No persons shall engage in any business, trade or occupation which requires a license or permit without first having obtained a license or permit therefor.
(Prior revision § 11-1)
All licenses and permits granted, unless otherwise provided by law, shall be signed by the licensing commission.
(Prior revision § 11-2)
All licenses and permits granted, unless otherwise provided by law, shall be attested and issued by the licensing commission.
(Prior revision § 11-3)
Every license and permit issued shall contain a condition that the person accepting the same shall conform to the laws of the commonwealth, the provisions of this revision and other ordinances of the city and the specifications in the license or permit; that the license or permit may be revoked at any time by the authority issuing it unless otherwise provided by law; that the licensee will indemnify and save harmless the city from any damage it may sustain or be required to pay for by reason of the doing of the work licensed or permitted, or by reason of any act or neglect of the licensee or permittee or any of the licensee's or permittee's employees relating to such work, or by reason of the violation of any specification contained in the license or permit; provided, that nothing contained in this section shall be construed to prevent the insertion of any other specification deemed advisable by the authority issuing the license or permit.
(Prior revision § 11-6)
With every application for a license or permit to be issued or granted by any officer, board, commission or the city council, and before the application is acted upon, the fee for such license or permit as established by any provision of this revision or other ordinance of the city or law of the commonwealth shall be paid to the officer, board or commission authorized and empowered to issue or grant the license or permit. The receipt of payment thereof shall be acknowledged on the application. The city clerk shall receive and acknowledge the payment of fees on all applications for licenses or permits to be issued or granted by the city council.
(Prior revision § 11-7)
The fee received by any officer, commission or board with any application for a license or permit and paid over to the city treasurer shall be returned to the applicant by the city treasurer upon the withdrawal of the application or denial of the license or permit applied for, unless otherwise provided by law.
(Prior revision § 11-8)
All premises at which a license or a permit is requested to be newly granted or renewed, including the license commission, shall be inspected by the building department, board of health, fire department, police department and public works department before the issuance or reissuance of a permit or license by the granting authority in the city for the protection of the health, welfare and safety of the community.
The departments mentioned in subsection A of this section, if involved, shall in writing report back to the granting authority their findings as to whether or not any city ordinances or state laws are being violated. If any violation exists on the premises involved, the granting authority shall not issue or renew any license or permit until such violation is corrected and approval of the correction of such violation is made by the department(s) making the findings.
Any violation not corrected and approved by the finding department(s) within forty-five days of the violation date shall be cause for denial or refusal of license or permit being requested or renewed.
(Prior revision § 11-1A; C.O. 79-117)
All licenses shall be subject to the provisions of this revision, other and subsequent ordinances of the city, and the laws of the commonwealth. Licenses may also be made subject to such other provisions and conditions as the licensing commission or officer granting the same may deem proper.
(Prior revision § 11-5)
Any licenses and permits granted, unless otherwise provided by law, may be suspended or revoked for cause by the licensing commission or the officer granting the same. The license commission, or the issuing authority, shall first notify the holder of the license or permit of the grounds on which the licensing authority plans to proceed and thereafter schedule a hearing on the matter, within thirty days after which a decision shall be made.
(Prior revision § 11-4; C.O. 83-52 § 77)
No department, agency, board or commission of the city shall issue any license or permit to, and may revoke any existing license or permit of, any entity or individual who is delinquent in the payment of any local taxes, fees, assessments, betterments or any other municipal charges of any kind. Further, no license or permit shall issue for an activity, event or matter which is to be exercised or carried out on real estate owned by any party who owes any local taxes, fees, assessments, betterments or any other municipal charges.
Any motor vehicle towed and/or impounded by the city, or under the city's direction, for failure to pay five or more parking violations, pursuant to the provisions of M.G.L. c. 90, Section 20A 1/2 shall not be released by the city until all outstanding city of Revere parking violations and delinquent motor vehicle excise taxes are paid in full, including all towing, storage and administrative fees associated with the motor vehicle impoundment.
At the request of any department, agency, board or commission, the tax collector shall provide a list of any and all entities or individuals that owe taxes, fees, assessments, betterments or other municipal charges. In the case of any person or entity seeking a license or renewal of a license for a taxi or livery, the police department shall provide to the parking clerk and tax collector the name, license number and vehicle registration number for the purpose of determining whether any parking charges or excise taxes are owed.
