The intent of this chapter is to implement the ADU-Ready RS 10,000 Overlay as set forth in the City of Claremont General Plan's Sixth Cycle Housing Element Update. The ADU-Ready RS 10,000 Overlay is intended to increase the allowable density on North Claremont's undeveloped lots to facilitate and encourage the development of single-family homes and ADUs that can potentially be affordable to moderate-income households.
(2024-03, 7/9/2024)
This chapter shall apply to all properties identified to receive the ADU-Ready RS 10,000 Overlay in the Sixth Cycle Housing Element Update, shown in Map 16.015.1 and as depicted on the City of Claremont Zoning Map on file with the Planning Division. Any and every building, the premises and land on which the building is located shall be used and occupied, and every building shall be erected, constructed, established, altered, enlarged, maintained, moved into or within the ADU-Ready RS 10,000 Overlay District only in accordance with the applicable sections of this chapter and regulations of this title. All of the properties in the ADU-Ready RS 10,000 Overlay district have an underlying zoning of Rural Residential (RR 35,000) and may be developed pursuant to the standards set forth in Chapter 16.007, RR Rural Residential Districts, if not subdivided pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
(2024-03, 7/9/2024)
Properties in the ADU-Ready RS 10,000 Overlay District are permitted to be subdivided pursuant to the development standards for lots in the RS (10,000) District as set forth in CMC Section 16.001.040.A and CMC Section 16.001.040.B.
Subdivisions of properties in the ADU-Ready RS 10,000 Overlay District shall be processed pursuant to the procedures and requirements set forth in CMC Title 17, Subdivision Ordinance.
The provisions of CMC Section 16.001.040.B.2 shall not apply to properties in the ADU-Ready RS 10,000 Overlay District.
Uses and development permitted on lots subdivided pursuant to this chapter shall be those listed in CMC Section 16.001.010.
Development on lots in the ADU-Ready RS 10,000 Overlay District subdivided pursuant to this chapter shall comply with the development standards for the RS (10,000) District as set forth in CMC Section 16.001.040.C through CMC Section 16.001.040.J.
Additionally, development on lots in the ADU-Ready RS 10,000 Overlay District subdivided pursuant to this chapter must include an accessory dwelling unit (ADU). The ADU shall comply with all applicable requirements and standards set forth in CMC Chapter 16.333, Accessory Dwelling Units.
(2024-03, 7/9/2024)