[Added 4-29-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-05[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed former Article XVII, Corridor Enhancement Overlay District, as amended.
The Corridor Enhancement Overlay is designed to foster improved traffic and pedestrian circulation and safety as well as consistency in lot layout and design along the Township's busiest transportation corridors. The Comprehensive Plan concluded that past development along these corridors has led to increased traffic congestion, large expanses of parking, inadequate pedestrian access, and unappealing visual clutter. The Township desires that new construction and redevelopment of existing sites will enhance the function and appearance of these corridors by incorporating access management and design principles.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any work to the building, site or property which requires any permit, including, but not limited to, local, state, and federal permits.
Discontinuities in the horizontal plan of a building and or building wall.
The regulations set forth in this chapter apply to the development or redevelopment of properties located in the Commercial Enhancement Overlay District. This includes, but is not limited to:
Any new land development.
Any land development involving site improvement of over 3,000 square feet.
Any land development not fitting the above-mentioned description, at the Board of Supervisor's discretion.
All land development described in the above-mentioned subsection shall, at a minimum, meet the standards set forth in this section.
All standards and regulations set forth in the underlaying zoning district shall be met unless specifically addressed in this section. In the event of contradicting regulation, this section takes precedent over the underlaying zoning district.
The boundaries of the Corridor Enhancement Overlay District closely follows the major commercial thoroughfares that currently exist in the Township, as well as targeted areas of continued commercial development, as shown on the Township's Official Zoning Map, subject to amendments. The Corridor Enhancement Overlay District encompasses all parcels adjoining the following principal routes in the Township:
Route 30 in its entirety.
Route 119 in its entirety.
Business Route 66 in its entirety.
Mt. Pleasant Road in its entirety.
George's Station Road from Route 30 to the intersection with Donohoe Road.
Donohoe Road from Route 30 to the intersection with George's Station Road.
Arona Road in its entirety.
Route 136 in its entirety.
Permitted uses. All permitted uses, accessory uses, and special exceptions within the Corridor Enhancement Overlay District shall be the same as those in the underlying zoning district.
Wall standards.
Buildings shall be architecturally designed on any wall that is facing or that is visible from a public street, as determined by Township Board of Supervisors and/or Township staff. These walls shall meet the following requirements:
Walls shall have a vertical break every 30 horizontal feet, as to provide design contrast of the wall. The vertical break may be achieved using the following methods and/or surface treatments shall be provided along 100% of the horizontal length of the wall.
A recession or projection.
A change in building materials.
Ornamental or structural design features such as, but not limited to finish materials, awnings, shutters, and other architectural articulations.
Lighting and lighting features shall not be deemed an appropriate design feature to meet the abovementioned requirement.
Long buildings shall be developed to appear as separate buildings. This shall be achieved by implementing the above-mentioned methods.
Roof and height standards.
Buildings with flat roofs are discouraged. However, a flat roof shall be permitted provided architectural design elements, such as overhanging eaves, parapets, pop outs, entrance features or height variations.
All rooftop equipment such as heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) units shall be concealed from typical street level view by the use of parapets or other means.
Transparency requirements.
A minimum of 25% of the total square footage of the wall directly facing/fronting a public street shall consists of transparent materials. All materials shall be clear, lightly tinted, or spandrel glass.
Accepted building materials.
Building shall be constructed using a minimum of three of the following materials:
Split-face masonry units.
Prefabricated architecturally designed concrete masonry panels.
Prefabricated rolled steel wall panels may be acceptable pending consideration from Board of Supervisors or Township staff.
Wood, as accent material.
Glass - clear, lightly tinted, or spandrel.
Other comparable materials.
Building orientation.
All buildings shall provide a prominent and highly visible street-level doorway or entrance. Buildings are encouraged to have a secondary entrance.
Site design and building location.
All buildings shall be required to adhere to the area and bulk regulations of the underlying zoning district in which the building is located with the exception of the front yard setback. The front yard setback for development within the Corridor Enhancement District shall be 20 feet.
