The Animal Control Commission for Queen Anne's County ("the Commission") shall exercise such powers and perform such functions as specifically provided in this chapter. Additionally, the Commission shall advise the County Commissioners on all questions of general policy relating to animal control in the County, and, when appropriate, shall bring matters of public interest within its jurisdiction to the attention of the County Administrator.
Appointment. The County Commissioners shall appoint seven individuals to serve as members of the Commission. One nonvoting member shall be the Director of Environmental Health or his/her designee, and one nonvoting member shall be the Director of Emergency Services for Queen Anne's County or his/her designee. The other members shall be voting members of the general public.
Terms. The County Commissioners shall set the term of each member of the Commission. Terms may be staggered, and all terms need not be of equal duration.
Compensation and expenses. Compensation for services and reimbursement for expenses of Commission members is at the discretion of the County Commissioners in accordance with the current fiscal budget.
Election. At the first regular meeting of each calendar year, and at any time during the year when a vacancy occurs, the Commission shall elect a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and Secretary, each of whom will serve until the first regular meeting of the following year or until a successor is elected. Officers may be reelected, and there are no term limits.
Chairperson. The members of the Commission shall designate one member to serve as Chairperson, subject to the approval of the County Commissioners of Queen Anne's County.
Vice Chairperson. The members of the Commission shall also designate one member to serve as Vice Chairperson.
Secretary. The Commission may appoint an individual other than a Commission member to serve as a nonvoting, recording secretary.
Meetings, in general. The Commission shall meet at the call of the Chairperson or on the request of two voting members.
Quorum. A quorum shall consist of three voting members.
Missed meetings. The Chairperson shall notify the County Commissioners if a member of the Commission misses three regularly scheduled meetings during a calendar year.
Office facilities and supplies. The County Commissioners may provide the Commission with office space, supplies, and equipment as may be required by the Commission in accordance with the current fiscal budget.
Legislative recommendations. The Commission shall recommend to the County Commissioners changes in this chapter, as the Commission may deem appropriate.
Regulations. The Commission shall develop and periodically update a comprehensive set of regulations to implement, administer, and enforce the provisions and purpose of this chapter, which shall have the force and effect of law.
Fees and fines.
The Commission shall establish and adopt a schedule of fees to be imposed under this chapter for County dog, cat, and ferret animal registration and licensing of commercial animal establishments.
The Animal Services Center shall establish and publish a schedule of fees for all services provided by it, including but not limited to fees for transfer, reapplication, redemption, adoption, board, and other fees or charges authorized or required by this chapter.
The Commission shall establish and adopt a schedule of pre-set fines which shall be imposed for violations of this chapter.
Fees and preset fines established under this chapter may be evaluated and adjusted as necessary by the Commission and the Animal Services Center.
In general.
On a written complaint of a citizen, the Commission may conduct a public hearing to determine whether a violation of this chapter has occurred. The Commission may set conditions to correct the violation and order the violator to abide by those conditions within a prescribed time limit. The Commission may provide for any disposition of any animal, including euthanasia, as provided in this chapter.
The Commission may conduct hearings on whether an animal shall be deemed a dangerous animal under the provisions of this chapter. On finding that an animal is dangerous, the Commission may set any reasonable conditions or restrictions on release of the animal or order the animal euthanized.
At the request of an Animal Control Officer or a member of the Commission, the Commission may conduct a public hearing to determine whether a person has complied with an order of the Commission. If the Commission determines that the respondent has not complied with an order of the Commission, the Commission may impose a fine or other appropriate remedy, as provided in this chapter.
It shall be unlawful for any person to fail to comply with a decision, order, or directive of the Commission.
Notice. Except in the case of a dangerous animal hearing under § 9-20 of this chapter:
The Commission shall give written notice to the respondent of a complaint by either personal delivery or certified mail, restricted delivery, return receipt requested. The notice shall be mailed to the respondent at least 10 days prior to the public hearing regarding the alleged violation. The notice shall contain the nature of the complaint and the time, date, and place of the hearing.
The Commission shall notify the complainant, by first class mail, of the time, date, and place of the hearing.
Right to counsel. A person shall have the right to retain their own counsel at their own cost for any matter before the Commission.
Subpoena power. The Commission may issue a subpoena for the attendance of a witness or the production of documents at a Commission hearing.
Prior to the hearing, parties shall supply all evidence to the Commission and the other parties.
The Commission may consider all relevant evidence without regard to any formal rules of evidence.
The Commission shall render a decision within 15 calendar days after the conclusion of any public hearing.
If the Commission finds that a violation did not occur, the Commission shall dismiss the complaint.
Costs. Any costs incurred by the respondent in order to comply with the Commission's rulings are the sole responsibility of the respondent.
Reconsideration, and judicial review.
Reconsideration. Reconsideration of a decision may be made by request filed with the Commission by the complainant, respondent, or by the Commission on its own motion within 10 days of the decision.
Judicial review. Any appeal must be noted to the Circuit Court for Queen Anne's County within 30 days of the date of the decision in accordance with the Maryland Rules of Procedure.
Animal Control Office.
The Animal Control Office is hereby established.
The Animal Control Office should be placed within the authority of a County department at the direction of the County Commissioners.
The Director of the department may designate an individual or individuals to fulfill any and all requirements to manage the Animal Control Office under this chapter.
