No person shall cause a public inconvenience, annoyance or alarm or recklessly create a risk while engaging in fighting, or in threatening, or in violent or tumultuous behavior thereby creating a hazardous or physically offensive condition by which his or her other actions serve no legitimate purpose.
(C.O. 05-95 § 1)
No person shall enter upon the premises of another for the purpose of committing any wanton or malicious act, nor for the purpose or with the intention of invading the privacy of another by peeping into the windows of such house or spying upon any person resident therein; provided, that nothing contained in this section shall be construed to abridge nor in any way limit the right of a police officer to enter upon private property nor to perform any act necessary in the performance of his or her official duties.
(Prior revision § 13-12)
No person shall stand in any street, sidewalk or public place in such a manner as to obstruct the free passage of foot travelers thereon or be or remain upon any sidewalk or street in such a manner as to interfere with the safety, comfort or convenience of the public. Nothing in this section shall be construed to curtail, abridge or limit the rights guaranteed by the constitution of the commonwealth, or any statute thereunder or limit the right or opportunity of any person to exercise the right of peaceful persuasion guaranteed by General Laws, Chapter 149, Section 24.
(Prior revision § 13-11)
No person shall saunter or loiter in or upon the steps, portico or other projection from or on any space or way leading thereto of any public building, school, house of worship or public hall, in such a manner as to interfere with the safety, comfort and convenience of the public. Any person remaining in any of the places enumerated in this section shall, when ordered by a police officer, owner or other person having charge thereof, depart therefrom.
(Prior revision § 13-11.1; C.O. 77-88, 1977)
Purpose: Whereas excessive sound and vibration are a serious hazard to the public health and welfare, safety, and the quality of life; and whereas the people have a right to and should be ensured an environment free from excessive sound and vibration that may jeopardize their health or welfare or safety or degrade the quality of life; now, therefore, it is the policy of the city of Revere to prevent excessive sound and vibration which may jeopardize the health and welfare or safety of its citizens or degrade the quality of life.
Scope: The following sections shall apply to the control of all sound and vibration originating within the limits of the City of Revere, unless otherwise exempted by law.
(C.O. 12-192, § 15, 10/15/2012)
"Authorized enforcement personnel"
means the Revere Police Department and the Department of Inspectional Services.
means any site preparation, assembly, erection, substantial repair, alteration, or similar action, but excluding demolition, for or of public or private rights-of-way, structures, utilities or similar property.
means the period between the hours of seven a.m. and six p.m. daily except Sunday and holidays according to the time system locally in effect.
means the abbreviation for decibel.
means the A-weighted sound level in decibels, as measured by a general purpose sound level meter complying with the provisions of Specifications for Sound Level Meters (S1. 4 1971), American National Standards Institute (ANSI), properly calibrated, and operated on the "A" weighting network.
means any dismantling, intentional destruction or removal of structures, utilities, public or private right-of-way surfaces, or similar property.
means any occurrence or set of circumstances involving actual or imminent physical trauma or property damage which demands immediate action.
"Emergency work"
means any work performed for the purpose of preventing or alleviating the physical trauma or property damage threatened or caused by an emergency.
means the abbreviation for Hertz, which means cycles per second.
"Impact device"
means a construction device in which or by which a hammer, meaning a moving mass of hard solid material, is mechanically by means of a working fluid or compressed air caused to repetitively impact upon and transmit kinetic energy to a tool. The tool may be included as a part of the device, as in the case of a moil on a paving breaker or the drill steel of a jackhammer, or it may be a mass to which the impact device is temporarily connected as in the case of a pile and pile driver. Examples of impact devices are pile drivers, paving breakers and power impact hammers, impact wrenches, riveters and stud drivers.
"Lot line"
means an imaginary line along the ground surface, and its vertical extension, which separates the real property owned by one person from that owned by another person, but not including intra-building real property divisions.
"Motor vehicles"
means any vehicle so defined in G.L., c. 90, § 1.
means any vehicle so defined in G.L., c. 90, § 1.
