It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to place or cause to be placed along or about any street, lane, avenue, alley, court or highway within the city, by posting or causing to be posted, affixing or causing to be affixed, lettering or writing or causing to be lettered or written, onto any tree, pole, post, hydrant, pipe, tank, stand, curb, sidewalk, structure or public building or other thing, any bill, placard, poster, hanger card or sign, or other thing, or advertising; excepting, however, notices of public improvement or public work or other legal notices required or permitted by law, and excepting, also, temporary banners stretched across the public street, for which a permit has been issued by the city council. Any such bill, placard, poster, hanger card or sign or other printed matter or advertising shall be a public nuisance.
(1941 Code § 1457)
Section 10.04.010 of this code shall only apply to that part of the public street, lane, avenue, alley, court or highway extending from property line to property line, and in no case to private property.
(1941 Code § 1458)
It is unlawful for any person to throw, deposit or distribute or cause to be thrown, deposited or distributed, in or on any street, alley, gutter, highway, park, vacant lot or other place in the city, or in any vehicle parked or standing upon any such place, any dodger or other similarly written or printed matter.
(1941 Code § 1459)
It is unlawful to post, stick, stamp, paint, place or otherwise affix, any notice, placard, bill, poster or advertisement to or upon any sidewalk, crosswalk, curbing, hydrant, shade tree or box tree, fence enclosure or builds or upon any telegraph, telephone, electric lighting or electric railway pole, or motor vehicle in the city, without first obtaining the permission of the owner, agent or occupant thereof, or to distribute or cause to be distributed or thrown upon any street, square or sidewalk, or, without first obtaining the permission of the owner, agent or occupant thereof, upon any private premises, in the city, any handbill, dodger, circular or any other advertisement.
(1941 Code § 1460)