[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Council of the Town of Rocky Hill 8-21-2023 by Ord. No. 289-23. Amendments noted where applicable.]
There is hereby created a committee to be known as the Affordable Housing Committee.
The Committee's role is to work with the Town Council, other Town and quasi —Town Boards and Commissions with the following purpose:
To advocate and oversee affordable housing efforts;
To educate the community about affordable housing;
To raise awareness of what the Town is required to do;
To assist in managing the Special Housing Fund, if established;
To maintain and update the Affordable Housing Plan every five years as required by law.
The Committee will accomplish its purposes (Subsection B) by performing the following duties:
Plan and facilitate educational presentations on the Affordable Housing Plan and affordable housing in general;
Actively participate in workshops and training sessions for their roles with a focus on best practices on navigating difficult conversations; promoting partnerships across groups of different cultures, socioeconomic circumstances, abilities to educate others about affordable housing;
The Committee shall assist in implantation of the Rocky Hill 2022-2027 Affordable Housing Plan and oversee the updates thereof every five years;
The Committee shall promote and further the goals of the Fair Housing Act with choice and opportunities for all;
The Committee shall establish bylaws following Roberts Rules;
The Committee shall research relevant data to be utilized in education of municipal entities and the public;
The Committee shall seek guidance from and work with appropriate Town Departments, Boards, Commissions, etc. when necessary;
The Committee shall report annually on their activity to the Town Council, or more frequently if the Council shall so request, or the Committee so desires.
Committee members shall be selected from a broad cross section of Town residents and local business representatives, of diverse income levels, cultural and social backgrounds and abilities, including those residing in affordable housing communities. Committee members will receive no remuneration for their work.
The Committee shall consist of seven members who shall be appointed by the Town Council through recommendation of the Town Council Majority Leader in the amount of four members, and Minority Leader in the amount of three members. At its initial meeting, and at its first meeting on or after January 1 of 2024, the Commission shall elect from its members three officers: 1) a Chair; 2) a Vice Chair; and 3) a Secretary.
To ensure continuity of functions and objectives, appointment terms will be staggered. Of the seven members first appointed in the Commission's inaugural year:
Three appointments (the Secretary, and two regular members) shall expire January 1 two years after initial appointment;
Three appointments (the Vice Chair and two regular members) shall expire January 1, 2026; and
One appointment (the Chair) shall expire January 1, 2027.
Subsequent appointments by the Town Council of successors to members whose terms have expired shall be for three-year terms and shall commence on the first day of January of the appropriate year.
The Town Council Majority Leader and Minority Leader may each appoint one alternate member; one of whom, on a rotational basis, may serve when a regular member is unable to attend a meeting. Each alternate member shall serve a three-year term.
Any vacancy on the Committee from whatever cause shall be filled by appointment of the Town Council for the unexpired portion of the term. Resignation from the Committee shall be in writing and transmitted to the Chairperson who will then forward the resignation to the Town Council through the Town Manager. No member of the Committee shall be removed from the Committee without action of the Town Council.
The Committee shall hold a minimum of six meetings each year at such regular intervals as it may designate. The Chair of the Committee may at any time call for a special meeting when tasks warrant such. The Committee shall post meeting agendas, meeting minutes and actions. A quorum at any meeting shall consist of three members, and the affirmative vote of a majority of the seated members in attendance shall be required to take any action.
The facilities and services of various agencies and departments of the Town shall be made reasonably available to the Committee at its request.