Requisitions for the purchase of all supplies, materials or contractual services as defined in this chapter, and machinery, equipment and other personal property shall be received by the purchasing department, prior to the issuance of a purchase order for such supplies, materials, machinery, equipment or contractual services, and shall be signed by the head of the department or city official making the requisition, or the department's authorized agent.
(Prior revision § 2-65 (part); C.O. 83-52 § 32; C.O. 04-47 § 1)
It shall constitute official misconduct on the part of any public official or other employee to split or divide any requisition for supplies, materials, machinery, equipment or contractual services into two or more units for the purposes of evading the provisions of this chapter, or to violate the procedures outlined in any section of this chapter.
(Prior revision § 2-66)
Except in cases of special emergency involving the health or safety of the people or their property, no officer, department head, board or commission authorized to expend money shall make requisition on the purchasing agent for purchasing of supplies or materials until funds are available therefor, nor shall they enter into contract for services to be rendered the city, other than for personal services provided for in the budget or supplemental budget appropriation, without issuing a written order therefor, the order before delivery to the contractor to have certified thereon a statement from the city auditor that there is sufficient unencumbered balance of the appropriation to be charged to pay the amount due under the order. No obligation shall be incurred against appropriations until the city auditor specifies in writing the availability of an appropriation for such expenditure.
Orders issued by the purchasing agent shall not be delivered to the vendors until the city auditor has certified thereon that there is sufficient unencumbered balance of the appropriation to be charged to pay the amount due under the purchase order.
(Prior revision § 2-68)
In case of actual emergency any agency may purchase directly any supplies, materials, equipment or contractual services when immediate procurement is essential to the health or the safety of the people or their property. The head of such agency shall send to the purchasing department a requisition and a copy of the delivery record together with a full written explanation of the circumstances of the emergency, which shall be filed by the purchasing department as a permanent and public record of the purchase. The city purchasing agent shall, by rules and regulations, prescribe the procedure under which such emergency purchases may be made, subject to the approval of the mayor and city council.
(Prior revision § 2-69)
The purchasing department shall inspect or supervise the inspection of all deliveries of supplies, materials, equipment and contractual services to determine their conformance with the specifications set forth in the order or contract. Any department having the staff and facilities for the adequate inspection may be authorized by the city purchasing agent to inspect all deliveries made to such agency under rules and regulations which the purchasing agent shall establish. The city purchasing agent shall have authority to require chemical and physical tests of samples submitted with bids and samples of deliveries which are necessary to determine their quality and conformance with the specifications. In the performance of such tests, the city purchasing agent shall have authority to make use of laboratory facilities of any agency of the city government or any outside laboratory.
(Prior revision § 2-70)
It shall be the duty of the purchasing agent to classify all the supplies, materials and equipment used by the various agencies of the city government, to adopt as standards the minimum number of qualities, sizes and varieties of commodities consistent with the efficient operation of the city government, and to prepare, adopt and promulgate written specifications describing such standards. The purchasing agent shall have power to make use of the laboratory and engineering facilities of the city and the technical staffs thereof in connection with its work of preparing and revising standards and written specifications. The purchasing agent shall also consult with the heads and other officials of the using agencies to determine their requirements and shall endeavor to prescribe those standards which meet the needs of the majority of such agencies.
All specifications shall be definite and certain and permit of competition. After its adoption, each standard specification shall, until revised or rescinded, apply alike in terms and effect to every future purchase and contract for the commodity described in such specification.
(Prior revision § 2-71)
The purchasing agent, under the supervision of the mayor, shall establish, and from time to time amend, all rules and regulations authorized by this chapter and any others necessary to its operation. Such rules and regulations and amendments thereto shall be subject to the approval of the city council.
(Prior revision § 2-72)
Editor's note: Former §§ 3.04.100 through 3.04.120, which pertained to purchases of, and contracts for, supplies, materials, machinery, equipment and contractual services were repealed 6/19/2017 by C.O. 17-145. All purchases, unless otherwise exempt, shall be subject to the public bidding and public proposal procedures set forth in M.G.L. c. 7, 30, §§ 39M, 30B, and 149.
The purchasing agent shall dispose of tangible personal property, no longer useful to any city department, pursuant to the procedures set forth in M.G.L. c. 30B, § 15, except that, for any such tangible personal property having an estimated net value of less than two thousand five hundred dollars, the department head and the purchasing agent shall dispose of such property by the use of sound business practices.
(C.O. 04-47 § 3 (part))
All contracts for the purchase of supplies, materials, machinery, equipment or contractual services shall be approved as to form by the city solicitor. If the successful bidder, within ten days after receiving notice by mail that the award has been made to him, fails or refuses to enter into a contract, he or she shall forfeit any security which accompanies the bid. A copy of each contract shall be filed with the city auditor, the city clerk and the purchasing agent.
(C.O. 04-47 § 3 (part))
For the purchase or disposition of any service, contract or property not expressly covered by this chapter, or for any purchasing or contracting circumstance not specifically addressed by this chapter, the purchasing agent shall apply the applicable provisions of Massachusetts General Laws, including but not limited to M.G.L. c. 30B.
(C.O. 04-47 § 3 (part))