All applications for the use of water provided by the Town must be made in writing on a form provided by the Water Department. On acceptance by the Water Department, the application shall constitute a contract between the Town and the applicant, obligating the applicant to pay the Town its applicable rates and charges as set forth in Article VII and to comply with the rules and regulations of this chapter. The water use application is available on the Town of Ballston website.
Applications of contractors, builders and others for temporary service will be accepted, written permits will be issued, and temporary water service will be supplied, provided that it does not interfere with the use of water for general purposes and that use of water from any hydrant shall be strictly in accordance with § 132-24 of this chapter. Applicants requiring temporary service shall reimburse the Town for its expense in connection with providing the necessary temporary service connection.
No agreement will be entered into by the Department with any applicant for water service until all charges due the Town from the applicant for water or services at any premises now or heretofore owned or occupied by the applicant which are in arrears shall have been paid.
Approval of the water service application for any new applicant or the providing of increased service to any existing water user requiring water for other than normal domestic purposes shall be subject to the review and approval of the Department. Where necessary in the opinion of the Department, the applicant shall provide at his or her own expense such water conservation, storage or flow-limiting facilities or such other devices necessary to obtain the approval of the Department. The Department reserves the right to refuse or limit service to any new applicant or existing water user if the foregoing requirements are not met to the Department's satisfaction.
No applicant shall make any attachment with the mains of the Town or may make any repairs, additions to or alterations with the service water lines, between the main and curb stop, unless the applicant is authorized in writing by the Department. Any unpermitted hook ups shall be a violation of this chapter and subject the individual to the penalties set forth in Article VIII hereof or to any other applicable laws of the State of New York.
A separate service line shall be required for each dwelling or any other building.
Any existing owner or applicant in violation of these requirements may be notified on 30 days' written notice from the Department to conform to these requirements.
The procedures to be followed by applicants in the Town who propose to install new waterworks shall be in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Department and as enumerated in the following subsections:
The applicant or his or her engineer shall furnish the Department with two stamped prints of the proposed overall development plan on which are indicated the required water mains and appurtenances. The Department shall also furnish to the applicant the Department's requirements regarding materials of construction and specifications for pipe, fittings, valves, hydrants, and appurtenances along with any special conditions regarding installations. After this plan has been approved by the Department, one copy will be filed with said Department. Maps shall be 24 inches by 36 inches in size, drawn to the scale of one inch equals 50 feet. In addition, the applicant shall provide the Department with a digital CAD of the approved stamped plans.
Before the applicant is ready to file the map with the Saratoga County Department of Health, the applicant shall furnish the Department, for its approval, with a copy of the proposed map, on which will be indicated the size of the water mains and appurtenances along with construction specifications, in writing, which should be consistent with the requirements of the Department furnished under Subsection A above.
The installation of the waterworks will be inspected and supervised by the Town-designated engineer and the Department or representative. Upon completion, two record plans of the completed installation shall be furnished to the Department by the applicant in a form acceptable to the Department. All expenses of installation, inspection and supervision of new water mains and appurtenances shall be borne by the applicant.
Upon completion of construction, the entire water system must be turned over to the Town (§ 132-16). Before the Town takes over a water system installed in a private development, the developer must transfer its rights, title, interest, and ownership to the Town for the nominal consideration of $1 before the Town will maintain it. The Town must be furnished satisfactory proof that either the streets in which the water mains are laid have been dedicated and accepted by proper public authority or furnished proof that instruments granting easements to the Town, in a form to be recorded in the Saratoga County Clerk's office, with a satisfactory title company certificate, have been executed by all owners and mortgagees, other lien holders or the applicant. All expenses shall be paid in full by the applicant. In addition, proof must be shown that all valve boxes have been located and placed at the proper levels.
Upon satisfactory completion of the above subsections, the Department will then advise the New York Fire Insurance Rating Organization accordingly.
Water extensions, including individual building services to the property line, may be constructed by the Town under public contract if, in its opinion, the number of properties to be served by such extension warrants the cost. Contractors constructing these waterworks facilities shall post a payment and performance bond or certified check as set forth in § 132-15 hereof.
If the Town does not elect to construct a water extension under public contract, the applicant may construct the necessary water extension if this extension is approved by the Town Board in accordance with the requirements of this chapter and the Town Law of the State of New York. The applicant must pay for the entire installation, including all expenses incidental thereto, and shall post a payment and performance bond or certified check. Each extension must be installed and inspected as previously required, and the inspection fees shall be paid in full by the applicant to the Town. The installation of the extension must be subject to inspection by the Department, Town-designated engineer or other Town representative, and the expense for this inspection shall be paid in full by the applicant. The Department's decisions shall be final in matters of materials' quality and methods of construction. The extension, as constructed, must pass all required testing before any service lines are connected thereto. The entire cost of the extension, including inspection, shall be paid by the applicant or benefited property owner(s).
All new waterworks, after final approval by the Department and acceptance by the Town Board, shall become the property of the Town and shall thereafter be maintained by the Town. Said waterworks, after acceptance by the Town, shall be guaranteed for one year by the applicant or contractor. The guarantee shall be in such form and contain such provisions as provided for by the Town. A payment and performance bond or certified check in the amount of 10% of the total cost of the applicant's project shall be retained by the Town for a period of one year. Said bond or check will be released to the applicant or contractor upon certification by the engineer that all work has been completed in accordance with the permit and that all other conditions, if any, imposed by the Department have been satisfied.
Whenever any street or public grounds shall be opened for the purpose of making a connection with the mains or for laying any water lines or fixtures, public safety and convenience shall be duly regarded, and the street or public place shall be restored to its original condition as soon as possible, and all work must conform to the safety requirements as set forth by the State of New York and OSHA.