As used in this code, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
"Back-up parkway"
means the area between the improved vehicular roadway portion of a public street and the rear property line of the abutting property which does not have access between the abutting property and the public street.
means an area between the improved vehicular roadway portion of a public street and the abutting property.
"Planting strip" (aka "parking strip")
means and includes and applies to areas:
Where a sidewalk exists, it is that area between the roadway curbing and the street edge of the existing sidewalk; or
Where no sidewalk exists, it is that area between the curbing of the edge of the paved roadway and the property line of the abutting property.
"Side-on parkway"
means the area between the improved vehicular roadway portion of a public street and the side property line of the abutting property.
means the path or pavement outside of the vehicular roadway established for the use of pedestrian traffic.
(Prior code § 7240.1)
It is declared to be in the public interest that the city council of the city control and prescribe standards for the paving and planting, removal of planting, and the maintenance of the planting and placement of any object in or upon any planting strip or parkway in the city.
(Prior code § 7240.2)
In professional, commercial, manufacturing, or industrial land use zones the following conditions shall apply:
In all parking strips it shall be permissible to install pavement consisting of three and one-half inch thick Portland cement concrete, provided that areas 40 square feet for tree planting are left unpaved.
In parking strips it shall be permissible to install paving consisting of such nonslippery masonry materials as may be approved by the city engineer, provided that such masonry surfacing be securely set in a three and one-half-inch thick base of Portland cement concrete, and all spaces between such masonry surfacing be grouted to provide a surface smooth and free from any irregularities.
(Prior code § 7240.3)
In all residential land use zones the following conditions shall apply:
In all parking strips it shall be permissible to install a one and one-half-foot wide pavement adjacent to the curb consisting of three and one-half-inch thick Portland cement concrete or such other nonslippery masonry materials as may be approved by the city engineer, provided further, that such masonry surfacing be securely set in a three and one-half-inch thick base of Portland concrete and all spaces between such masonry surfacing be grouted to provide a surface smooth and free from any irregularities. Areas not less than 40 square feet for tree planting are to be left unpaved as required by the city.
In all parking strips which are planted to any material other than grass, the one and one-half-foot wide pavement strip described above shall be required. A four-foot-wide pavement strip of similar construction shall also be required, extending between existing street sidewalk or property line and such one and one-half-foot strip for each 60 feet of lot frontage. As an alternate to the above required four-foot pavement, it shall be permissible to construct such one and one-half-foot wide pavement adjacent to the curb if such pavement terminates as a paved driveway and does not exceed 80 feet in length.
(Prior code § 7240.4)
In residential land use zones where nonresidential developments exist or are permitted pursuant to the general plan and municipal code of the city, the parking strip may be paved as provided in Section 12.24.030, subject to the following additional requirements:
That planted intermediary panels shall be provided where street trees are 30 feet or more apart;
That sprinklers or hose bits shall be provided to insure proper maintenance of the street trees and planted panels;
That planks shall be subject to the approval of the engineering department with respect to type and texture of surface material employed and with respect to size, shape and design of the planting panels and the type of plant materials and trees used;
With regards to Euclid Avenue, a five-foot minimum paved strip shall be maintained, except where such frontage is zoned for single-family residential or agricultural use.
(Prior code § 7240.5)
In circumstances where no public sidewalk is present no improvements shall be located, suffered, maintained, permitted or authorized within the area defined by the right angle described by the dimensions set forth in subsection (A)(1)(a) of this section, except as permitted in subsection (A)(1)(b) of this section.
The area fronting onto a street defined by a line passing between the following two points:
That point which is 20 linear feet from the point where the curb face and the driveway, alleyway or other point of vehicular ingress and egress intersect; and
That point which is at a point 10 linear feet perpendicular and parallel to the point where the curbface and the driveway, alleyway or other point of vehicular ingress and egress intersect.
Permitted Improvements.
Mailboxes and support structures related thereto provided such support structures do not exceed 36 inches in width and depth;
Surface water diversion structures;
Improvements and landscaping that does not exceed 24 inches in height above the average surface elevation of the adjacent driveway or alleyway.
If a public sidewalk is present then no improvement or vegetation, other than trees, is permitted to exceed 24 inches in height except for these improvements specified in subsection (A)(1)(b) of this section.
No vegetation is permitted to grow onto utility poles, street and traffic signs, or fire hydrants.
No vegetation is permitted to grow up upon tree trunks.
No plantings are permitted which are spiny, barbed, or thorny.
Only those trees appearing on the list of approved trees for use along the streets of the city shall be planted in public right-of-way.