"Noise disturbance"
means any sound which (a) causes temporary or permanent hearing loss in persons exposed; or (b) is injurious to the public health; (c) causes a nuisance which is prohibited by law; or (d) is defined as a noise disturbance pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
means any individual, association, partnership, or corporation, and includes any officer, employee, department, agency or instrumentality of a state or any political subdivision of a state.
"Public right-of-way"
means any street, avenue, boulevard, highway, sidewalk or alley or similar place which is owned or controlled by the City.
"Public space"
means any real property or structures thereon which are owned or controlled by the city.
"Sound pressure level"
is numerically equal to twenty times the logarithm (to the base ten) of the sound pressure to the reference sound pressure (the reference sound pressure shall equal twenty micropascals). Unless otherwise stated, the level is understood to be that of a root mean-square pressure.
means any day Monday through Friday which is not a legal holiday.
(C.O. 12-192, § 15, 10/15/2012)
Authorized Enforcement Personnel: The Revere Police Department and the Department of Inspectional Services shall be the authorized enforcement personnel charged with the enforcement of these provisions.
Violations: Authorized enforcement personnel may order and specify reasonable remedial actions to be taken by a violator of this chapter to achieve compliance; or issue citations, pursuant to G.L., c. 40, § 21D, for violations of these provisions assessing fines of three hundred dollars for each day such violation is committed or permitted to continue. Additionally, any person found in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter may be prosecuted for a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined three hundred dollars.
Injunction: As an additional remedy, the operation or maintenance of any device, instrument, vehicle or machinery in violation of any provision of this chapter and which causes a noise disturbance may be subject to abatement summarily by a restraining order or injunction issued by a court of competent jurisdiction.
Suspension or Revocation of License or Permit: As an additional remedy for violation of any provision of this chapter, any enforcement official under Subsection A of this section may summarily suspend, and after a hearing may revoke, any license or permit, including a building or demolition permit.
(C.O. 12-192, § 15, 10/15/2012)
No person or persons owning, leasing or controlling the operation of any source or sources of noise shall willfully, negligently, or through failure to provide necessary equipment or facilities or to take necessary precautions, permit the establishment or continuation of a condition of noise disturbance.
(C.O. 12-192, § 15, 10/15/2012)
This section shall apply to the use or occupancy of any lot or structure thereon and to the noise produced thereby, but shall not apply to the following:
To the intermittent or occasional use, during the daytime, of light homeowner's residential outdoor equipment or commercial service equipment provided said equipment and its use complies with other provisions of this chapter;
To construction activities and the associated use of construction devices nor to the noise produced thereby, provided such activities, and such equipment and its use, comply with provisions of this chapter.
To bell towers or clock towers with bells or chimes.
No person shall create or cause to be emitted from or by any source subject to the provisions of this chapter, any noise which causes or results in a noise level exceeding the noise standards as described in Table 9.08.090 of this section, measured at any lot line of any lot located in any zoning district as defined by the Revised Ordinances of the City of Revere.
Area Noise Standards. Noise standards referred to in this chapter for the several zoning districts of the City, are hereby defined in and established pursuant to Table 9.08.090 of this section as follows:
TABLE 9.08.090
Maximum Allowable Octave Band Sound Pressure Levels
Octave Band Center Frequency Measurement (Hz) Band
RA, RA1, RB, RB1, RC, RC1 RC2, RC3
Other Times
Other Times
Single Number Equivalent (dB(A))
Noise Disturbances Prohibited: The following acts are declared to be loud, disturbing and unnecessary noises in violation of this chapter, but said enumeration shall not be deemed to be exclusive. Non-commercial public speaking and public assembly activities conducted on any public space or public right-of-way shall be exempt from the operation of this section. Bell towers and clock towers with bells or chimes shall be exempt from the operation of this section.
Horns, Signaling Devices, Etc. The sounding of any horn or signaling device on any automobile, motorcycle, street car or other vehicle on any street or public place of the City, except as a danger warning; the creation by means of any such signaling device of any unreasonably loud or harsh sound; and the sounding of any such device for an unnecessary and unreasonable period of time. The use of any signaling device except the one operated by hand or electricity; the use of any horn, whistle or other device operated by engine exhaust; and the use of any such signaling device when traffic is for any reason held up.