New developments shall be landscaped in accordance to the requirements found in Article XXIII, Landscaping and Buffering.
In addition, any space between the front building line and the ROW shall be seeded, sodded, or landscaped, or a combination thereof, within the next growing season following completion of the project.
The owner of the development or such owner's agent shall be responsible for the maintenance, repair and replacement of all screening and buffer plantings required under this section. All plant materials shall be maintained in a healthy condition and kept free of refuse and debris.
Pedestrian amenities.
Sidewalks shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 76, Subdivision of Land, and the following requirements.
Sidewalks shall be provided from the main road in which the structure fronts, to the entrance of the structure.
A sidewalk shall be provided on the front and wrap around the sides of the structure.
All sidewalks shall connect to other existing pedestrian connections in order to create full pedestrian connectivity.
In the case of new development only, the following parking requirements shall be met:
Any modification to the parking requirements of this section may be granted by the Township if it determines, in its sole discretion, that such modification is supported by a report provided by the property developer. The parking report shall document anticipated parking needs based on the combined utilization of all facilities on-site simultaneously or demonstrating that the hours or days of peak parking needed for the use are so different that a lower total will adequately provide for all uses served by the facility. The parking report shall be prepared at the applicant's expense by a person or firm trained or certified to perform such studies.
Total number of parking spaces for new developments shall be determined via a parking analysis.
All parking spaces shall be within 250 feet of the structures main entrance.
At least 90% of the total parking spots shall be located in the rear or side of the property.
Shared parking amongst abutting and adjacent property is encouraged.
All other parking requirements of Article XXI shall be meet.
Traffic impact study. A traffic impact study shall be required and submitted to the Township.
The Township may approve a maximum of two access drives (excluding emergency access) per establishment provided only if there is no exiting and/or shared drive opportunity.
Where an access drive is deemed necessary, said drive shall meet the following requirements:
An additional access driveway shall be permitted for developments other than those enumerated in the previous subsection if the applicant demonstrates that it is necessary to accommodate traffic to and from the site and it can be achieved in a safe and efficient manner. In making such a determination, the Township shall consider the traffic volumes established by the traffic impact study; the existing and projected levels of service of adjacent and surrounding streets and intersections; the location and density of the proposed development; and such other factors as the Township deems appropriate.
The municipality shall restrict access to right-turn-only ingress and egress if safe and efficient movements cannot be otherwise accommodated.
For a development parcel that abuts two or more streets, the Township may restrict access to only that street which can more safely and efficiently accommodate traffic, with preference given to the street with lower classification.
If the Township anticipates that a development parcel may be subdivided and the subdivision will result in an unacceptable number or configuration of driveways, or both, the Township shall require the owner of the development parcel to enter into an access covenant to restrict future access.
Distance from intersection: Any driveway entering and/or exiting a street with one of the following classifications shall be spaced from corners of intersections as follows:
Principal arterials: 600 feet.
Minor arterials: 400 feet.
Major collectors: 200 feet.
If the driveway cannot meet the aforementioned distance requirements and no other reasonable access is available, the driveway shall be located at the farthest possible distance from the intersection. The Township Engineer shall have the right to impose directional or other restrictions on ingress and egress where the Township determines that such driveway will create safety or operational problems.
Driveway spacing. Spacing between curb cuts for driveways shall be subject to the following separation requirements:
Principal arterials: 600 feet.
Minor arterials: 400 feet.
Major collectors: 200 feet.
Site distance. All driveways shall be designed to provide safe sight distance for all permitted turning movements. In making such a determination, the Township and applicant shall reference relevant PennDOT publications such as Pub.441, Pub.282 and Pub.70, as amended.
If applicable the removal of excess curb cuts is encouraged.
Driveway design. The required driveway design shall be a factor of projected traffic volume determined by the traffic impact study or the Township Engineer (if no traffic impact study was required) as follows:
Driveway length shall be determined according to the following criteria:
Table 6
Driveway Length
Driveway Type/Volume
Residential or other driveway used by not more than 100 vehicles a day
25 (minimum)
More than 100 vehicles a day
As determined by the traffic study
The required length may be modified by the Township if a queuing analysis determines that another length is needed to avoid back-up of vehicles onto adjacent streets.
