The provisions of this title prohibiting the stopping, standing or parking of a vehicle shall apply at all times or at those times herein specified, except when it is necessary to stop a vehicle to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a police officer or official traffic-control device.
The provisions of this title imposing a time limit on standing or parking shall not relieve any person from the duty to observe other and more restrictive provisions of the Vehicle Code or the ordinances of this city prohibiting or limiting the standing or parking of vehicles in specified places or at specified times.
(Ord. 1136 § 6, (1978))
If a vehicle receives a second citation for the violation of the same parking regulation or limitation within the same calendar day, and the vehicle was not moved between citations, or is stationary pursuant to Section 13.32.140, the bail for the second citation shall be increased to such amount as may be established upon the schedule of bail for violation of this section.
(Ord. 1276 § 1, (1984))
The city engineer may issue cards, meter covers or appropriate indicia to allow contractors and tradesmen to park beyond the time periods specified in this title or without operation of parking meters, or both. A fee may be established in lieu of parking meter fees and a deposit shall be established to insure the return of any indicia.
The city manager may issue cards or other appropriate indicia to allow a city employee to park during the employee's city working hours in specified city municipal parking facilities beyond the time periods specified in this title or without operation of parking meters, or both.
(Ord. 1136 § 6, (1978); Ord. 1642 § 2, (2000))
The city engineer is authorized to maintain, by appropriate signs or by paint upon the curb surface, all no stopping zones, no parking areas and restricted parking areas, as defined and described in this title.
When said curb markings or signs are in place, no operator of any vehicle shall stop, stand or park such vehicle adjacent to any such legible curb marking or sign in violation of any of the provisions of this title.
(Ord. 1136 § 6, (1978))
No operator of any vehicle shall stop, stand, park or leave standing such vehicle in any of the following places, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the direction of a police officer or other authorized officer, or traffic sign or signal:
Within any divisional island unless authorized and clearly indicated with appropriate signs or markings;
In any area where the city engineer determines that the parking or stopping of a vehicle would constitute a traffic hazard or would endanger life or property, when such area is indicated by appropriate signs or by red paint upon the curb surface;
In any area established as a no parking area, when such area is indicated by appropriate signs or by red paint upon the curb surface;
Upon, along or across any railway track in such manner as to hinder, delay or obstruct the movement of any rail or light rail vehicle traveling upon such track;
In any area where the parking or stopping of any vehicle would constitute a traffic hazard or would endanger life or property;
On any street or highway where the use of such street or highway or a portion thereof is necessary for the cleaning, repair or construction of the street or highway or the installation of underground utilities, or where the use of the street or highway or any portion thereof is authorized for a purpose other than the normal flow of traffic, or where the use of the street or highway or any portion thereof is necessary for the movement of equipment, articles or structures of unusual size, and the parking of such vehicle would prohibit or interfere with such use or movement; provided, that signs giving notice of such no parking are erected or placed at least 24 hours prior to the effective time of such no parking.
(Ord. 1136 § 6, (1978))
No person who owns or has possession, custody or control of any vehicle shall park such vehicle upon any street, alley or public parking facility for more than a consecutive period of 72 hours.
(Ord. 1136 § 6, (1978); Ord. 1338 § 1, (1987))
No operator of any vehicle shall park such vehicle upon the right-of-way of any street or upon any publicly owned property in the city for the principal purpose of advertising or displaying it for sale or for selling merchandise from said vehicle unless authorized by the city council.
(Ord. 1136 § 6, (1978))
The city engineer is authorized to erect signs indicating no parking upon that side of any street adjacent to any school property when such parking would, in his or her opinion, interfere with traffic or create a hazardous situation.
When official signs are erected prohibiting parking upon that side of a street adjacent to any school property, no person shall park a vehicle in any such designated place.
