Editor’s note: This chapter was originally designated as Ch. 6.01 but was renumbered in order to avoid conflicts in the numbering.
No person shall feed, bait, or in any manner provide access to food to any wild animal or birds within city of Revere on lands either publicly or privately owned.
No person shall leave or store any refuse, garbage, food product, pet food, forage product or supplement, salt, seed or birdseed, fruit, or grain in a manner that would constitute an attractant to any wild animal or bird.
No person shall fail to take remedial action to avoid contact or conflict with wild animals, which may include the securing or removal of outdoor trash, cooking grills, pet food, bird feeders or any other similar food source or attractant after being advised by the city to undertake such remedial action. Further, after an initial contact or conflict with a wild animal, no person shall continue to provide, or otherwise fail to secure or remove, any likely food sources or attractants, including but not limited to outdoor trash, grills, pet food, or bird feeders.
(C.O. 17-350, 11/13/2017)
The feeding of other songbirds and other backyard birds shall be permitted on private property subject to the following conditions:
Birds shall only be fed from bird feeders. Bird feeders shall be installed at least five feet above the ground. Bird feeders shall not be installed or attached to fences in any manner.
The scattering or placement of food, seed, grain, or any other type of attractant on the ground shall not be permitted.
Feeding does not create an unreasonable disturbance that affects the rights of surrounding property owners and renders other persons insecure in the use of their property; and
Does not create an accumulation of droppings on the property and surrounding properties; and
Does not become an attractant for rodents or other wild animals.
(C.O. 17-350, 11/13/2017)
Inspectional services and/or animal control shall enforce the provisions of this chapter.
(C.O. 17-350, 11/13/2017)
Any person violating any provision of this chapter shall be liable to a fine not less than twenty-five dollars or more than four hundred ninety dollars for each offense. A separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day or part of each day during which a violation occurs or continues.
(C.O. 17-350, 11/13/2017)