The width of driveways without a curb shall be calculated as follows:
Table 7
Driveway Width
Driveway Type/Volume
Residential or other driveway used by not more than 100 vehicles a day
10 (1 way)
20 (2 way)
More than 100 vehicles a day
As determined by the traffic study
For driveways with a curb, a minimum of two feet shall be added to the widths determined in accordance with the table above.
The Township may require additional driveway width to provide for turning lanes when the Township Engineer determines they are needed for adequate traffic flow and safety.
The Township may require a median at the Township Engineer's discretion to control turning movements. Any median shall have a minimum width of four feet to provide adequate clearance for signs.
Driveways consisting of a continuous curb cut along the property boundary adjoining the right-of-way shall be prohibited. No driveway shall exceed the width requirements calculated under this section by more than 10%.
Any driveway shall be designed to provide an adequate turning radius to accommodate anticipated vehicles entering and existing the driveway. The following radii are required:
Table 8
Driveway Radius
Driveway Type/Volume
Residential or other driveway used by not more than 100 vehicles per day
15 (uncurbed)
25 (curbed)
More than 100 vehicles a day
As determined by the traffic study
All signs shall meet the requirements for signs contained in Article XXII.
A sign plan shall be submitted with the first land development application. Said plan shall include all wall, ground, and directional signs along with construction details for each sign. Said plan shall be evaluated using the following criteria:
The coherence of sign styles as part of the entire development;
Safety of ingress and egress;
Integration of signs with the building architecture and style; and
All requirements of this chapter.
Permitted types of signs:
Wall signs.
Directional signs.
One freestanding monument sign per each permitted driveway identifying all businesses within the development.
Temporary signs as specified in this chapter.
All other sign types, including the following, are prohibited:
Roof signs.
Flashing and animated signs.
The amount of information on signs shall be no more than is necessary to provide reasonable identification of the name and nature of the business to the passerby.
An integrated sign system design shall be required for all new commercial and residential subdivisions, office complexes and shopping areas. The establishment of integrated sign systems for existing developments is strongly encouraged. These systems shall be reviewed for materials, colors, shapes, sizes, compatibility with architecture and overall unity of design for the development.
Size and proportions of signs shall not be a dominant feature of the site and shall be judged by sizes and proportions of signs on adjacent and nearby properties.
Spotlighting of signs shall be restricted to not more than one 150-watt light per side for sign faces up to 40 square feet and no more than two 150-watt lights per sign for sign faces over 40 square feet. The sign base and/or proposed landscaping shall be designed to shield the light from oncoming motorists and to conceal the light fixture.
Site lighting shall be designed and installed to provide no more than 2.0 footcandles of light at any point on the property. Any lighting shall be from a concealed source, shall be of a clear white light that does not distort colors and shall not spill over into adjoining properties or streets or in any way interfere with the vision of oncoming motorists.
No light fixtures shall exceed 25 feet in height.
The site shall have frontage on or direct vehicular access to an arterial or collector street as defined by this chapter.
The minimum lot size of the parent tract required for a major planned shopping center shall be 10 acres. The minimum lot size of the parent tract required for a minor planned shopping center shall be five acres.
The plan for a major and/or minor shopping center shall designate all proposed lots to be used as part of the development.
Once the improvements are completed in an approved and recorded planned shopping center, lots may be sold or leased and developed as independent entities for any authorized use in the district. All lots sold or leased and developed as independent entities shall meet the minimum bulk, setback, parking and area requirements of this section and/or the underlying zoning district.
Only the uses permitted by right or authorized as special exceptions in the district in which the planned shopping center is located shall be permitted.
All property boundaries shall be screened as required under Article XXIII of this chapter.
The land development plan shall be planned as a unit with uniform signage, landscaping and a common design theme.