No person shall go about from place to place within the city exposing for sale or selling fresh fruits, meats, butter, cheese, vegetables or fish in or from any cart, wagon or other vehicle, or in any other manner, except one engaged in the pursuit of agriculture, without a license therefor from the sealer of weights and measures or from the director of standards of the commonwealth.
(Prior revision § 9-1)
The sealer of weights and measures may grant licenses required by this chapter to continue in force until May 1st following the date of issuance thereof, unless sooner suspended or revoked, and may provide therein that any person so licensed may expose for sale or sell any such articles in any street or place, except as otherwise provided in this chapter. Every person so licensed shall pay to the sealer of weights and measures for the use of the city the sum designated in Table I of this revision for such license.
(Prior revision § 9-2 (part); C.O. 83-52 § 75 (part))
Every person licensed under the provisions of this chapter and every hawker and peddler who sells, or offers or exposes for sale, any of the articles enumerated in General Laws, Chapter 101, Sections 17 and 33, shall record his name and residence with the sealer of weights and measures and shall be assigned a number.
(Prior revision § 9-3)
Every license issued under the provisions of Section 5.08.010 may be revoked by the sealer of weights and measures for the violation of any of its terms.
(Prior revision § 9-4)
No license required by this chapter shall be issued until the applicant has received from the sealer of weights and measures a certificate to the effect that all weights, scales and measures to be used by the applicant have been tested and sealed according to law.
(Prior revision § 9-5)
Every licensee under the provisions of this chapter shall have the licensee's name and number painted in legible words or figures of no less than two inches in height upon each side of every vehicle or receptacle used in the business of such person so that such words and figures shall be distinctly seen.
(Prior revision § 9-6)
Every vehicle or receptacle used by hawkers or peddlers, or the contents thereof, shall not be used or carried in a manner injurious to the public health and shall be submitted to the board of health for inspection when so ordered by the sealer of weights and measures, and when so ordered for such inspection shall not be used until the board of health has issued a certificate of fitness.
(Prior revision § 9-7)
No person exposing for sale, or selling any articles as provided in this chapter shall cry his or her wares or use any horn or bell between the hours of seven-thirty p.m. and seven-thirty a.m., and at no time to the disturbance of the peace and comfort of the inhabitants of the city.
(Prior revision § 9-8)
No hawker or peddler shall sell or offer for sale any goods, wares or merchandise on any street of the city within five hundred feet of any public or private educational institution or the grounds thereof between the hours of eight a.m. and four p.m. on days when such educational institutions are in session, nor on any day within five hundred feet of any playground of the city between the hours of nine a.m. and nine p.m.
(Prior revision § 9-9)
No hawker or peddler shall, on a street of the city and while offering or exposing goods, wares or other merchandise for sale, remain in one place, or within two hundred feet thereof, for longer than five minutes, unless actually engaged in making a sale.
(Prior revision § 9-10)