The IL-CL district is intended to provide opportunities for certain types of limited industrial uses to provide adequate space to meet the needs of modern industrial development, including off-street parking and truck loading areas; and to provide industrial employment opportunities for residents of the city and region. The IL designation accommodates a wide range of job-generating uses, including business parks; clean light industrial; research and development (R&D); science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM); tech/biotech manufacturing; high-tech services that incorporate some combination of assembly, warehousing, and/or sales, hospitals and other health care-related uses, warehouses and distribution centers.
Special provisions apply to properties located between Dos Reis Road and De Lima Road. See Section 17.62.068.
(Ord. 23-452, 12/11/2023)
Light industrial and related uses, including:
Off-street parking lots improved in conformity with Chapter 17.76;
Assembly of small electric appliances, such as lighting fixtures, irons, fans, toasters and electric toys, refrigerators, washing machines, dryers, dishwashers and similar home appliances;
Assembly of small electrical equipment, such as home motion picture equipment, stereos, video cameras and radio and television receivers, but not including electrical machinery;
Manufacture of scientific, medical, dental and drafting instruments, orthopedic and medical appliances, cameras and photographic equipment, except film, electronic equipment, musical instruments, precision instruments, optical goods, watches and clocks;
Manufacture of ceramic products, such as pottery, figurines and small glazed tile;
Manufacturing, assembling, compounding, packaging and processing of cosmetics, drugs, pharmaceuticals, (not including refining or rendering of fats or oils) and toiletries;
Manufacture and assembly of electrical supplies, such as coils, condensers, crystal holders, insulation, lamps, switches and wire and cable assembly, provided no noxious or offensive fumes or odors are produced;
Manufacture of cutlery, hardware, hand tools and furniture, dye and pattern making, metal stamping and extrusion of small products, such as costume jewelry, pins and needles, razor blades, bottle caps, buttons and kitchen utensils;
Manufacturing, assembling, compounding, packaging, crating and processing of articles or merchandise from the following previously prepared materials: bone, canvas, cellophane, cellulose, cloth, cork, feathers, felt, fiber and synthetic fiber, fur, glass, hair, horn, leather, paint (not employing a boiling process), paper, plastics, precious or semi-precious metals or stones, rubber and synthetic rubber, shell, straw, textiles, tobacco and wood;
Manufacturing, assembling, compounding, processing, packaging or treatment of such products as bakery goods, candy, dairy products, food products, including fruits and vegetables, but not including fish and meat products, pickles, sauerkraut, vinegar or yeast, or refining or rendering of fats and oils;
Blacksmith shops, boat building, electric motor rebuilding, machine shops and paint shops;
Gasoline service stations, including dispensing of diesel, natural gas, and liquid petroleum gas fuels and complete truck service;
Lumber yards, including planing mills and saw mills; mattress manufacture; storage yards for commercial vehicles or feed; flour, feed and grain mills; grain elevators;
Manufacture and maintenance of electric and neon signs, billboards and commercial advertising structures;
Public utility and public service structures and facilities, such as communications equipment buildings, electric distribution substations, electric transmission substations, gas regulator stations, pumping stations, public utility service yards, corporation yards, railroad rights-of-way and stations, reservoirs and storage tanks;
Public buildings and grounds;
Incidental and accessory structures and uses such as retail, office, etc., located on the same site as a permitted use;
Wineries and wine cellars, small, medium and large;
Business parks and incubator spaces;
Research development industry and business support services;
Warehouse and distribution facilities;
Other uses which are added to this list according to the procedure in Section 17.16.020.
(Ord. 23-452, 12/11/2023)
The following uses may be permitted in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 17.108:
Gas and electric transmission lines in accordance with Section 17.108.080;
Watchpersons' living-quarters incidental to and on the same site with a permitted limited industrial use;
Mobile or modular offices in accordance with the requirements of mobile or modular offices;
Other uses which have been added to this list according to the procedure in Section 17.16.020;
Temporary uses pursuant to Section 17.108.090.
(Ord. 23-452, 12/11/2023)
The following uses may be permitted in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 17.112:
Bulk storage and delivery of liquefied petroleum gas;
Excavations according to the requirements of Chapter 17.88;
Expansion, remodeling, or additions to a conditional use that are not considered an incidental or accessory use as defined in Section 17.04.080;
Outdoor vending stalls for the sale or trade of new and used articles at specified times of the day and week as either a temporary or permanent use of land;
Other uses which are added to this list according to the procedure in Section 17.16.020.
(Ord. 23-452, 12/11/2023)
All uses shall be consistent with Article 12, Nonresidential Development Standards, of this chapter. Where development standards are not specifically identified in this document, reference the city of Lathrop Zoning Ordinance.
(Ord. 23-452, 12/11/2023)
No use shall be erected on any lot or site in any IL district until a site plan and architectural plans shall have been submitted to and approved by the city pursuant to the provisions of Chapters 17.100 and 17.104. Design review is required for all proposed structures, whether residential or nonresidential, together with related site plans, landscaping, and public improvements associated with new development within the Central Lathrop Specific Plan Phase 2 area.
(Ord. 23-452, 12/11/2023)
All development projects proposed north of Dos Reis Road and South of De Lima Road shall obtain a conditional use permit. Property located in this area is subject to discretionary review by the city council with recommendation from the planning commission. Proposed development and uses may be permitted in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 17.112, except that the city council serves as the final reviewing authority.
(Ord. 23-452, 12/11/2023)
All uses shall be subject to the general provisions and exceptions in Chapter 17.16, except if a development project is proposed north of Dos Reis Road and South of De Lima Road, the planning commission serves as a recommending body to the city council. The city council reserves the right to provide discretionary review.
The community development director may approve use interpretations and minor deviations related to the zoning herein.
(Ord. 23-452, 12/11/2023)