The treasury department shall be in charge and under control of the city treasurer.
Upon the vacancy, for any reason, of the position of city treasurer, the city collector in office at the time, and thereafter any person elected to the position of city collector under Chapter 314 of the Acts of 1946 of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,[1] shall also hold the position under these ordinances.
The position shall thereafter be known as city collector and treasurer and the person holding said position shall have all the statutory powers and duties of city collector and city treasurer under the General Laws of Massachusetts as well as all the powers and duties of both positions under these ordinances.
(Prior revision § 2-32; C.O. 92-248A § 1)
Editor's note: Chapter 314 of the Acts of 1946 was repealed by Chapter 128 of the Acts of 2009.
The city treasurer shall receive, receipt for and have the care and custody of the current funds of the city from the time the same come into the treasurer's possession, and also of all moneys, properties and securities which may be placed in the treasurer's charge by virtue of any provisions of the General Laws or ordinance, including custody of the funds of the retirement system, or by virtue of any gift, devise, bequest or deposit. The city treasurer may deposit any portion of such current funds in such national bank, or trust company or savings bank organized under the laws of the commonwealth, and on such conditions and rates of interest as the treasurer deems best, subject to the provisions of General Laws, Chapter 44, Section 55, and shall, with the mayor and city auditor, sign all bonds and certificates of indebtedness issued by the city, and shall preserve all rejected bids for loans, and all papers relating thereto.
(Prior revision § 2-33)
The city treasurer shall be the custodian of all tax deeds of land held by the city.
(Prior revision § 2-34)
The city treasurer shall pay all drafts and other orders directed to the treasurer from the auditing department, as provided by ordinance, for the payment of bills and demands against the city, and the treasurer shall, on presentation, pay all executions against the city, when duly certified as correct by the city auditor, the same to be paid by appropriation made therefor.
(Prior revision § 2-35)
The city treasurer shall, unless the donors thereof have otherwise directed, receive all moneys, properties and securities given, devised or bequeathed to or deposited with the city for any specific purpose, give a receipt and discharge therefor in behalf of the city, and sell the same except the real estate, and invest the proceeds as provided in General Laws, Chapter 44, Section 54, as a permanent fund, and shall hold the income thereof subject to expenditure for the purpose designated in the gift, devise, bequest or deposit.
(Prior revision § 2-36)
The city treasurer shall use and apply, as the mayor directs, all properties, moneys and securities in the treasurer's care and custody at the close of each financial year.
(Prior revision § 2-37)
The city treasurer may make payment of any amount due from the city to any person, by check transmitted to the person entitled to such payment or that person's attorney, but no money shall be paid out of the city treasury except upon the written order of the auditor addressed to the treasurer; provided, however, that the treasurer may pay, before such order is drawn, any sum of money due on the principal or interest of any note, bond or other security of the city.
(Prior revision § 2-38)
The city treasurer shall give a bond to the city, with sufficient sureties, that the treasurer will faithfully perform the duties of the treasurer's office, and justly and truly account for and pay over all moneys in his or her hands belonging to the city, in such form and such sum as may be established in accordance with General Laws, Chapter 41, Section 35.
(Prior revision § 2-39)