Radios, Phonographs, Etc. The using, operating, or permitting to be played, used or operated any radio receiving set, musical instrument, phonograph, loudspeaker or public address systems, unless used by the City of Revere, or other machine or device for the producing or reproducing of sound in such a manner as to be plainly audible from the building, structure, vehicle or dwelling unit as to which the sound is originating from shall be a violation of this chapter.
Street Sales. Offering for sale or selling anything by shouting or outcry within any residential or commercial area of the City, except by permit issued by the chief of police according to criteria set forth by the chief and/or except between the hours of nine p.m. and eight a.m., and the causing thereof, is a violation of this chapter.
Animals, Birds. Etc. Owning, possessing or harboring any animal or bird which frequently or for continued duration, howls, barks, meows, squawks or makes other sounds which are plainly audible from the lot line of the lot on which it is located, is a violation of this chapter. This provision shall not apply to licensed kennels.
Loading and Unloading. Loading, unloading, opening, closing or other handling of boxes, crates, containers, building materials, garbage cans, or similar objects between the hours of nine p.m. and eight a.m. the following day on weekdays, or between the hours of nine p.m. and nine a.m. the following day when the following day is a Saturday, Sunday or holiday in such a manner as to be plainly audible from the lot line of the lot on which such activity is located, is a violation of this chapter.
Construction, Drilling, or Demolition: Operating or permitting the operation of any tools or equipment used in construction, drilling or demolition work between the hours of nine p.m. and eight a.m. the following day on weekdays or at a time on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday in such a manner as to be plainly audible from the lot line of the lot on which such activity is located, except for emergency work of public service utilities or by special permit issued by the inspector of buildings, and the causing thereof, is a violation of this chapter. Subsection F shall not apply to the use of domestic power tools as provided for in subsection L of this section.
Vehicle or Motorboat Repairs and Testing. Repairing, rebuilding, modifying, or testing any motor vehicle, motorcycle, or motorboat in such a manner as to be plainly audible as to be plainly audible from the lot line of the lot on which such activity is located, is a violation of this chapter.
Places of Public Entertainment. Operating, playing or permitting the operation or playing of any radio, television, phonograph, drum, musical instrument, sound amplifier, or similar device which produces, reproduces, or amplifies sound in any place of public entertainment in such a manner as to be plainly audible from the lot line of the lot on which such activity is located, is a violation of this chapter.
Vibration. Operating or permitting the operation of any device that creates vibration which is above the vibration perception threshold of an individual at or beyond the property boundary of the source if on private property or at twenty-five (25) feet from the source if on a public space or public right-of-way, is a violation of this chapter. For the purposes of this section, "vibration perception threshold" means the minimum ground or structure borne vibrational motion necessary to cause a normal person to be aware of the vibration by such direct means as, but not limited to, sensation by touch or visual observation of moving objects.
Domestic Power Tools. Operating or permitting the operation of any mechanically powered saw, drill, sander, grinder, lawn or garden tool, snow blower, or similar device used outdoors in or residential areas between the hours of nine p.m. and eight a.m. so as to be plainly audible from the lot line of the lot on which such activity is located, is a violation of this chapter.
Refuse Collection Vehicles. The following acts, and the causing thereof, are violations of this chapter: 1.) Operating or permitting the operation of the compacting mechanism of any motor vehicle which compacts refuse, between the hours of nine p.m. and eight a.m. the following day in or adjacent to a residential area; 2.) Collecting refuse with a refuse collection vehicle between the hours of nine p.m. and eight a.m. the following day in a residential or commercial area. This section does not apply to municipal trash collection.
Heliports. Operating or permitting the operation of a helicopter between the hours of nine p.m. and eight a.m. so as to be plainly audible from the lot line of the lot on which such activity is located, is a violation of this chapter.
