Unless otherwise provided by this Charter or by Ordinance, the members of all appointive Boards shall be appointed by the Board of Selectmen, and the term of office of such members shall be for four years or less.
The Board of Selectmen may not make or submit appointments that do not commence during the term of office of the Board of Selectmen. During the period between Election Day and the day newly elected Selectmen assume office, the Board of Selectmen may make no appointments to appointive Boards.
Only Electors shall be eligible for appointment. A person ceasing to be an Elector shall cease to hold office in the town, and the office will be deemed vacant.
All appointed members shall be sworn within 30 days of appointment, and before taking office, or their office will be deemed vacant. The Officer administering the oath shall record such fact in the Town Clerk's Office.
Membership on all appointive Boards shall be determined in accordance with the minority representation laws (CGS § 9-167(a)).
Any appointed member wishing to resign from office shall submit a resignation in writing to the Town Clerk. Such resignation shall become effective on the date submitted unless another date is specified therein.
Vacancies created by the demise of a Board member, or by a Board member's failure to be sworn or ceasing to be an elector, shall be reported by the chair or chair's designee, to the Town Clerk before the first meeting of the Board of Selectmen following creation of the vacancy.
The Town Clerk, upon receiving a resignation or notice of a vacancy, shall forthwith notify the Board of Selectmen and the chairs of the Town Political Party Committees, and shall at the same time publish the vacancy in such a way as to bring the resignation or vacancy to the attention of the Town. This announcement shall also identify the appointing authority.
Vacancies shall be filled by Board of Selectmen appointment within 45 days from the time the office becomes vacant. The Town Political Party Committee representing the party of the vacated appointed member shall have 30 days in which to propose an appointee to the Board of Selectmen.
When the person vacating the office had been appointed as a member of a political party, such vacancy shall be filled by the appointment of a member of the same political party, if at all possible. In all cases, appointments must be made in compliance with minority representation and in accordance with the Statutes. A vacancy shall not be considered filled until the person appointed to fill that vacancy has been sworn into office and the swearing has been recorded in the manner prescribed in Charter § 5-2(b).
An appointee to a vacancy in appointive office shall serve the remaining term of the member being replaced.
Copies of all minutes taken by each Board shall be filed with the Town Clerk and with the First Selectman within seven days of the date on which such actions are taken and shall include the roll call vote of those present, a description of the various items of business discussed or transacted, a reference to all correspondence received, and the recorded vote of each member thereof on all issues.
The vote of each member upon any issue before a Board shall be reduced to writing and made available for public inspection at the Town Clerk's Office within 48 hours (CGS § 1-225).
Except as otherwise provided in this Charter, all Boards authorized in Charter Article V shall meet within 30 days of taking office, shall elect a chair and a secretary, and may define rules of procedure for the conduct of their meetings and the execution of their duties. Such rules and any amendments thereto shall be filed with the Town Clerk and shall be public records.
Each chair or chair's designee of such Boards shall file with the Town Clerk, no later than January 31 of each year, the schedule of regular meetings for the ensuing year. Such rules and any amendments thereto shall be filed with the Town Clerk and shall be public records.
Except as otherwise provided in this Charter, the compensation of all such Boards shall be as recommended by the Board of Selectmen and Board of Finance and shall be subject to the same budgeting procedure as is described in Charter Article IX. Officials serving without pay shall be reimbursed for just and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties, subject to the limits of appropriations available for such purposes.
The First Selectman shall provide each person appointed to a Board or Commission with a copy of the Ordinance or other source, including this Charter, which defines the duties of the appointment.
The Conservation Commission shall consist of seven members serving without compensation for three-year terms ending on December 31. Each year two members are to be appointed, except every third year three members are to be appointed. The Commission shall make recommendations to the Board of Selectmen for the development, conservation, supervision and regulation of natural resources (CGS § 7-131).
The Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Commission shall consist of seven members serving without compensation for three-year terms ending on December 31. Each year two members are to be appointed, except every third year three members are to be appointed. Members are not allowed to hold any salaried municipal office. At least two members of the total Commission shall have been endorsed by the Planning and Zoning Commission prior to appointment. At least two members of the total Commission shall have been endorsed by the Conservation Commission prior to appointment. The Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Commission is authorized and established in accordance with the provisions of CGS § 22a-42c.
The Park and Recreation Commission shall consist of seven members serving without compensation for three-year terms ending on December 31. The Commission shall plan the development of municipal recreation facilities for the children, youth, and adults of the Town, shall establish and maintain such facilities, and shall supervise and adopt rules for the use of such facilities. The Park and Recreation Commission shall function in cooperation with the Haddam-Killingworth Recreation Authority.
The Public Health Agency shall consist of not more than 7 members named and appointed by the Board of Selectmen for three-year terms to assist in the administration of a public health service. Included in the 7-member Agency shall be a representative from Town government as determined by the Board of Selectmen and a representative from the school staff as determined by the Board of Education. Each year two members are to be appointed, except every third year three members are to be appointed.
The Water Pollution Control Authority shall consist of five members serving without compensation for three-year terms ending December 31. The Authority shall:
work with the Health Director/Health District to enforce sewage disposal regulations,
manage water pollution issues to include emerging contaminants and storm water management, and
have powers and duties as set forth in Chapter 103 of the Statutes.
