The city collector shall be the collector of taxes. The collector shall hold office in accordance with the terms of Chapter 314 of the Acts and Resolves of the 1946 Massachusetts Legislature and Chapter 442 of the Acts and Resolves of the 1948 Massachusetts Legislature. The collector shall have the powers and perform the duties of city collector as provided in the General Laws of the commonwealth.
(Prior revision § 2-48)
The city collector shall collect all taxes, water rates and charges, assessments for betterments, departmental charges and other moneys due the city, including rents from persons occupying property owned or held by the city. The collector shall proceed without delay to collect all accounts which may be committed to the collector of taxes by any department of the city in accordance with provisions as set forth in the General Laws. In effecting settlement of accounts, other than taxes and assessments for betterments, the city solicitor shall render such assistance to the city collector as may be required, and the city collector shall have the authority to employ such other means to enforce collection as may be deemed proper.
(Prior revision § 2-49)
In cases where all attempts to obtain settlement of charges, other than taxes and assessments for betterments, have failed and the same remains unpaid, the city collector may certify such fact to the city solicitor and if, in the opinion of the city solicitor, such charges are uncollectible, the solicitor shall so report to the city collector. Upon receipt of such report the city collector shall notify the board or officer making such charges that the same appear to be uncollectible. Such board or officer may thereupon, with the approval of a majority of the members of the city council, abate such charges and the city collector shall be credited with the amount of such abatements on the books of the city. The city auditor shall be notified, in writing, of all abatements made under this section.
(Prior revision § 2-50)
The city collector shall issue the tax bills as soon as possible after the tax lists and warrants are delivered to the collector's office by the assessors, and shall proceed to collect all taxes as provided by law.
(Prior revision § 2-51)
The city collector shall keep an accurate account of all receipts and payments to the collector's office on behalf of the city. The collector shall pay daily to the city treasurer all moneys received, stating upon what accounts the same have been received, and shall forward monthly to the city auditor an accurate written summary of the amount and purposes of such payments.
(Prior revision § 2-52; C.O. 83-52 § 67)