Any person using and handling explosives in the city shall obtain the necessary permit prescribed in Section 8.16.020. The application for a blasting permit shall be submitted to the fire chief no later than five working days prior to the date requested for the commencement of blasting. The applicant shall establish to the satisfaction of the fire chief that he/she has fully complied with the relevant provisions of M.G.L. c. 148 and the requirements of 527 C.M.R. 13.00 or any of its successor regulations.
(Prior revision § 7-74; C.O. 04-204 § 1)
Prior to the issuance of any blasting permit, the applicant must conduct a pre-blast geotechnical survey of the general site, the surrounding conditions and all private properties within five hundred feet of the blasting area. The surveys shall be provided to the fire chief prior to the issuance of any permit.
In the event that a private property owner has refused permission for the pre-blast survey or refused to respond to the applicant's effort to conduct such pre-blast survey, the applicant must provide the fire chief with a statement, signed under the pains and penalties of perjury, attesting to the refusal or the failure to respond to the survey request.
(C.O. 04-204 § 2)
Any person discharging explosives, except firearms and firecrackers, so-called, shall maintain a log, in duplicate, of which one copy shall be filed with fire department and made a public record.
Such log shall include the following information: date, time, weather conditions, wind conditions, temperatures, type of blasting performed, amount of charge, type of warning given, a remarks section and any other information the fire chief or his or her representative may deem necessary.
(Prior revision § 7-75)
The blasting contractor shall notify the fire chief in writing twenty-four hours in advance of the actual commencement of blasting.
At least twenty-four hours prior to blasting, the blasting contractor shall provide written notice to all abutters within five hundred feet of the blasting area of the following information: (1) the date and time when blasting is to begin; (2) the estimate of the number of daily blasts to occur; (3) the number of days when blasting will be performed; and (4) the date when blasting will conclude.
Blasting shall only take place Monday through Friday, between the hours of ten a.m. and four p.m. except in emergency situations approved in advance by the fire chief.
(C.O. 04-204 § 3)
The blasting contractor shall be responsible for having both a fire detail and a police detail present at the blast site whenever blasting is performed. The representative of the fire department shall ensure that proper safety measures have been taken and that the log required by Section 8.28.020 corresponds to actual on-site conditions. The representative of the police department shall ensure that the blast location is secure and that only authorized persons are handling explosives.
(C.O. 04-204 § 4)
Any person performing or taking part in any blasting activities shall be required to sound a signal loud enough to be heard in a radius of one-half mile. Such signal shall be given five minutes before detonation for a period of no less than five seconds; a second signal shall be given thirty seconds before detonation for a period of no less than five seconds.
(Prior revision § 7-78)
The energy ratio of a blast shall not exceed the energy ratio set forth in 527 C.M.R. 13.00.
(Prior revision § 7-79; C.O. 04-204 § 5)
The blasting contractor shall be required to place no less than two separate seismographs on the site at locations to be determined by the fire chief. Reports from the seismographs shall be submitted to the fire chief within twenty-four hours of any blast.
In the event that any seismograph reading exceeds the limits set forth in 527 C.M.R. 13.00, or in the event any hazardous condition is noted or any injury occurs to persons or property, blasting operations shall be halted until such time and under such conditions determined by the fire chief.
(C.O. 04-204 § 6)
Any vehicles hauling or removing material to a blasting site shall only utilize traffic routes approved in advance by the Revere traffic commission. Such approval of a route shall be obtained by the applicant prior to the submission of an application for blasting permit. It shall constitute a separate violation of this section each time that any vehicle utilizes any street or road not part of the approved traffic route.
(C.O. 04-204 § 7 (part))
Any person or entity violating this provision shall be subject to a fine of up to three hundred dollars per offense. The Revere police department, the Revere fire department and the building inspector shall also have the right to enforce this subsection pursuant to the noncriminal disposition procedures set forth in Chapter 1.12.
(C.O. 04-204 § 7 (part))