For the purposes of this chapter, the Village of Ridgefield Park is hereby divided into the following types of districts, differentiated according to use, area and bulk regulations, and to be designated as follows:
Zone Designation
Zone Description
Single-Family Residential District
Single- and Two-Family Residential District
Multifamily Residential District
Medium Density Multifamily District
Central Business Historic District
Neighborhood Commercial District
Light Industrial District
Heavy Industrial District
Neighborhood Industrial District
Office Park District
Warehouse Distribution District
Open Space District
Arts and Culture Overlay Zone
The location and boundaries of said districts are hereby established on the Zoning Map of the Village of Ridgefield Park prepared by Boswell Engineering Associates and Kenneth Ochab Associates, LLC, dated October 30, 2023, as may be amended or supplemented, which is hereby made a part of this chapter. Said map or maps and all notations, references and designations shown thereon shall be, as such, a part of this chapter as if the same were all fully described and set forth herein.[1]
Editor's Note: The Zoning Map of the Village is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Designation of zone boundaries. The zone boundary lines are intended generally to follow the center lines of streets, the center lines of railroad rights-of-way, existing lot lines, the center lines of rivers, streams and other waterways, and municipal boundary lines. When a district boundary line does not follow such a line, its position shall be shown on the Zoning Map by a specific dimension expressing its distance, in feet, from a street line or other boundary line as indicated.
Determination of doubtful lines. In cases of uncertainty or disagreement as to the true location of any zone boundary line, the determination thereof shall lie with the jurisdiction of the Board of Adjustment.