To obtain a permit to operate a donation box, an applicant must file an application with the city. A single application may cover multiple donation boxes that are owned and operated by the applicant. An application must include the following information:
The applicant's name, telephone number, mailing address, electronic mail address, and street address, if different from the mailing address, and the same information for each landowner and operator, if different from the applicant. For applicants who are individuals, a government-issued identification document or similar proof of legal right to work in the state shall be required. Applicants transacting business in the state must provide proof of such right to transact business in the state;
Proof that the applicant owns the real property upon which the operator will place the donation box or, if the applicant does not own the real property upon which the donation box will be placed, written permission by the landowner or an authorized agent of the landowner to place the donation box as proposed in the application;
A site plan or map drawn to scale showing the exact placement of the donation box on the proposed site;
A service plan for each donation box. The service plan shall include information regarding which days and the time of day the items will be collected, and other requirements described under section 4.09.061(16) of this code;
A description of the size, color, and design of the donation box, and the type of material from which the box is constructed;
A list of any other donation boxes located on the same property as the donation box that is the subject of the application;
Proof of required insurance;
A declaration of compliance with other laws; and
Any other information that may be reasonably requested by the city.
Any change in the information listed in subsection (a) of this section shall require a supplement to the application, and must be reported by the permit holder to the city within ten days after the change. Failure to supplement the permit application as required by the city invalidates the permit issued under the original application. The city may require a permit holder to reapply for a permit if information provided in the original application changes. The city may promulgate procedures and regulations regarding the requirement to supplement any change in the information listed under subsection (a) of this section.
A separate permit shall be required for each donation box regardless of the ownership thereof. Permits issued under the provisions of this article shall be valid only at the address stated on the permit.
A nonrefundable annual permit fee of $200.00 for each donation box shall be required. Each permit shall expire on the one year anniversary of the date of issuance unless revoked under this article.
(Ordinance 887-2024 adopted 6/27/2024)
The city shall issue a permit after receipt of a completed application if all requirements have been met. If not all requirements for issuance of a permit have been met, the city shall deny the permit application. The city shall issue notice of the denial to the applicant within a reasonable time.
After issuance of a permit, the city shall issue a decal to the applicant to place on the donation box. This decal shall remain affixed to the donation box and visible on the outside of the donation box for the entire duration of the permit. Failure to maintain a visible decal on a donation box may constitute a violation and invalidation of a permit issued under this section. It shall be unlawful for a person, other than an employee of the city authorized to administer this article, to remove a decal from a donation box.
An applicant may appeal a decision to deny a permit application in the same manner as for revocation of a permit under section 4.09.033 of this code.
(Ordinance 887-2024 adopted 6/27/2024)
Permits and decals are nontransferable.
The city may revoke a permit for any of the following reasons without refund of any portion of the required fee:
The information provided in the application is materially false, incorrect, or incomplete;
The permit was issued through error;
The permit holder has failed to comply with any applicable provision of this article; or
The use of the donation box or permit has been discontinued for a continuous period of 180 days.
Revocation of a permit for a single donation box does not affect the validity of permits granted for other donation boxes with the same landowner or operator.
In the event that the city determines pursuant to this article that a permit holder is no longer eligible for a permit, or the city otherwise revokes the same, the permit holder shall be given notice in writing of the reasons for the revocation by the city. A permit holder may appeal the decision of the city regarding the revocation by filing a written request for a hearing with the city manager within 20 calendar days after he is given notice of the revocation. The permit holder's written request for a hearing shall set out the grounds on which the revocation is challenged. The city manager's decision on the revocation shall be final.
If a permit is revoked by the city for violation of this article, it shall not be reissued within the one-year period following the date that the permit was revoked.
(Ordinance 887-2024 adopted 6/27/2024)
The applicant must agree, as a condition of any permit issued under this article, to indemnify and hold harmless the city, its officers, agents, contractors, and employees against any loss, liability or damage, including expenses and costs for bodily injury and for property damage sustained by any person, organization or entity resulting from the applicant's operation of a donation box or resulting from the city's abatement of a violation or emergency nuisance under this article.
(Ordinance 887-2024 adopted 6/27/2024)