The Historic Review Committee shall consist of 5 members and 2 alternates appointed by the Board of Selectmen serving without compensation for a 1 year term. Recommendations to the Historic Review Committee shall be solicited from the Municipal Historian, the Killingworth Historical Society, and other qualified agencies and associations.
The Fair Rent Commission shall consist of 5 members, appointed by the Board of Selectmen to serve staggered 4-year terms. The Fair Rent Commission shall have the full powers and authority as set forth in CGS § 7-148b-f.
The Town is a member of the following Regional Organizations:
Regional Organization
Number of representatives; appointing authority
Advisory Council for Cable Television
CT Agencies Regulations 16-333-24, 16-333-25, 16-333-26
1 representative appointed by BOS
2 years
Catchment Area Council #10 Commission of Mental Health
CGS § 17a-483
1 representative appointed by BOS
2 years
Central Regional Tourism District
CGS § 10-397
1 representative appointed by BOS
3 years
Connecticut River Area Health District
CGS § 19(a) - 241(b)
1 representative appointed by BOS
3 years
Estuary Transit District
CGS § 7-273(c)
1 representative appointed by BOS, confirmed at Town Meeting
4 years
Haddam-Killingworth Recreation Authority
CGS § 7-130(b)
3 representatives appointed by BOS, confirmed at Town Meeting
1 year
Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments (RiverCOG)
CGS § 16a-4(c)
1 representative - First Selectman or delegated to a Selectman
2 years
Lower Connecticut River Valley Council of Governments Regional Planning Committee
Chapter 127 of the Statutes
1 representative appointed by Planning and Zoning and one alternate appointed by BOS
2 years
Lower Connecticut River Valley Regional Housing Committee
CGS § 16a-4(c)
1 representative appointed by BOS
1 year
Lower Connecticut River Valley Regional Agricultural Council
CGS § 16a-4(c)
1 representative appointed by BOS
1 year
Middlesex County Revitalization Commission
CSA 93-36
1 representative appointed by BOS - business executive or governmental officer
2 years
South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority Representative Policy Board
CSA 77-98
1 representative appointed by BOS, confirmed at Town Meeting
3 years
The Town may, by Ordinance approved by a Town Meeting, join, determine how it shall choose representatives, or discontinue its membership in any regional or intergovernmental organization in any manner as is consistent with this Charter and in accordance with the Statutes.
The Selectmen may also join or be appointed to Regional Organizations that do not require budget actions by the Town.
Additional appointive Boards may be created and their powers and duties specified by Ordinance passed at a Town Meeting. By Ordinance, appointive Boards authorized by this Section may be abolished or consolidated, their powers and duties may be altered, and the number or terms of office of their members may be changed.
All terms shall be established to expire as nearly as possible at regularly staggered annual or biennial intervals. A member shall continue to hold office until a successor has been appointed and has qualified.
Committees may be established by vote at a Town Meeting or by vote of the Board of Selectmen. Committees established by vote at a Town Meeting may be either temporary or permanent. Committees established by the Board of Selectmen shall terminate 30 days after the next municipal election unless a termination date has been set when the Committee was established.
Appointments and terms: Except as otherwise provided by the Ordinance or Resolution establishing a Committee, the term of office of appointees to Committees shall terminate 30 days after the next municipal election. The Board of Selectmen shall act as the initial appointing authority, shall choose successors, and shall fill all vacancies, except that if the Committee was established by vote at a Town Meeting and the members of that Committee were either elected or confirmed by the Town Meeting, the Board of Selectmen shall call a Special Town Meeting for filling any vacancy or choosing successors, and the incumbents may remain in office until their successors have been duly chosen in this manner.
Duties and procedures: Committees shall choose, at their first meeting, a chair, unless a chair was designated by the appointing authority, and a secretary. They shall have on file with the Town Clerk and the Board of Selectmen a schedule of the time and place of such regular meetings as the Committee intends to hold over the ensuing months; they shall maintain simple official minutes indicating meeting held, members and others present, actions taken, and a record of correspondence; and they shall file a report of such activities with the Board of Selectmen and Board of Finance such that it may be included by the Board of Finance in that year's Annual Town Report.
Powers: Committees established by vote of the Board of Selectmen shall have only those powers and duties which may be delegated to them by the Board of Selectmen; Committees established by vote of a Town Meeting shall have such powers and duties as that Town Meeting shall determine, except that no Committee shall infringe on the powers or impede the duties which the Statutes or this Charter assigns to Town Officers, Boards and Commissions.
A member of an appointive Board or Committee may be removed for cause by the Board of Selectmen, but no such removal for cause shall be effected unless the member has both received a statement in writing, prepared either by the First Selectman or by the remaining members of the appointive Board, detailing the reasons for removal, and has been afforded an opportunity for a hearing before the Board of Selectmen, at which the member may appear with counsel, within 15 days after delivery of the notice to remove.
Any member of an appointed Board or Committee who misses three consecutive meetings, without just cause, may be removed by the Board of Selectmen who will fill the vacancy thus created.