The Board of Finance shall consist of six members serving without compensation for four years each. Employees of the Town are not allowed to serve on the Board of Finance. The Board shall have powers and duties in accordance with CGS § 7-340 through CGS § 7-349 and Charter Article
The Planning and Zoning Commission shall consist of six members,
serving without compensation for four years each. There shall be three
alternates, also serving without compensation for four years each.
Employees of the Town are not allowed to serve on the Planning and
Zoning Commission. The Commission shall have powers and duties in
accordance with CGS § 124 and 126.
The functions and responsibilities of the Commission shall include
the following:
preparation and adoption of a Plan of Conservation and Development,
designation of zoning districts in accordance with that Plan,
preparation, adoption, and implementation of zoning and subdivision
regulations in furtherance of the Plan of Conservation and Development
and the long-term health and safety of the Town.
Within the limits of its appropriations, the Commission may,
by vote of a majority of its members, engage such employees, including
legal counsel, as are necessary for its work and may contract with
professional consultants.
The Zoning Board of Appeals shall consist of five members, serving
without compensation for four years each. There shall be three alternates,
also serving four years each. Employees of the Town are not allowed
to serve on the Zoning Board of Appeals.
The functions and responsibilities of the Board include the
hearing and deciding appeals where it is alleged there is an
error in any order, requirement, or decision made under CGS § 124;
hearing and deciding special exceptions as required by the specific
terms of the zoning bylaws; and
determining and varying the application of zoning bylaws, Ordinances,
or regulations solely with respect to a parcel of land for reasons
of unusual hardship (CGS § 124).
The Town shall elect five members to the District 17 Regional
Board of Education, subject to such future adjustments as are necessary
to insure balanced representation of member towns. Members elected
to the Regional Board of Education shall serve four years each, and
vacancies on the Board shall be filled by vote at a Town Meeting (CGS
§ 10-46), to serve until a successor is chosen and qualified
at the next municipal election, at which time a successor shall be
elected to serve any unexpired portions of that term.
Additional elective Boards may be established by Ordinance submitted
to and approved by a Town Meeting. Such Ordinance shall specify the
Board's powers and duties, number of members, terms of office,
and method of filling vacancies.
No Board authorized in Charter §
4-10 through §
4-15 shall have more than a bare majority of terms of office expiring at the same election, except that the Board of Finance and the Planning and Zoning Commission shall have no more than half of the terms expiring at the same election.