(C.O. 12-192, § 15, 10/15/2012)
Whereas, there is no known safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke, and secondhand smoke exposure in certain outdoor areas have been found to pose a significant health risk; and
Whereas, protecting Revere's public parks as places for residents and visitors to be outside and active is critical to promotion of a healthier city; and
Whereas, it is critical to prevent the use of drugs, alcohol and weapons in our areas of recreation; and
Whereas, it is the goal of the city of Revere, through the parks and recreation department and the police department, to ensure that our places of recreation are safe, clean and healthy for all residents, particularly our children; [Sections 9.08.1129.08.118 are enacted as follows.]
(C.O. 18-233, 3/11/2019)
No person shall smoke in any public park, or other public place under the control of the city of Revere.
For the purposes of this subsection, the term smoking shall include inhaling, exhaling, burning or carrying any lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe, or other lighted or vaporized substance in any manner or form, including marijuana used for medical or recreational purposes.
(C.O. 18-233, 3/11/2019)
No person shall sell, possess or consume any alcoholic beverage in any park, except under a license issued by the Revere License Commission subject to the provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 138, Sections 14 & 15F. Such license may include any conditions imposed by the License Commission and the discretionary judgment of the Revere Police Department in order to promote the preservation of public parks.
No person shall commit any of the following acts in a public park:
Sell, distribute, make available or offer to provide a controlled substance or prescription drug to another;
Package, possess or store a controlled substance;
Transport a controlled substance or materials intended to be used in the packaging of a controlled substance;
Solicit another to provide, make available, sell or distribute a controlled substance or prescription drug to any person;
With the intent to engage in any act prohibited by this section, seek, meet, approach or encounter another.
Nothing in Subsection B of this section shall prohibit the possession of medications prescribed to the person or to a person under that person's care, if and under such conditions as possession of such substance is otherwise lawful.
For purposes of this section, "controlled substance" and "prescription drug" shall have the meaning as provided for in M.G.L. c. 94C § 1 (The Controlled Substances Act).
(C.O. 18-233, 3/11/2019)
No person shall possess in any public park anything specifically designed for and presently capable of causing, or carried with the intent to threaten or cause, bodily harm to another. Items prohibited under this Section include, but are not limited to: any firearm, pellet gun, spring-loaded weapon, stun gun or taser, any knife having a blade that projects or swings into position by force of a spring or by centrifugal force, any knife with a blade longer than two and one-half inches, any dirk, dagger, ice-pick, sling shot, metal knuckles, nunchaku, studded hand coverings, swords, straight razors, tear gas containers, saps, sap gloves, hatchets or axes. The prohibitions of this section do not apply to individuals who are duly licensed under local, state, and/or federal guidelines to carry a firearm.
Any person to be in violation of this section shall be fined three-hundred dollars per offense. Enforcement of this section shall be by noncriminal disposition as provided for in M.G.L. Chapter 40, Section 21D or by filing a criminal complaint at the appropriate venue.
(C.O. 18-233, 3/11/2019)
6:00 a.m.—10:00 p.m.
All public parks shall be designated as "Alcohol, Drug, Tobacco, and Weapon Free Zones" and appropriate signage shall be installed at each park indicating such.
(C.O. 18-233, 3/11/2019)
Any real property which is erected, established, maintained, owned, leased, or used by any criminal street gang for the purpose of conducting criminal gang activity is a public nuisance. No person shall keep, maintain or use such real property as a public nuisance.
The chief of police shall by written directive promulgate procedures to prevent the enforcement of this section against persons who are engaged in activities that are protected by the Constitution of the United States and/or the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
The city may use all lawful methods of abating violations of this section, including, but not limited to, application for equitable relief from a court of competent jurisdiction.
As used in this section:
"Criminal street gang" means any ongoing organization, association in fact or group of three or more persons, whether formal or informal, having as one of its substantial activities the commission of one or more of the criminal acts enumerated in subsection (D)(2), and whose members individually or collectively engage in or have engaged in a pattern of criminal gang activity.
