[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Brookfield 4-17-1984. Amendments noted where applicable.]
There is hereby established a Youth Commission for the Town of Brookfield, which shall be known as the "Brookfield Youth Commission."
[Amended 3-6-2023]
The said Brookfield Youth Commission shall consist of five members, three alternate members and seven nonvoting youth representatives.
Appointments for the five members and three alternate members shall be for terms of two years, each commencing on the first Monday in February. Appointments for the seven nonvoting members shall be for terms of two years, each commencing on the first day of the upcoming school year. Said appointments are to be made by the Board of Selectmen pursuant to the provisions of § C4-12 of the Town Charter.
[Amended 3-6-2023]
The seven youth representatives on said Commission shall be residents of the Town of Brookfield, and each of them shall be not less than 12 nor more than 18 years of age. They shall advise the Commission of issues before it and participate in all deliberations but shall not be entitled to vote on Commission matters. Appointments shall be made by the Board of Selectmen for terms of two years, commencing on the first day of the upcoming school year in odd-numbered years.
All vacancies occurring in the memberships of said Commission shall be filled by the Board of Selectmen pursuant to the provisions of § C4-12 of the Town Charter.
[Amended 3-6-2023]
The Youth Commission shall have the following powers and duties:
To provide a forum for youth representatives (and all Brookfield youth) to have a voice in Town and school decisions and actions.
To allow youth to bring issues of concern to the table, and guide actions to insure that their voice and perspective is heard and included in relevant areas within the Town and schools. Issues of concern would include, but not be limited to, Park and Recreation projects, mental and physical health of youth, emerging social issues, and more. When appropriate, the Youth Commission shall have the ability to create a plan for Town boards and agencies to consider.
To create and schedule such events as the Youth Commission sees fit, including regular job fairs at the schools, candidate forums where student concerns can be posed, and more.
To make an annual report to the Board of Selectmen on their activities, events, concerns, requests, etc.
The provisions of §§ C4-12, C7-3, C7-4 and C7-5 of the Town Charter, as well as any other Charter provisions applicable hereto, shall govern the conditions of membership for the Youth Commission, except that the provisions of §§ C7-3 and C7-5 of the Town Charter shall not be applicable to the youth representatives of said Commission.