The policy regarding the planting, maintenance, removal and replacement of all trees, new and existing, in commercial zones, including the responsibilities of the city and the property owner in such instances, shall be governed by the provisions of Resolution No. 1452 of the city council of the city now in effect or as may be amended.
Request for Deviation from Standards. Any property owner may request deviation from the standards established in subsections (A)(1) and (2) of this section and such request shall be made in conformance with the process set forth in subsection (G)(2) of this section.
A written request for deviation shall be submitted to the director of public works. The request should explain the basis for the requested deviation in reasonable detail. The director of public works shall review the request and shall grant the request if it is determined both that (a) the deviation will not pose an unacceptable risk to any person and (b) the granting of the deviation will not disrupt or negatively effect the neighborhood in which it is located.
(Prior code § 7240.6)
Planting of approved trees in any parkway in the city shall be accomplished as for on the tree planting plan on file in the office of the city engineer.
(Prior code § 7240.7)
Permission to install pavement and allowable planting in the parking strips as outlined above may be granted to a property owner by the city engineer upon application to the city engineer for the necessary permit, with the provision that the property owner shall be responsible for all maintenance and repairs to such pavement, including damage caused by tree roots.
(Prior code § 7240.8)
House number signs of metal, wood, or other materials may be placed in the parking strip when installed adjacent to and as close as possible to the base of any tree, bush, etc., in the parking strip so as not to constitute a hazard to pedestrians. The signs may be single or double faced or "V" type and the numerals should be made of light reflective material so as to be visible at night.
(Prior code § 7240.9)
Final authority for the removal of all trees rests with the city manager. No trees shall be removed from the parkways or parking strips, except on Euclid Avenue, without a required permit to be issued by the city manager. Removal of trees on Euclid Avenue shall be subject to the policy of the city council established by Resolution No. 1452 now in effect or as may be amended. The city may remove any tree if its existence, in the opinion of the city, constitutes a danger or hazardous condition.
(Prior code § 7240.10)
It shall be the responsibility of the city to maintain, trim and repair trees in the public right-of-way, with the exception of providing water to such trees. It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to provide necessary water to maintain the growth, health and beauty of such trees and to trim away any low growth of the tree, such as suckers and shoots, that may interfere with pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
(Prior code § 7240.11)
Except to abate a nuisance as herein defined no person shall damage, destroy, or mutilate any tree, shrub, or plant in a public parking strip or any other public place, or attach a rope or wire (other than are used to support a young or broken tree), signs, posters, handbills, or any other thing to any tree growing in a public place. Provided, however, nothing contained herein shall preclude the city from trimming such trees, or preclude the property owner or occupant of real property from trimming or removing shrubs and plants in the parking strip as herein provided.
(Prior code § 7240.12)
It is unlawful for any person owning, leasing, occupying or having charge or possession of the adjacent property to allow any of the following conditions in the parkway area:
Any vegetation that is dead, decayed, diseased, dry or hazardous.
Lack of Landscaping. "Landscaping" means healthy and growing cultivated vegetation common to most residential or commercial property, and/or planned drought tolerant landscaping schemes.
Lack of Maintenance of Landscaping. All landscaping shall be maintained in a reasonable manner which shall include, but not be limited to, trimming, weeding, irrigating, fertilizing, mowing, replacing, cleaning, etc.
Weeds as landscaping or areas consisting only of dirt when that dirt area is more than 25 percent of any portion or area of a front or side yard parkway area viewable from the public right-of-way.
Any private vegetation that overhangs or encroaches upon any gutter, sidewalk or street that may impede traffic.
(Prior code § 7240.13)
In the event that it is determined that any person is in violation of this chapter, the city manager shall cause a written notice to be sent to the abutting owner in the same manner and upon the same conditions and terms as set forth in Chapter 8.12 of this code, and all procedures for the abatement of the nuisance to and including the assessment of the cost of the abatement on the land of the abutting owner shall be taken and had in the same manner and during the same times as set forth in Chapter 8.12 providing for the procedures for the abatements of nuisances generally.
(Prior code § 7240.14)
The existence of waste material, including garbage and trash, in any public right-of-way, parking strip, public park, including the median strip along Euclid Avenue, except for the purposes of collection and in accordance with this section, is declared to be a public nuisance.
All domestic waste material shall be deposited in the required containers and shall not be placed for collection prior to 5:00 p.m. of the day prior to scheduled pickup service, and all containers shall be removed from the place of collection by 8:00 p.m. of the day of scheduled pickup.
On days other than pickup day, all domestic trash containers shall be stored out of public view.
(Prior code § 7240.16)