The terms "soliciting" and "canvassing" means and includes any one or more of the following activities:
Seeking to obtain the purchase, or the orders for the purchase, of goods, wares, merchandise, foodstuffs, services, of any kind of consideration whatever; or
Seeking to obtain subscriptions to books, magazines, periodicals, newspapers, and every other type or kind of publication; or
Seeking to obtain gifts or contributions of money, clothing or any other valuable thing for the support or benefit of, or seeking to gain membership in or volunteers for, any charitable or nonprofit association, organization, corporation or project.
The provisions of Sections 5.12.010 through 5.12.080 shall not apply to those who are operating validly as hawkers or peddlers or open air vendors, or to officers or employees of the city, county, state or federal government, or any subdivision thereof, when on official business, or to the city of Revere neighborhood youth and students who solicit for the shoveling of snow or cutting of lawns, or in connection with fundraising activities or city of Revere senior citizen fundraising activities, or to milkpersons, bakery persons, insurance agents, laundry persons, and ice, oil and coal dealers, nor shall it be construed to prevent route salespersons or other persons having established customers to whom they make periodic deliveries from calling upon such customers.
If any solicitor or canvasser is under the age of eighteen years and is selling goods or periodicals for a commercial purpose, the provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 101, Section 34 shall apply.
(C.O. 20-370, § 2, 6/14/2021)
It is unlawful for any person to solicit or canvass, for him or herself or for another person, or organization, by foot, automobile or any other type of conveyance, from place to place, house to house or street to street, calling at residences without the previous consent of the occupant, without first having registered with the chief of police.
(C.O. 20-370, § 2, 6/14/2021)
Application for a certificate of registration shall be made upon a form provided by the police department.
An authorized representative of the sponsoring organization shall apply to the chief of police of his designee either personally, between the hours of nine a.m. and two p.m. from Monday through Thursday excluding holidays, or by mail, and truthfully state in full the information requested on the application, to wit:
Name, address and telephone number of the sponsoring organization;
State and/or federal tax identification number or tax exempt number of the sponsoring organization;
Name, residential address, telephone number, social security number and date of birth of each representative of sponsoring organization who will be soliciting or canvassing in the city;
Period of time for which the certificate is applied (i.e., the dates on which the soliciting or canvassing will take place);
Any convictions for a violation of a felony or crimes against the person under the laws of the commonwealth or any other state or federal law of the United States within five years of the application, by the sponsoring organization or any of its representatives who will be soliciting or canvassing in the city;
Signature of authorized representative of the sponsoring organization.
A photograph or an acceptable copy of a photograph of each representative of the sponsoring organization who will be soliciting or canvassing in the city must be attached to the application.
If the sponsoring organization is required by M.G.L.A. Chapter 68, Section 19, to register as a charitable organization with the commonwealth, a copy of said registration must be attached to the application.
All statements made by the application upon the application or in connection therewith shall be under oath.
No certificate of registration shall be issued to any person who has been convicted of the commission of a felony or crime against the person within five years of the date of the application; nor to any person whose certificate of registration issued hereunder has previously been revoked as provided herein.
The chief of police shall cause to be kept in his office an accurate record of every application received and acted upon together with all other information and date pertaining thereto and all certificates of registration issued under the provisions of Sections 5.12.010 through 5.12.080 and of denial of applications. Fully completed applications for certificates, shall be acted upon within three days of receipt. The original copy of the application shall be given to the applicant and a duplicate copy shall be retained on file in the office of the chief of police.
When approved, each solicitor or canvasser shall be issued a certificate of registration and shall at all times while soliciting or canvassing in the city carry upon his/her person the registration certificate and the same shall be exhibited by such registrant whenever he or she is required to do so by any police officer or by any person solicited. The certificate of registration shall state the expiration date thereof.
An administration fee of ten dollars shall be charged for each certificate of registration issued.
Soliciting and canvassing may be conducted Monday through Saturday between the hours of nine a.m. and eight p.m., and Sundays between the hours of twelve p.m. and six p.m., excluding major holidays on which retail stores and businesses (except for local convenience stores, restaurants and other food establishments) are closed.
(C.O. 20-370, § 2, 6/14/2021)
No solicitor or canvasser may use any plan, scheme or ruse which misrepresents the true status or mission of the person making the call in order to gain admission to a person's home, office or other establishment.
(C.O. 20-370, § 2, 6/14/2021)
It shall be the duty of every solicitor and canvasser going onto any premises in the city to first examine whether there is a notice stating that no solicitors are welcome; if such notice is present then the solicitor or canvasser shall immediately and peacefully depart from the premises.
Any solicitor or canvasser who has gained entrance to any residence, whether invited or not, shall immediately and peacefully depart from the premises when requested to do so by the occupant.
(C.O. 20-370, § 2, 6/14/2021)
Any certificate of registration issued hereunder shall be revoked by the chief of police if the holder of the certificate is convicted of a violation of any of the provisions of Sections 5.12.010 through 5.12.080 or has made a false material statement in the application or otherwise becomes disqualified for the issuance of a certificate of registration under the terms of said sections. Immediately upon such revocation, written notice thereof shall be given by the chief of police to the holder of the certificate in person or by certified United States mail addressed to his or her residence or organization address set forth in the application.
Immediately upon the giving of such notice the certificate of registration shall become void.
(C.O. 20-370, § 2, 6/14/2021)
No person, individually or on behalf of any organization, shall at any time, solicit donations of any kind from any operator or occupant of a motor vehicle upon the public way.
(C.O. 20-370, § 2, 6/14/2021)
Any violation of the provisions of this title shall be punishable in accordance with the provisions of Title 1, Chapter 1.16 of the Revised Ordinances of the city of Revere by a fine of three hundred dollars.
(C.O. 20-370, § 2, 6/14/2021)