Whenever in this chapter the following terms are used, they shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section:
"Doing business"
means adopting or soliciting passengers for hire in the city. "Doing business" also includes discharging of a passenger for hire in the city if such passenger boarded the taxicab in a military installation lying wholly or partially in the city.
means an individual who drives, or is in actual physical control of, a taxicab in which passengers are carried for hire within the city.
"Driver's identification card"
means the annual identification card issued to a taxicab driver pursuant to this chapter.
means the operator's annual permit for all of the taxicabs operated by an operator and issued pursuant to this chapter.
means a person, firm, partnership or corporation engaged in the business of operating one or more taxicabs and carrying passengers in such taxicabs for hire within the city.
"Posted rate"
means the rate charge registered with the sheriff and posted within the taxicab vehicle. The posted rate indicates the rate of charge at which the taximeter has been set and inspected by the sealer of weights and measures.
means a motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicle for hire which is used for the transportation of passengers over and along the public streets, not over a defined route, but as to the route and destination in accordance with and at the direction of the passenger or person hiring such vehicle.
(Prior code § 21.301)
No person shall engage in the business of operating a taxicab company in the city unless a taxicab operator permit has first been obtained from the county of San Diego, office of the sheriff.
(Ord. 161 § 2, 1989)
No person shall drive any taxicab in the city unless a taxi driver's identification card has first been obtained from the county of San Diego, office of the sheriff.
(Ord. 161 § 2, 1989)