"Criminal gang activity" means the commission, attempted commission, or solicitation of the following offenses, provided that the offenses are committed by two or more persons, or by an individual at the direction of, or in association with, any criminal street gang with the specific intent to promote, further or assist in any criminal conduct by gang members the following sections of the Massachusetts General Laws:
M.G.L. c. 265, Section 1 (murder); M.G.L. c. 265, Section 13 (manslaughter); M.G.L. c. 13A, (assault or assault and battery); M.G.L. c. 265, Section 13B (indecent assault and battery on a child under fourteen); M.G.L. c. 265, Section 13C (assault and battery to collect loan); M.G.L. c. 265, Section 13D (assault and battery upon public employees); M.G.L. c. 265, Section 13D (indecent assault and battery on mentally retarded person); M.G.L. c. 265 Section 13H (indecent assault and battery on person fourteen or older); M.G.L. c. 265, Section 13I (assault or assault and battery on emergency medical technician, ambulance operator, or ambulance attendant); M.G.L. c. 265, Section 13J (assault and battery upon a child); M.G.L. c. 265, Section 13K (assault and battery upon an elderly or disabled person); M.G.L. c. 265, Section 14 (mayhem); M.G.L. c. 265, Section 15 (assault; intent to murder or maim); M.G.L. c. 265, Section 15A (assault and battery with dangerous weapon); M.G.L. c. 265, Section 16 (attempt to murder); M.G.L. c. 265, Section 17 (armed robbery); M.G.L. c. 265, Section 18 (assault with intent to rob or murder); M.G.L. c. 265, Section 18A (dangerous weapon; assault in dwelling house); M.G.L. c. 265, Section 18B (use of firearms while committing a felony); M.G.L. c. 265, Section 18C (entry of dwelling place; persons present within); M.G.L. c. 265, Section 19 (robbery by unarmed person); M.G.L. c. 265, Section 20 (simple assault; intent to rob); M.G.L. c. 265, Section 21 (stealing by confining or putting in fear); M.G.L. c. 268, Section 21A (assault, confinement, etc. of person for purpose of stealing motor vehicle; weapons); M.G.L. c. 268, Section 22 (rape); M.G.L. c. 268, Section 22A (rape of child); M.G.L. c. 268, Section 23 (rape or abuse of child); M.G.L. c. 268, Section 24 (assault with intent to commit rape); M.G.L. c. 268, Section 24B (assault of child; intent to commit rape); M.G.L. c. 268, Section 25 (attempted extortion); M.G.L. c. 268, Section 26 (kidnapping); M.G.L. c. 268, Section 26A (kidnapping of minor or incompetent by relative); M.G.L. c. 268, Section 26B (drugging persons by kidnapping); M.G.L. c. 268, Section 29 (assault; intent to commit felony); M.G.L. c. 268, Section 39 (assault or battery for purpose of intimidation; weapons); M.G.L. c. 268, Section 44 (coercion of child under eighteen into criminal conspiracy); M.G.L. c. 266, Section 1 (dwelling house; burning or aiding in burning); M.G.L. c. 266, Section 2 (meeting house; burning or aiding in burning); M.G.L. c. 266, Section 14 (burglary; armed; assault on occupants); M.G.L. c. 266, Section 15 (burglary; unarmed); M.G.L. c. 266, Section 16 (breaking and entering at night); M.G.L. c. 266, Section 17 (entering without breaking at night; breaking and entering in the day time; weapons); M.G.L. c. 266, Section 18 (dwelling house; entry at night; breaking and entry in the day time; weapons); M.G.L. c. 266, Section 25 (larceny by stealing; punishment; victim sixty-five or older); M.G.L. c. 266, Section 30 (larceny); and M.G.L. c. 94C (Controlled Substance Act).
"Pattern of criminal gang activity" means two or more acts of criminal gang activity of which at least two such acts were committed within five years of each other.
Gang Recruitment Activity. Any street gang recruitment in which he or she threatens the use of physical force to coerce, solicit, or induce another person to join or remain a member of a criminal street gang, or conspire to on school grounds, parks, or other public property in which individuals under the age of eighteen play, recreate, work or gather shall be subject to a three hundred dollar fine and arrest.
(C.O. 05-119)