(Ord. 1136 § 6, (1978); Ord. 1154 § 3, (1979))
The city engineer is authorized to place signs or markings indicating no parking upon any street when the width of the roadway does not exceed 20 feet, or upon one side of a street as indicated by such signs or markings when the width of the roadway does not exceed 30 feet.
When official signs or markings prohibiting parking are erected upon narrow streets as authorized herein, no person shall park a vehicle upon any such street in violation of any such sign or marking.
(Ord. 1136 § 6, (1978))
No person shall park or leave standing any vehicle unattended on a highway when upon any grade exceeding 3% without blocking the wheels of said vehicle by turning them against the curb or by other means.
(Ord. 1136 § 6, (1978))
Whenever the police chief or city engineer determines that an emergency traffic congestion is likely to result from the holding of public or private assemblages, gatherings or functions, or for other reasons, the police chief or city engineer shall have power and authority to order temporary signs to be erected or posted indicating that the operation, parking or standing of vehicles is prohibited on such streets and alleys as the police chief or city engineer shall direct during the time such temporary signs are in place. Such signs shall remain in place only during the existence of such emergency, and the city engineer shall cause such signs to be removed promptly thereafter.
When signs authorized by the provisions of this section are in place giving notice thereof, no person shall operate, park or stand any vehicle contrary to the directions and provisions of such signs.
(Ord. 1136 § 6, (1978))
The city engineer shall establish taxicab stands and determine the locations thereof.
The curb surface within each taxicab stand shall be painted white and marked "Taxicab Stand" in red lettering, or shall be designated by signs of a type and size approved by the city engineer.
No operator of any vehicle, other than a taxicab or automobile for hire, shall park such vehicle in such taxicab stand.
(Ord. 1136 § 6, (1978))
Whenever the city manager determines that the orderly and efficient conduct of the city's business requires that parking or standing of vehicles on parking facilities maintained for city buildings, city parks or other such municipal operation, be prohibited, limited or restricted, the city manager shall have the power and authority to order signs to be erected or posted indicating that the parking of vehicles is thus prohibited, limited or restricted.
When signs authorized by the provisions of this section are in place giving notice thereof, no person shall park or stand any vehicle contrary to the directions or provisions of such signs.
(Ord. 1136 § 6, (1978))
For the purpose of the regulations contained in this title relating to limitations on stopping, standing and parking, any vehicle moved a distance of less than one-tenth of a mile during the limited parking period shall be deemed to have remained stationary. A vehicle parked with the odometer obscured from view from without the vehicle shall be presumed to have remained stationary.
(Ord. 1136 § 6, (1978))
No person shall construct or cause to be constructed, repair or cause to be repaired, grease or cause to be greased, or dismantle or cause to be dismantled, any vehicle or any part thereof upon any public street in this city. Temporary emergency repairs may be made upon a public street.
(Ord. 1136 § 6, (1978))
No person shall wash or cause to be washed, or polish or cause to be polished, any vehicle or any part thereof upon any public street in this city when a charge is made for such service.
(Ord. 1136 § 6, (1978))
No vehicle, including a truck, tractor, trailer, camping vehicle or combination thereof that exceeds 20 feet in overall length shall be parked at any time upon a public municipal parking facility or in an angle street parking space. This prohibition shall not apply to trucks or delivery vehicles which are stopped or parked temporarily for loading or unloading merchandise and materials.
(Ord. 1142 § 5, (1979); Ord. 1680 § 3, (2002))
No person shall permit any trailer, semitrailer, camper, camp trailer, house car, trailer coach or mobilehome to park or remain upon any street, park or other public place within the city, other than the RR zone, between the hours of 7:00 p.m. of any day and 7:00 a.m. of the following day.
(Ord. 1259 § 1, (1983); Ord. 1793 § 5, (2006))
No person shall use any trailer, semitrailer, camper, camp trailer, house car, trailer coach, mobile home or any other vehicle for the purpose of sleeping or living quarters whether on public or private property.
(Ord. 1259 § 2, (1983))