Unless otherwise provided herein or by the charter, the procedures used for conducting an election on any measure to be referred to the voters through the initiative or referendum shall be those specified pursuant to ORS chapter 250.
Where referendum petitions shall be signed by the required number of legal voters against an ordinance passed by the council, such petitions shall be filed with the elections filing officer within 30 days after the passage and approval of the ordinance in question.
Where initiative petitions shall be signed by the required number of legal voters to initiate legislation, such petitions shall be filed with the elections filing officer within two years from the time the petition is approved for circulation.
[Section 2.235 amended by Ordinance No. 6322, enacted June 16, 2014]
The preparation of the ballot title for an initiative or referendum shall be prepared pursuant to ORS chapter 250.
When any measure is submitted to the voters by resolution of the council as provided in this section, the council may in the resolution provide for a ballot title for the measure so to be submitted, and in the event of such provision being made by the council, the provisions of this section relative to the filing of the measure with the city attorney, the preparation by the city attorney of a ballot title therefor, and the appeal to the council from the ballot title so prepared, shall not apply.
Where a measure to the city charter is proposed and submitted to the legal voters by resolution of the council, the resolution shall state therein the date of the election at which the measure will be submitted to the legal voters.
When any petition circulated and filed in the exercise of the initiative and referendum as provided in this chapter calls for a special election or for the submission of the measures contained in the petition at the next regular city election, it shall be the duty of the council, as soon as practicable after any such petition has been finally accepted and filed by the elections filing officer as provided in this article, to call by resolution an election to be held on the date specified in the petition to submit to the legal voters of the city the measure contained in any such petition for approval or rejection.
If the date specified in the petition is not a regular or special election in the state of Oregon, the council may, if it so desires, order the election to be held on the next upcoming regular or special election date.
Initiative petitions for any proposed ordinance, charter amendment, or other measure shall be signed by a number of legal voters equal to 15 percent of the votes cast for mayor at the last regular election for mayor.
Referendum petitions against any ordinance or measure proposed by the council shall be signed by a number of legal voters equal to 10 percent of the votes cast for mayor at the last regular election for mayor.
The elections filing officer shall accept for filing any initiative or referendum petition, subject to the verification of the number and genuineness of the signatures and voting qualifications of the persons signing the petitions, and shall cause to have such signatures and qualifications verified by reference to the registration books in the county elections division.
If a sufficient number of qualified voters are found to have signed the petition, the elections filing officer shall submit such petition with the county prior to the filing deadline for the election specified in the petition.
A new charter or amendment to the charter of the city may be proposed and submitted to the legal voters thereof by resolution of the council without an initiative petition pursuant to ORS chapter 250.
No new charter or amendment to a charter shall be effective until it is approved by a majority of the votes cast thereon by the legal voters of the city.
The council may, by resolution, submit any proposed ordinance or measure and may refer any ordinance or measure to the voters for their approval or rejection without an initiative petition.
The city recorder shall give 10 days’ notice before the election date in the case of a polling place election, or by the date the ballots must be mailed in the case of mail-in elections, by one publication in some newspaper published in the city, or by posting printed or typewritten notices thereof for at least 10 days in three public places in the city, of any election mentioned in sections 2.205 to 2.285. The city recorder shall determine whether such notice shall be by publication in such newspaper or posting, unless the council otherwise directs in the ordinance or resolution calling such election.
Such notice need not set forth in full the ordinance, charter amendment proposed, or other measure to be submitted to the legal voters at any such election, but it shall include the ballot title, ballot question and summary.
Except as may be required by ORS chapter 192, it shall not be necessary, in connection with any election conducted pursuant to this section to prepare or distribute any voters’ pamphlets, nor distribute to voters any copies of candidate lists, measures or arguments.
The city council may, by motion, resolution or ordinance, provide for the preparation and distribution of a printed voters’ pamphlet that includes copies of candidates list, statements from candidates, measures or arguments relative to measures to be considered and voted upon at any such election.
The city council may, by motion, resolution or ordinance, provide for the preparation and make available an electronic voters’ pamphlet or make available electronically candidates list, statements from candidates, measures or arguments relative to measures to be considered and voted upon at any city, park district, school district, or utility board election. An electronic voters’ pamphlet may be prepared independent of or in lieu of a printed voters’ pamphlet.
Standards for the printed and electronic voters’ pamphlet shall be set by policy approved by the city manager.
[Section 2.270 amended by Ordinance No. 6322, enacted June 16, 2014]
Upon receiving the abstract of the vote tally for nominated or elected officers and measures from the county, the city recorder will act as follows, no later than 40 days after the election.
The city recorder must:
Prepare a register of nominations, including the name of each candidate nominated, the position for which the candidate was nominated, and the date of entry;
Proclaim to the city council the candidates nominated or elected and the measures approved;
Proclaim which measure is paramount if approved measures contain conflicting provisions; and
Prepare and deliver to each candidate a certificate of nomination or election.
[Section 2.275 amended by Ordinance No. 6433, enacted January 3, 2022]
No measure shall be adopted unless it shall receive the affirmative majority of the total number of legal votes cast on such measure and entitled to be counted thereon.
If two or more laws on the same subject, or containing provisions that are conflicting, are approved by the voters at the same election, the measure receiving the greatest number of affirmative votes shall be proclaimed to be the law adopted.
In the case of ordinances which have been passed by the city council and voted upon by referendum, such ordinances shall continue in effect or cease to be in effect, according to the election result, from the time of such proclamation.
Pursuant to the charter, all city officers must take the following oath of office before assuming the duties of their office, and file it with the city recorder:
“As required by the Charter, I, [name of oath taker], do solemnly swear and affirm that I support the Constitution and laws of the United States and the state of Oregon, and of the charter, ordinances, and rules of procedures for the City of Springfield, and that I will faithfully and honorably perform the duties of the office that I am about to assume.”
[Section 2.285 amended by Ordinance No. 6448, enacted October 3, 2022]