Except for OLCC or park and recreation district approved events, no person shall possess or consume any intoxicating liquor upon any public park and recreation district facilities open to or frequented by the public, including, but not limited to: public parks, roads, buildings and parking lots. The above offense is also punishable as a violation and may include a fine not exceeding $720.00 pursuant to SMC section 1.205.
[Section 5.280 amended by Ordinance No. 6169, enacted May 15, 2006]
No person shall swim at any public park and recreation district building or facility open to or frequented by the public when a lifeguard is not present.
The unreasonable operation or use of any device designed for sound production, amplification, or reproduction, including, but not limited to, any radio, musical instrument, phonograph, television set, tape recorder, loudspeaker, compact disc player, or other similar device, is prohibited in or upon any public park and recreation district facilities open to or frequented by the public, including, but not limited to, parks, roads, buildings and parking lots. Pursuant to this section, unreasonable sound amplification occurs when a person operates, or permits the operation of, any sound amplification system as described above which is plainly audible outside of a 50-foot radius. This prohibition shall not apply to activities sponsored or authorized by a park district. The above offense is also punishable as a violation and may include a fine not exceeding $720.00 pursuant to SMC section 1.205.
[Section 5.284 amended by Ordinance No. 6169, enacted May 15, 2006]
Except as provided in ORS 166.173(2), it shall be unlawful for any person to possess any loaded: firearm, rifle, shotgun, revolver, pistol, air gun, air rifle or any similar mechanism by whatever name known which is designed to expel a projectile through a gun barrel by the action of any explosive powder, gas, compressed air, spring or elastic mechanism at any public park and recreation district facility open to or frequented by the public, including, but not limited to, parks, roads, buildings, and parking lots. This prohibition shall not apply to activities sponsored or authorized by a park district. The above offense is punishable as a violation and subject to a fine not exceeding $720.00 pursuant to SMC section 1.205.
[Section 5.286 amended by Ordinance No. 6169, enacted May 15, 2006; further amended by Ordinance No. 6173, enacted May 15, 2006]
No person shall possess or ignite fireworks, as defined in ORS 480.110, as amended, in public park and recreation district facilities open to or frequented by the public, including, but not limited to, parks, roads, buildings and parking lots. This prohibition shall not apply to activities sponsored or authorized by a park district. The above offense is also punishable as a violation and may include a fine not exceeding $720.00 pursuant to SMC section 1.205.
[Section 5.288 amended by Ordinance No. 6169, enacted May 15, 2006]
No person shall hunt, trap, molest, injure or capture any wild bird or animal in public park and recreation district facilities open to or frequented by the public, including, but not limited to, parks, roads, buildings and parking lots. This prohibition shall not apply to activities sponsored or authorized by a park district. The above offense is also punishable as a violation and may include a fine not exceeding $720.00 pursuant to SMC section 1.205.
[Section 5.290 amended by Ordinance No. 6169, enacted May 15, 2006]
No person shall ignite or maintain open fires in public park and recreation district facilities open to or frequented by the public, including, but not limited to, parks, roads and parking lots, except in designated pits or fireplaces. The above offense is also punishable as a violation and may include a fine not exceeding $720.00 pursuant to SMC section 1.205.
[Section 5.292 amended by Ordinance No. 6169, enacted May 15, 2006]