Prior to the denial or revocation of any license or permit, the party seeking such license, permit shall be entitled to written notice of the intended action and the right to a hearing before the applicable department, agency, board or commission. Such hearing shall take opportunity to establish that no taxes, fees, assessments, betterments or other municipal charges are delinquent. The list furnished by the tax collector and or parking clerk establishing the delinquency shall be prima facie evidence for denial or revocation.
Every party shall be given an opportunity to avoid denial or revocation by entering into a payment agreement acceptable to the department, agency, board or commission to which taxes or fees are delinquent. The validity of any license or permit shall be conditioned upon the satisfactory compliance with such payment agreement. Failure to comply with any such payment agreement shall be grounds for the revocation of said license, provided that the holder is given the notice and hearing required by subsection C.
Any license or permit denied or revoked pursuant to this section shall not be reissued or renewed until the license or permit granting authority receives a certificate issued by the tax collector confirming that the party is in good standing with respect to all local taxes, fees, assessments, betterments or other municipal charges.
This section shall not apply to the following licenses and permits: open burning permits; bicycle permits; permits for the sale of articles for charitable purposes; children work permits; permits for the dispensing of food or beverages by a club or association issued pursuant to M.G.L. c. 140, Section 21E; dog licenses; fishing, hunting, trapping licenses; marriage licenses; and theatrical events and public exhibition permits.
(C.O. 07-168 § 2)
Chapter 256 of the Acts of 2010 and incorporated into the Massachusetts General Laws as Chapter 6 Section 172B½, has authorized the city to create the following ordinance enabling the police department to conduct state and federal fingerprint based criminal history checks for individuals applying for or in possession of certain licenses including those engaged in the business of hawking and peddling or other door-to-door salespeople, pawn dealers, secondhand dealers, hackney drivers, and ice cream vendors.
The police department may conduct state and federal fingerprint based criminal history checks for individuals applying for or in possession of certain licenses including those engaged in the business of hawking and peddling or other door-to-door salespeople, pawn dealers, secondhand dealers, hackney drivers, and ice cream vendors.
An applicant seeking to engage in the above employment shall submit, if required by the licensing authority, fingerprints taken by the police department along with a fee of one hundred dollars.
Upon receipt of the fingerprints and the appropriate fee, the police department will transmit the fingerprints to the State Police Identification Unit through the Department of Criminal Justice Information Services (DCJIS), formerly the Criminal History System criminal file and then submit the fingerprints to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for a comparison with national records. The result of the FBI check will be returned to the State Police, which will then disseminate the state and national results back to the police department.
In rendering a fitness determination, the police department will decide whether the record subject has been convicted of (or is pending indictment for) a crime, which bears upon his or her ability or fitness to serve in that capacity, any felony or a misdemeanor, which involved force or threat of force, controlled substances, or was a sex-related offense.
The police department shall establish, by policy and procedure consistent with DCJIS, the procedure for conducting state and national criminal history records checks of persons applying for certain licenses within the city. Any person applying for a license for the following activities within the city is required to submit with the application, a full set of fingerprints taken by the police department within six months prior to the date of application:
Hawking and peddling or other door-to-door salespeople.
Pawn dealers.
Secondhand dealers.
Hackney drivers.
Ice cream vendors.
A person applying for a license and who is required to submit a full set of fingerprints to the licensing authority pursuant to this chapter, may request and receive a copy of his or her criminal history records from the police department. Should the license applicant seek to amend or correct his or her record, he or she must contact the DCJIS, or its successor, for a state record of the FBI for records from other jurisdictions maintained in its file.
The fee charged to the applicant by the police department for the purpose of enforcing this section shall be one hundred dollars for each application. A portion of the fee, thirty dollars, as specified in Chapter 6 Section 172B½ of the Massachusetts General Laws, shall be deposited into the Firearms Fingerprint Identity Verification Trust Fund, and the remainder of the fee may be retained by the police department for costs associated with the administration of the fingerprinting system.
The city or any of its officers, departments, boards, committees or other licensing authorities is hereby authorized to deny any application for, or to revoke, or to suspend any license or permit, including renewals and transfers thereof, for any person who is determined unfit for the license, as determined by the licensing authority, due to the information obtained pursuant to this section.
(C.O. 13-190, §§ 1—7, 9/16/2013; C.O. 12-006, § 1, 6/4/2012)