The police department shall consist of a chief of police and the following personnel: three captains, twelve lieutenants, seventeen sergeants, and such number of patrolmen as may be appointed by the mayor and provided for by the city council.
There shall also be the following nonuniformed personnel in the police department: one senior custodian, one junior custodian, one dog officer, one matron, one principal clerk, one junior clerk-typist and such other personnel as may be appointed by the mayor and provided for by the city council.
There is created and established in accordance with the provisions of Section 60, of Chapter 31 of the General Laws an intermittent police force which shall be subject to the applicable civil service law and rules.
There is created and established an executive officer of the Revere police department. Such executive officer shall be chosen by the police chief from the ranks of any captain or those lieutenants who have served in the rank of lieutenant for at least five years. The salary of such executive officer shall be equivalent to the salary of the senior captain.
(Prior revision § 15-1; C.O. 83-52 § 70 (part); C.O. 91-285A § 2; C.O. 94-402 §§ 1—4; C.O. 95-515 § 2; C.O. 01-17B § 2; C.O. 04-632 § 1)
Any police officer who immediately prior to the effective date of the ordinance from which this chapter derives,[1] held permanent appointment in his grade without impairment of civil service stature, seniority, retirement and other rights of the employee and without reduction in the employee's compensation and salary grade; provided, however, that until further amendment by the city council no appointments shall be made in the personnel of the police department in excess of those enumerated in Section 2.60.010.
(Prior revision § 15-2; C.O. 78-166 (part), 1978)
Editor's note: The ordinance from which this chapter derives was adopted 6/30/1969, and approved by the Mayor 7/12/1969.
The chief of police shall have the general charge and supervision of all officers and patrolmen and other personnel of the police department, shall have the precedence and control of the same whenever engaged in the same service and shall report forthwith to the mayor any violation of duty on the part of any member of the department.
The chief shall report immediately to the city engineer any defect in any of the streets, roads or bridges which the chief may personally discover or which may be reported to the chief by any member of the police department.
The chief shall also report forthwith to the proper board or head of department all nuisances and obstructions in the streets, lanes, alleys, squares and public grounds of the city, and all nuisances, sources of filth and causes of sickness which the chief may personally discover or which may be reported to the chief by any member of the police department.
It is the duty of the chief to enforce all laws and the provisions of this revision and other city ordinances and to receive complaints for violation of them.
The chief shall comply with and execute the orders of the mayor.
(Prior revision § 15-3)
The chief may require an examination to be taken by applicants for a license to carry a pistol or revolver before granting such permit, in order to assist him to determine that the applicant is a suitable person to be so licensed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 140, Section 131 of the General Laws. The chief of police may charge for such examination a fee to be paid by such applicant, not in excess of the amount provided for in Table I of this revision, all of which fees are to be paid to the city.
(Prior revision § 15-4 (part); C.O. 83-52 §§ 70 (part), 75 (part))
The chief of police shall, at least once every five years, review and establish rules and regulations for the government of the police department, subject to the approval of the mayor.
(Prior revision § 15-5)
Seniority of officers in the same grade shall be determined by the highest civil service mark that the officers received in the examination for such grade, including credits awarded in civil service appeal procedures. Between officers of the same grade and civil service mark the relative rank shall be determined by considering dates of rank in lower grades, until seniority is established. If seniority is not so established, it will be decided by the date of the appointment of an officer to the city police department.
The seniority in grade list, as established in this section, shall be added to in the same manner when additional officers are appointed and qualified in such grade.
(Prior revision § 15-6)
In the absence or disability of the chief of police, the executive officer of the police department who shall be a captain shall be acting chief of police with all the powers and duties of the chief of police in the administration and enforcement of all laws, rules and regulations which it is the duty of the chief of police to administer and enforce.
(Prior revision § 15-7; C.O. 83-52 § 70 (part))
The mayor may appoint annually such number of persons as he shall deem necessary who shall constitute the special police; provided, however, that no person shall be eligible for appointment by the mayor unless said person shall satisfactorily complete the requirements for appointment as prescribed by the chief of police. Such requirements may include, but need not be limited to, the successful completion of medical examinations, background checks, training in the use of firearms, first aid, CPR, criminal law and other necessary police techniques. The chief of police may alter or change the requirements from time to time as he may deem appropriate. Any person seeking appointment as a special police officer may be charged a reasonable fee for completing the eligibility requirements.
(C.O. 90-62 § 1)
Any contractor, private contractor or other person who hires the services of any member of the police department, reserve or regular, shall compensate such policemen according to the terms of a contract made pursuant to General Laws, Chapter 149, Section 1781.
(Prior revision § 15-11)