For the purposes of this chapter the following words shall have the meanings respectively assigned them:
means approved by the head of the fire department.
means a combination of any materials, whether portable or fixed, having a roof, to form a structure for the shelter of persons, animals or property.
"Composite construction"
means a building built in parts of the classes of construction defined in this section.
"Fire chief"
means the head of the city fire department.
"Fire door"
means a metal-clad door and its assembly, such as the frame, threshold, trim, hardware, etc., or other construction of similar fire resistance, so constructed and assembled in place as to retard the passage of fire.
means a full-time, permanently appointed firefighter employed by the city and working on the city fire department.
"Fire partition"
means a partition to restrict the spread of fire and constructed of approved masonry, gypsum blocks or gypsum plaster not less than two inches in thickness, or other approved materials having comparable fire-resisting ratings, which is properly supported by a steel frame that is entirely embedded in the plaster. Any opening in a fire partition shall be protected by a fire door or a fire window.
"Fire protected"
means the protection of combustible construction with metal lath and cement of gypsum plaster, or perforated gypsum lath and gypsum plaster, or a combination of laths and plaster, giving an equivalent fire-resistive protection as defined in Form FPR-4, Rules and Regulations of the Board of Fire Prevention Regulations.
"Fire-resistive roof covering"
means any roof covering of brick, tile, slate, metal, asbestos shingles, asphalt shingles, composition of asbestos and asphalt, tar and gravel, or other approved materials having comparable fire-resistive ratings.
Fire watch.
A "fire watch" shall be composed of permanently appointed firefighters taken from the active ranks of the city fire department.
"Fire window" or "fire skylight"
mean a window or skylight of approved metal frame and sash which is glazed with wired glass that is not less than one-fourth of an inch in thickness.
"Fourth-class building"
means a metal-covered, steel-frame building.
means any building wherein is kept or stored one or more motor vehicles, including motor vehicle repair shop or paint shop or any building used for similar purposes.
"Second-class building"
means one, the external walls of which are constructed of approved masonry and which has any part of the interior or roof constructed of wood.
"Stable area"
means the premises enclosing the buildings or structures in which horses are sheltered.
"Unit heater"
means an approved heating appliance which consists of a heating element and enclosure, located entirely above the floor, without external heating pipes or ducts, for the direct heating of the space in and adjacent to that in which the device is located.
"Warning device"
(fire alarm boxes, master boxes or heat detectors) means any device or system of wiring which can be actuated manually or automatically in the event of rise in temperature or smoke evolvement, to sound or transmit a visible or audible signal, directly or through relay to a central station.
"Water supply"
(water mains, hydrants, first-aid hose lines) means a system of water mains, hydrants, valves, first-aid hose lines, etc., to assure water under approved pressure and volume to assure extinguishment of fire of any proportion possible in the stable area.
(Prior revision § 7-81)
Any barn erected after the effective date of the ordinance from which this section derives for the keeping of more than ten horses shall conform to the requirements of a second-class or fourth-class building or one of composite construction.
The roof covering of such structure shall be fire-resisting.
(Prior revision § 7-82)
Any stable area having a capacity for housing more than fifty horses shall be protected by an approved water supply and fire-watch service.
No horse shall be permitted in the stable area until all the fire-protection equipment has been put in service and approved.
(Prior revision § 7-83)
Any person aggrieved by an order of the fire chief may, within ten days of such order, appeal in writing to the state fire marshal, and the decision of the marshal relating thereto shall be final.
(Prior revision § 7-84)
Artificial lighting of a barn structure shall be only by means of electric lights. All electrical work equipment shall be installed in accordance with the State Electric Code, Form FPR-11.
(Prior revision § 7-85)
The use of hot plates, water heaters and similar devices is strictly forbidden.
Heat lamps and other devices used for horse care or therapy shall be permitted only when approved.
Heating of tack rooms and other portions of barn buildings shall be only by approved heating units.
(Prior revision § 7-86 (part))
The shutting off of any water supply main, hydrant or valve shall not be permitted without prior notice and approval.
Fire hydrants, fire hose stations and fire alarm boxes shall be kept clear of any obstruction at all times.
The use of fire hose for any purpose other than to extinguish fire is prohibited.
(Prior revision § 7-86 (part))
There shall be no parking of vehicles or locating of any equipment between stables or on the main street. Parking shall be in areas provided for parking.
(Prior revision § 7-87)
No discarded hay, straw and stable clearings shall be allowed to accumulate on the premises. All collection wagons for such debris shall be removed from the area when filled, and replaced with an empty one.
Vegetation growing adjacent to barn structures or fences shall be kept cut close to the earth and shall be removed immediately after cutting.
(Prior revision § 7-88)
"No Smoking" signs shall be conspicuously posted upon each barn structure and in each tack room. Smoking shall be allowed only in those areas set apart as prescribed by the fire chief. (No smoking in or around stalls.)
(Prior revision § 7-89)
There shall be provided one paid fire watch designated by the chief of the fire department on each eight-hour tour of duty around the clock, such detail to commence when fifty horses are on the stable-area premises.
A system of communication of an approved type shall be installed, maintained and kept in service between the stable area, watch tower and fire alarm headquarters.
When six hundred or more horses are on the premises, the paid fire watch shall be increased to two paid firefighters on each eight-hour tour of duty around the clock.
Barns constructed of materials not conforming to these requirements may be used for housing horses subject to the following: A fire watch shall be maintained in accordance with the fire watch provisions contained in this chapter.
(Prior revision § 7-90; C.O. 77-905)
A program of modernization shall be instituted to replace two wood stables per year with approved buildings until all wood structures have been removed. This program is to be carried to completion regardless of any change in ownership or administration of Suffolk Downs Racetrack.
(Prior revision § 7-91 (part))
All barns and buildings, in the manner of keeping, storing or using hay, straw, feed and other combustible materials used in connection therewith, shall be subject to the inspection of any member of the Department of Public Safety, the fire chief or member of the fire department delegated by the fire chief.
(Prior revision § 7-91 (part))
The provisions of this chapter shall be posted upon the premises, under glass, in at least three locations and where they will be convenient for reading by all persons authorized in the stable area.
(Prior revision § 7-91 (part))