No elected official, department head, member of a board or commission or employee of the school department shall be eligible for awards under this chapter.
(Prior revision § 2-109)
The awards committee shall consist of five members, three of whom shall be appointed by the mayor, subject to confirmation by the city council, and two members who shall be elected by the city employees from among their number for terms not exceeding three years. Future elections of the city employees shall be held and so arranged as not to expire in the same year.
When the committee is first established, the terms of the members appointed by the mayor shall be for one, two or three years each. A vacancy occurring otherwise than by expiration of a term shall be filled in the same manner as an original appointment.
(Prior revision § 2-110)
The awards committee shall, in the month of February, organize by choosing one of their members as chairman and another as secretary.
(Prior revision § 2-111)
Subject to the approval of the mayor and council, the committee shall make and may amend rules which shall regulate the selection of persons for any award the committee is empowered to grant.
(Prior revision § 2-112)