It shall be unlawful for any person to enter into or upon any enclosed or unenclosed vegetable garden or orchard, or land under cultivation, without the consent of the owner or tenant thereof, or to cut down, injure, damage, destroy, eat or carry away from any portion of any such garden or orchard or land under cultivation, any crop, tree, shrub, plant, grass, seed, soil, fertilizer, water supply, tool, implement, fence or any protective device, or anything useful for the development, cultivation, maintenance and use of the said garden or orchard, or land under cultivation.
(1941 Code § 1276.1, Ord. 394, (1943))
It shall be unlawful for any person to mar or deface any public building or structure belonging to the city; or to take, destroy, dig up or carry away, without first having obtained permission from the park superintendent, or without authority of the city council, any plants, shrubs or flowers in any public park, court, street or square within the city.
Any person furnishing the city council any information that will lead to the arrest and conviction of any person violating this section will be rewarded for so doing in the sum of $100.
(1941 Code § 1276)
It is unlawful for any person to urinate, expectorate or defecate on any public property, or upon any private property open to the public or in open view from public property.
(1941 Code § 1277, Ord. 1233 § 1, (1982); Ord. 1542 § 1, (1996))
It shall be unlawful for any person to kindle any fire upon any paved street in the city or throw or deposit any burning material of any description thereon.
(1941 Code § 1367)
It shall be unlawful for any person to mix or cause to be mixed any lime, mortar or plaster upon any asphaltum street in the city or cause or permit any lime, mortar or plaster to be placed upon or come in contact with any street.
(1941 Code § 1368)
It shall be unlawful for any person to place or deposit or suffer to be placed or deposited upon any street in the city any glass, tacks or nails, or, on any asphaltum or paved streets in the city, any oil or grease, or any oily or greasy substance or material, and no person operating or having under his or her charge or control any automobile, motor car, motorcycle or other vehicle shall permit to escape, flow or drip therefrom upon any asphaltum street in the city, any oil or grease, or oily or greasy substance.
(1941 Code 1369)
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate, drive or use upon any asphaltum street in the city any automobile, motor car, motorcycle, or other motor vehicle unless said automobile, motor car, motorcycle or other motor vehicle shall be equipped with a drip pan or other suitable contrivance which will prevent the dripping or flowing of oil from said automobile, motor car, motorcycle or other vehicle upon the surface of said asphaltum street.
(1941 Code § 1370)
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to move or cause to be moved through the streets of the city, any building or structure, without first having obtained a permit from the building inspector so to do. The building inspector shall have full power in the granting or denying of permits.
(1941 Code § 1240)
Editor's Note: For permit — See Section 18.07.030 of this code.
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate upon the streets of the city any traction engine, road engine, hauling engine, trailer, road roller, automobile truck, motor or other vehicle the faces of the wheels of which are fitted with flanges, ribs, clamps, cleats, lugs or spikes. This applies to all rings or flanges upon guiding or steering wheels of any such vehicles. In case of traction engines, road engines or hauling engines which are equipped or provided with flanges, ribs, clamps, cleats, lugs or spikes, such vehicles shall be permitted to pass over said streets provided that cleats are fastened upon all wheels of such vehicles, not less than two and one half (2-1/2) inches wide and not more than one and one half inches high, and so placed that not less than two cleats on each wheel shall touch the ground at all times, and the width shall be the same on all parts of said vehicles.
(1941 Code § 1241)
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate upon, over or across any street of the city any sled, drag or other object which is not carried entirely upon wheels.
(1941 Code § 1242)
It shall be unlawful to operate any vehicle carrying naphtha, kerosene or any other product of petroleum upon or over any street of the city, unless such vehicle is so constructed as to prevent the leakage of its contents upon the pavement.
(1941 Code § 1243)
The owner, driver, operator or mover of any vehicle on any street in the city shall be responsible for all damages which said street may sustain as a result of a violation of any provisions of this chapter, and the amount thereof may be recovered in an action by the city.
(1941 Code § 1244)