to the city council for a permit so to do. The application shall state the name of the person desiring to conduct, manage or carry on such place of business, the place where the same is located, and a further statement that if such permit is issued the applicant will not allow or permit any gambling of any kind to be conducted or carried on in the room or place where such business is being conducted, and will not allow or permit any profane language therein and will at all times keep and conduct a quiet and orderly place.
(Prior code § 6520.3)
Unless it appears to the satisfaction of the city council that the applicant has in all respects complied with this chapter, and that the granting of such application will not be detrimental to the good order and prosperity of the city or the inhabitants thereof, the application shall be denied.
(Prior code § 6520.4)
No public billiard room or table or public poolroom or table or billiard or pool business shall be opened, run, or conducted or carried on in the city between the hours of 2:00 a.m. in the morning and 6:00 a.m. of that day. Authorized operating hours for these establishments shall be from 6:00 a.m. in the morning until 2:00 a.m. of the succeeding day.
(Prior code § 6520.5)
Any permit issued hereunder may be revoked by the city council at any time whenever it appears to the city council that the holder thereof has violated any of the provisions of this chapter or that the longer conducting [sic] of such place would be detrimental to the good order and prosperity of the city or the inhabitants thereof.
(Prior code § 6520.6)
The license official shall not issue any license to conduct or carry on a public billiard room or table or public poolroom or table or billiard or pool business within the city to any person not holding a permit hereunder, or to any person whose permit has been revoked, unless a new permit shall have been issued.
(Prior code § 6520.7)
Every person operating or maintaining a social club in the city in which club charges are made to members in addition to membership fees, for games or entertainment, excepting the food furnished the members of the club, shall pay a license fee as provided in Section 5.04.400 of this title.
Any member of the police force of the city, or any peace officer of the state of California, shall, at all times, be permitted to enter the club rooms, or grounds of such social club; and if the owner, manager, or keeper of such social club shall violate any law of the United States, or this state or any ordinance of this city, permit same or any of them to be violated within the club rooms or upon the club grounds, the license shall be revoked.
(Prior code § 6520.8)
Every dancing club where admission is charged or dues paid, or donated, shall pay a license fee as provided in Section 5.04.400 of this title.
(Prior code § 6520.9)
A "public dance,"
as that expression is used in this chapter, shall be taken to mean any dance to which the public generally may gain admission to, or may participate in. The term "public dancehall," as herein used, shall be taken to mean any room, place, or space in which a public dance, as herein defined is held.
(Prior code § 6520.10)
No person, club, society, firm or corporation shall engage in the conducting or carrying on of a public dancehall, or public dance within the city, without first having obtained a license therefor, and paying a license fee as provided for in Section 5.04.360 of this title.
(Prior code § 6520.11)
Any person, club, society, firm or corporation, desiring to conduct or carry on a public dancehall or public dance within the city, shall make application to the city manager for a permit so to do, which application shall state the particular location by street and number or other definite description of the house or place in which the dancehall is to be located, or such dance is to be held, conducted or carried on; and such application shall further state that the applicant will not allow or permit any loud or boisterous conduct in such dancehall, or place where such dance is being held, conducted or carried on, and will not allow or permit therein any indecent or improper conduct or act, nor allow or permit any disorder of a gross, violent, vulgar or indecent character to take place therein, and will not violate this chapter or any other ordinance of the city in any particular, and will not allow or permit any person while in such dancehall, or while attending such dance, to violate this chapter, or any ordinance of the city. No permit to conduct or carry on a public dance within this city shall be granted in any of the single-family residential zones of this city.
If the application be granted, a permit shall be issued to the applicant permitting such place or dance to be carried on for the period therein set forth, but no such permit shall be assigned to any person, club, society, firm or corporation other than that to which it is issued, and such permit may be revoked at any time by the chief of police, if such person to whom such permit shall have been issued, shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter or any other ordinance of the city, or if it appears that a further conducting of such dance hall or dance shall be detrimental to the best interests or morals of such city.
(Prior code § 6520.12)
At every dance attended by 125 or more patrons, the chief of police of the city shall have the power to proscribe both the number of city deputized officers and the times during which they shall be on the premises for the purposes of preserving the health, safety and welfare of those persons both on and off the premises.
Any person proposing a commercially operated dance either on a recurring or nonrecurring basis shall make a request in writing to the police chief setting forth the expected number of persons attending the dance, the times of the attendance and the location of the dance. The police chief shall thereupon consider the location of the proposed dance, its proximity to adjoining and/or residential neighbors, the proposed clientele of the dance, including the ages of the persons to be admitted, any violations of law which have taken place on the premises at any previous dances operated under the auspices of the applicant, the applicant's previous experience with dances operated outside the city, if any, and any other facts which the police chief deems necessary for determination as to the number of city duly deputized police officers and/or reserves which shall be employed to be in attendance at the dance, in addition to the state of California licensed security officers required to be controlling the dance.
(Prior code § 6520.13)
All such halls, clubs, or places shall close not later than 2:00 a.m. and shall not re-open earlier than 8:00 a.m. on the same day. At all such places any police officer of this city shall have the right to enter the premises upon which the dance is being conducted, and if the dance is being held in violation of the provisions of this code, the officer shall close the dance immediately.
(Prior code § 6520.14)
Every place, room or apartment in which a public dance is to be held, or which is to be used as and for a public dance-hall, shall comply with and conform to all health ordinances and fire regulations of the city, shall be properly ventilated and supplied with sufficient toilet conveniences, and shall be a safe and proper place for the purpose for which it is to be used.
(Prior code § 6520.15)
All public dancehalls within the city shall at all times be kept in a clean, healthful and sanitary condition, and all stair-ways, passageways and all rooms connected with such dancehalls shall be kept open and well lighted, and the chief of police and all peace officers of the city, shall have power and it shall be their duty to investigate such places when any such dance is being conducted or carried on, and to cause the place, hall or room where any such dance is being held or given, to be vacated and the dance terminated whenever any provision of this chapter or any other ordinance of the city, or any law of the state of California, shall have been or is being violated, or when any such dance is being conducted or carried on in an indecent or improper manner.
(Prior code § 6520.16)