Public parks shall be designated in the Metro Plan including the Willamalane Park and Recreation District Comprehensive Plan or be approved in accordance with a Discretionary Use application as specified in SDC 5.9.100.
Standards for Public and Private Parks in the BKMU District.
Community Parks shall be designated on a Park Facilities Plan adopted by the City, or be approved in accordance with Type 3 review procedure (Discretionary Use).
A Traffic Impact Study shall be prepared by a Traffic Engineer and approved by the City Engineer.
Standards for Public and Private Parks in the PLO District.
Primary access shall be on arterial or collector streets unless specified or exempted elsewhere in this section.
Stadiums, swimming pools and other major noise generators within parks shall be located at least 30 feet from residential property lines and screened by a noise attenuating barrier.
Community and regional parks shall be designated on a Park Facilities Plan adopted by the City, or be approved in accordance with Type 3 review procedure (Discretionary Use).
A Traffic Impact Study must be prepared by a Traffic Engineer and approved by the City Engineer.
Standards for the Urbanizable Fringe Overlay District. Neighborhood Parks must be shown on the Metro Plan or an adopted refinement plan, or be reviewed under Type 3 Discretionary Use procedures.
(Ord. 6465, 11/20/2023)
Primary access shall be on arterial or collector streets except as provided or exempted elsewhere in SDC 3.2.700.
Stadiums, swimming pools and other major noise generators shall be located at least 30 feet from residential property lines and shall be screened by a noise attenuating barrier.
Community and regional parks shall comply with the criteria specified in SDC 4.7.200(B).
For all special uses, a traffic impact study shall be prepared as specified in SDC 4.2.105(A)(4).
R.V. parks and campgrounds within regional parks shall comply with the standards specified in SDC 4.7.220(D).
Private/Public Elementary and Middle Schools shall meet the standards specified in SDC 4.7.195.
Wellness centers shall comply with the criteria specified in SDC 4.7.250.
Pedestrian amenities for public buildings in mixed uses Metro Plan land use designations as specified in SDC 3.2.625(G).
Arcades, Auditoriums, Bingo Parlors, Dance Halls (licensed by the State of Oregon as specified in ORS 167.118), Non-Alcohol Night Clubs, Hydrotubes, Velodromes and Skating Rinks shall not be permitted to abut a residential district.
Non-Alcohol Night Clubs shall locate at least 500 feet from an established tavern. Taverns shall locate at least 500 feet from an established non-alcohol night club.
Stadiums, swimming pools, batting cages and other major noise generators shall be located at least 30 feet from residential and commercial property lines and screened by a noise attenuating barrier.
In areas designated mixed use on the Springfield Comprehensive Plan Map or a Refinement Plan diagram, Plan District map, or Conceptual Development Plan, multiple unit housing developments must meet the standards as specified in the applicable regulation. R-2 and R-3 District standards contained in this code must be followed where the Springfield Comprehensive Plan Map, Refinement Plan diagram, Plan District map, or Conceptual Development Plan does not specify development standards, or in areas where no applicable regulation has been prepared.
In areas with mixed use zoning, the residential development standards of the applicable mixed use zoning and/or overlay district apply.
One single-unit dwelling, detached or attached to a commercial building in the NC or CC Districts as a secondary use, shall comply with the residential development standards of SDC 3.2.215 concerning setbacks and height.
In the BKMU Plan District, residential uses shall be encouraged as second story uses above commercial and industrial uses and shall not occupy more than 35 percent of the land area within the BKMU Plan District. All MDR development standards specified in SDC 3.2.200 apply.
(6443; 6463)
New or expanded RV parks shall:
Be at least 1 acre in size.
Have a 20-foot landscaped perimeter setback.
Abut an arterial or collector street and shall be designed to direct the flow of traffic away from local streets, as specified in SDC 4.2.120, Site Access and Driveways.
Special Standards for RV Parks Within the PLO Zoning District and UF-10 Overlay District.
For RV parks and campgrounds within regional parks inside the city limits the following criteria shall apply:
The site is served by sanitary sewer.
The RV park/campground is consistent with the standards, criteria and guidelines adopted by the Willamalane Park and Recreation District.
For RV parks and campgrounds within regional parks outside the city limits the following criteria apply:
The site shall be more than 5 acres but less than 100 acres.
The site shall be more than 1,000 feet from a public sanitary sewer line as measured in a direct line from the sewer line to the property line.
The RV park/campground is consistent with the standards, criteria and guidelines adopted by the Willamalane Park and Recreation District.
The RV park/campground is screened from adjacent uses.
Approval shall be in accordance with Type 3 Review, discretionary use.
The RV park or campground use may be terminated within 120 days by the City when a public sanitary sewer line is within 1,000 feet from the subject property line. All improvements related to the RV park or campground shall be removed and the site restored to its pre-development condition. The termination clause shall appear as a provision in a deed restriction for the property and will be a required condition of Site Plan Approval.
RVs as a Residential Use. RVs as a residential use shall be permitted only in those manufactured dwelling parks in Glenwood that existed as of January 27, 1982.
The cumulative total area of secondary retail uses, exercise studios, and sit-down restaurants and delicatessens in the GO District shall be limited to no more than 10 percent of the gross floor area of the office building in which they are sited.
In the NC District, these services shall take place entirely indoors, and buildings shall be utilized to ensure that noise or odor do not disturb the normal operation and tranquility of neighboring residential and business area.
Heliports and helistops shall not be located within 200 feet of any residential district. Noise attenuating barriers shall be constructed where necessary to mitigate land use conflicts.
New transit stations abutting residential districts may be required to provide noise attenuating barriers.
Buildings shall be located in the front of lots/parcels, where possible, to minimize the visibility of outdoor storage yards or areas.
Any outdoor storage yard or area shall be surrounded by a sight-obscuring fence.
EXCEPTION: Sales of heavy equipment and trucks does not require fencing.
In the Downtown Exception Area, the storage and display of rental equipment shall be confined within a building.
Existing uses in this category shall adhere to the standards of subsections (B) and (C), above by May 5, 1991.
For mini-storage facilities, an on-site manager’s living quarters shall be permitted when the living quarters are constructed as part of and attached to a new or existing mini-storage facility.
Light-Medium Industrial and Warehousing. For Warehouse-Commercial use, at least 50 percent of the structure shall be used for storage of materials and 50 percent or less may be used for combined retail and office floor space.
Special provisions for the BKMU District:
Buildings shall be located to minimize the visibility of outdoor storage yards or areas.
Outdoor storage yards shall only be permitted as a secondary use.
Any outdoor storage yard or area shall be surrounded by a sight obscuring fence.
Light-Medium Industrial and Warehousing. For Warehouse-Commercial use, at least 50 percent of the structure is used for storage of materials and 50 percent or less may be used for combined retail and office floor space.
Ord. No. 6466, 11/20/2023
The building is owned by a public agency.
The center is secondary to a primary public community recreation center on the same development site. The square footage that is dedicated to non-public, wellness-related uses shall not exceed 50 percent of the combined total area (within the center and within the primary recreation facility) that is dedicated to public, recreation-related uses.