As used in this article, the following words and terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, unless the context of their usage clearly indicates another meaning:
The individual or entity filing an application under this article.
Donation box.
Any unattended donation receptacle with a door, slot, or other opening that is intended for use as a drop off and collection point for accepting donated textiles, clothing, shoes, books, toys, dishes, and other salvageable items of personal property.
Any person or entity who owns, leases, is in control of, or possesses real property on which a donation box has been placed or maintained.
The individual or entity who owns, leases or otherwise manages and controls the personal property constituting a donation box, and if a separate individual or entity carries on the maintenance, collection, and upkeep of the donation box, that separate individual or entity as well.
Permit holder.
Any person, partnership, corporation, firm, joint venture, limited liability company, association, organization, or any other entity holding a permit issued pursuant to this article.
(Ordinance 887-2024 adopted 6/27/2024)
It shall be unlawful for any person to place or maintain a donation box at any location within the city unless done in accordance with a valid permit as provided in this article.
(Ordinance 887-2024 adopted 6/27/2024)
It shall be unlawful for any person who owns, leases, is in control of, or possesses real property within the city to authorize or allow any donation box to be placed on, or remain on, that real property unless done in accordance with a valid permit as provided in this article.
(Ordinance 887-2024 adopted 6/27/2024)
Except as provided in section 4.09.092 of this code, a person who violates any provision of this article, including committing an unlawful act under this article, is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than $1.00 nor more than $500.00. Each day any violation continues shall constitute and be punishable as a separate violation of this article.
A landowner or an operator may be liable for criminal penalties and also subject to revocation of a permit issued under this article.
All landowners and operators shall be jointly and severally liable for any penalties, fees, or costs arising under this article.
Nothing in this article shall limit the remedies available to the city in seeking to enforce the provisions of this article.
(Ordinance 887-2024 adopted 6/27/2024)