This chapter is enacted pursuant to the authority of Sections 38771 through 38773.5 of the Government Code and pursuant to the police powers of the city of Burlingame. The purpose of this chapter is to identify activity which constitutes a public nuisance, to provide for the summary abatement of such a nuisance at the expense of persons creating, causing, committing or maintaining it, and to promote the public peace, health, safety and welfare by minimizing the frequency of return calls to unruly gatherings.
(Ord. 1395 § 1, (1989))
An "unruly gathering"
is a party or other gathering which occurs on or adjacent to private property in the city (hereinafter "premises") and which a police officer at the scene determines is a threat to the public peace, health, safety or general welfare.
(Ord. 1395 § 1, (1989))
It is hereby declared that unruly gatherings which create a threat to the public peace, health, safety or welfare constitute a public nuisance. No person, firm, corporation, association or other legal entity owning, leasing or occupying a premises in the city of Burlingame shall create, cause, commit, maintain or permit such a public nuisance to occur on said premises.
(Ord. 1395 § 1, (1989))
When the police department is called to the scene of an unruly gathering and a police officer at the scene determines that there is a threat to the public peace, health, safety or general welfare due to the gathering, the police officer shall contact one of the following: the owner of the premises, the tenants of the premises, the person in lawful custody of the premises or the person responsible for committing, creating, causing, maintaining or permitting said gathering. The officer shall notify such person that the gathering constitutes a public nuisance and that such persons (or, if that person is a minor, the parents or guardians of that minor person) shall be held jointly and severally liable for the costs incurred for providing police personnel for a second or subsequent response to the same premises within 24 hours due to a continuation of the same conduct. If, after a good faith effort, no such responsible party can be found, the warning may be given to any person in attendance at the unruly gathering.
The police department shall develop a written warning document to provide information concerning this section and shall deliver a copy of such warning document to the person described herein during the first visit to the unruly gathering.
(Ord. 1395 § 1, (1989))
The costs incurred by the police department for a second or subsequent response to an unruly gathering when such conduct is continuing at the time of the second or subsequent response, shall be charged to and borne by the owner of the premises, the tenants of the premises, the person in lawful custody of the premises or the person or persons who created, committed, caused, maintained or permitted said unruly gathering (or, in the event that person is a minor, that person's parents or guardians).
(Ord. 1395 § 1, (1989))
The first response and warning shall be deemed to be normal police service. Personnel utilized on a second or subsequent response shall be deemed to be on special security assignment. The costs incurred from such special assignment are declared to be beyond normal services provided by the city.
(Ord. 1395 § 1, (1989))
The charge for providing such special security assignment during the second call shall be calculated by the police department utilizing the hourly pay rates for each member of the public safety forces, including fire department personnel when utilized, and shall be adjusted from time to time to reflect changes in such hourly rates. Said charge may include the cost of providing equipment to the scene of the unruly gathering and the cost of repairing or replacing equipment damaged at the scene. The total charges payable under this section shall be the cost of providing the services but not less than $100 and not more than $1,000, plus the cost of actual damages or injury to city property or personnel, if any, for a single response. Additional visits to the same gathering shall be separately charged.
(Ord. 1395 § 1, (1989))
The person who created, caused, committed or maintained the nuisance, the person or persons in charge of the premises and the person or persons in charge of the unruly gathering, or if any such person is a minor, then the parent or guardians of such person, shall be jointly and severally liable for the cost of providing the special security assignment. In addition, the costs of such special assignment may be made a lien against the property on which the nuisance was maintained and shall be a personal obligation against the property owner as herein set forth.
(Ord. 1395 § 1, (1989))
When the city has incurred response costs as set forth in this chapter, the actual cost thereof, plus accrued interest at the rate of 10% per year from the date of the billing shall be charged to the person or persons liable therefor. Such person or persons shall be billed by mail and the bill shall apprise the owner that failure to pay the bill may result in a lien on the property.
(Ord. 1395 § 1, (1989))
When the full amount due to the city for second or subsequent response costs as set forth in this chapter is not paid by the person or persons responsible therefor within 30 days of the date of the billing for such costs, the police chief shall file with the city clerk a declaration showing the response costs incurred, the date costs were incurred and the location of the property to which the response was made. The recordation of such declaration with the county recorder shall constitute a lien on the property.
(Ord. 1395 § 1, (1989))
The charges established by this section are cumulative in nature and shall not be construed to limit or replace any other remedies or penalties, civil or criminal, which may be available.
(Ord. 1395 § 1, (1989))