The Manager is the Chief Animal Control Officer charged with the following duties:
Advisor. The Manager shall serve as a nonvoting member of, and advisor to, the Animal Control Commission;
Operational responsibility. The Manager has operational responsibility for carrying out duties prescribed in this chapter and enforcing its provisions, as well as regulations duly promulgated by the Commission, including (but not necessarily limited to) provisions concerning public safety, public nuisances, cruelty to animals, and minimum standards for animal care;
Patrols; complaint investigations. The Manager shall implement a program of patrols and response to citizen complaints for the purpose of enforcing this chapter and Maryland State Law regarding animal control;
Emergencies. The Manager shall provide a twenty-four-hour, seven-day-a-week animal emergency service to respond to any complaint concerning matters deemed an emergency by the Manager;
Inspection of animal establishments. The Manager shall implement a program of inspections of all animal establishments required to have a license under this chapter.
Recordkeeping. The Manager or the Manager's designee is responsible for maintaining accurate records of licenses, impoundments, dispositions, animal bites, and all enforcement actions taken by Animal Control Officers.
Public information. The Manager shall make available to the general public information concerning the enforcement of this chapter as it pertains to animal control.
Authority, in general. Animal Control Officers employed by the County Commissioners are authorized to exercise the authority necessary to enforce the provisions of this chapter and Maryland State Law relating to animal control.
Seizure/impoundment. Animal Control Officers may humanely seize/impound an observed animal whose owner or custodian is in violation of this chapter and/or provisions of the Maryland Annotated Code relating to animal control, including impoundment/seizure from private or public property in accordance with Subsection J of this section; or
Notice. An Animal Control Officer shall, in coordination with Animal Services Center, make a prompt and reasonable effort to locate and notify the owner or custodian of a seized or impounded animal.
Citations. An Animal Control Officer may issue a citation to the owner or custodian of an animal when the animal is observed in violation of this chapter.
Emergency assistance.
An Animal Control Officer shall promptly respond to administer emergency assistance, first aid, or qualified medical assistance to an injured or diseased stray animal that comes into the custody of the County without the consent of the owner or custodian of the animal.
In carrying out Subsection E(1) of this section, the Animal Control Officer administering assistance, Queen Anne's County, or any of its employees or agents, may not be held liable for acts committed or omitted while rendering assistance, unless the act or omission constitutes gross negligence or malice.
Animal bite investigations. An Animal Control Officer may conduct investigations according to Office policy or assist the Department of Environmental Health in the investigation of animal bites concerning potential rabies exposures.
Animals at large; discharge on property of others; public nuisance animals; dangerous animals. See § 9-17 through § 9-20 of this chapter.
Inspection of commercial animal establishments. An Animal Control Officer shall conduct prelicensing and/or renewal inspections and may conduct random, unannounced inspections of commercial animal establishments as provided in this chapter or regulations adopted pursuant to this chapter.
Enforcement actions.
If the owner or custodian of an animal is in violation of any requirements that the Commission establishes, an Animal Control Officer may order the violation immediately corrected and cite the owner or custodian for the violation.
Subject to Subsection I(3) of this section, an Animal Control Officer may initiate a complaint or other form of enforcement of this chapter or Maryland State Law.
Before an Animal Control Officer files a complaint in a court of competent jurisdiction or before the Commission, the Animal Control Officer shall have probable cause to believe that a violation of this chapter or Maryland State Law has taken place.
Access to private property. An Animal Control Officer may enter upon private property to verify compliance with orders of the Animal Control Commission and/or to investigate any observed or reported violations of this chapter and/or Maryland State Law. This access is limited to unenclosed places and structures which are open and the interior of which is readily visible to the Animal Control Officer.
An Animal Services Center may be operated by the County Commissioners of Queen Anne's County or by a qualified organization operating under and in accordance with the terms of a contract with the County Commissioners.
Scope of duties.
Stray and unwanted animals.
The Animal Services Center shall receive stray and unwanted domestic animals regardless of their medical condition.
The Animal Services Center shall make a prompt and reasonable effort to locate and notify owners of stray animals.
This section shall not apply to community cats. Community cats may be accepted by Animal Services Center if the cat is:
Under four months of age;
Severely injured and requires medical intervention; or
Part of a TNR program.
Return of identified animals. The Animal Services Center shall ascertain the identity of the owner of an impounded animal and, as a precondition of release, may require the payment of all charges for the care, board, veterinary treatment, and any unpaid registration and/or microchip fees from the animal's owner or custodian.
Animal adoption. The Animal Services Center shall place for adoption unredeemed or unwanted animals in accordance with the regulations established under this chapter and Maryland State Law.
Humane treatment. The Animal Services Center shall provide humane treatment for all animals under its care.
Standards of care. The Animal Services Center shall maintain and adhere to comprehensive procedures, as provided in regulations duly promulgated by the Commission, prescribing standards for the humane operation of the center, including standards for the housing, feeding, care, veterinary treatment, adoption, quarantine, and euthanasia of animals in the facility pursuant to this chapter and Maryland State Law.
Veterinary care.
The Animal Services Center shall provide for necessary and appropriate veterinary care of animals in the custody of the Animal Services Center.
Veterinary care of animals may be rendered without the consent of the owner or custodian.
Animals that have a confirmed disease which may cause death or serious illness to other animals confined at the Center may be immediately euthanized.
Animal Control Officers and the Animal Services Center staff and its agents are not liable for acts committed or omitted in rendering care under this subsection.
Posting of fees. The Animal Services Center shall post, in a conspicuous place, a schedule of fees for the housing, care, treatment, adoption, and redemption of animals that are in the custody of the Center.
The Animal Services Center shall keep records of impoundments, veterinary treatment, disposition of animals, and other activities for a period of three years after such records are initiated.
Animal records shall be complete and accurate as to the breed, sex, color, condition, how, when, and where the animal was obtained, and any identification the animal may have been wearing.
Unwanted animals. The Animal Services Center may humanely euthanize unredeemed and unwanted animals in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and Maryland State Law.