No person shall allow, permit or suffer any vehicle registered in his or her name to stand or park in any street, way, highway, road or parkway under the control of the city in violation of any ordinances adopted by the city, and in particular in any of the following places except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the direction of a police officer or traffic sign or signal:
Within an intersection, except within those areas where the installation and erection of parking meters has been approved by the Department of Public Works of the commonwealth;
Upon any sidewalk, except as listed in Schedule VII;
Upon any crosswalk;
Upon the roadway in a rural or sparsely settled district;
Upon a roadway where parking is permitted unless both wheels on the right side of the vehicle are within six inches of the curb or edge of the roadway, except upon those streets which are designated as one-way streets. On such one-way streets vehicles shall be parked in the direction in which such vehicle is moving and with both wheels within twelve inches from the curb. This shall not apply to streets or parts of streets where angle parking is required;
Upon any roadway where the parking of a vehicle will not leave a clear and unobstructed lane at least ten feet wide for passing;
Upon any street or highway within ten feet of a fire hydrant;
Upon or in front of or within three feet of any private road or driveway;
Upon any street or highway within twenty feet of an intersecting way, except alleys;
Within fifteen feet of the wall of a fire station or directly across the street from such station; provided, that signs are erected acquainting the driver with such restriction;
No operator, except when necessary to avoid conflicts with other traffic or in compliance with the direction of a police officer or traffic sign or signal, shall stop, stand or park any vehicle except for the purpose of, or for a period of time longer than is necessary for, the loading or unloading of passengers, and in no event longer than five minutes at any curb adjacent to the entrance of a school church, theater, hotel, hospital, public building, or any place of public assemblage, during the hours and between the points designated by official signs; provided, that this regulation shall not apply to the shipping or service entrances to any such building;
No operator shall stop, stand or park any vehicle in any service zone, except for the purpose of, or for a period of time longer than is necessary for the loading or unloading of passengers or materials; provided, that this section shall not apply to passenger buses receiving or discharging passengers at stands designated by the city council and mayor;
Upon any bridge, viaduct or the approach thereto except in established loading zones; provided, that signs are erected acquainting the driver with such restriction;
On a rotary or traffic island;
On a roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the edge or curb of a street where parking is permitted;
Upon any street or highway without a valid registration plate.
Upon any street or highway without a valid certificate of inspection.
(Prior revision § 12-61; C.O. 79-17; C.O. 83-52 § 48 (part); T.C.R. 2007-10, § 6, 9/20/2007)
Parking is prohibited, restricted or limited as to time, space and streets in accordance with a schedule of streets designated as Schedule VIII of this title, to which reference is made and which Schedule VIII is specifically incorporated in this section. No operator shall park a vehicle in the designated prohibited sections or in the restricted locations for longer than is designated in Schedule VIII, except as otherwise provided in that schedule, or where there is a time limit as to parking.
(Prior revision § 12-62; C.O. 83-52 § 48 (part))
Editor’s note: Former §§ 10.32.030—10.32.070, which pertained to resident parking restrictions and resident parking stickers, were repealed 4/25/2019 by T.C.R. 2019-22. The former provisions derived from prior revision, §§ 12-63, 12-64, C.O. 82-112; C.O. 83-52, § 48; T.C.R. 2005-18, § 1; T.C.R. 2006-10, § 1; T.C.R. 2017-25, 5/18/2017.
Business parking zones are established between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. except on Sundays or legal holidays in which business establishments are required by law to remain closed in designated municipal parking lots listed in Schedule IX(B) of Title 10—Parking by Business Parking Permit Only of the Revised Ordinances of the city of Revere.
Businesses located within the city shall be eligible for the issuance of one (1) business parking permit for municipal parking lots listed in Schedule IX(B) of Title 10—Parking by Business Parking Permit Only of the Revised Ordinances of the city of Revere upon presentation of the following information and documents:
A valid business certificate issued by the city of Revere—Office of the City Clerk;
A copy of a valid driver's license issued by commonwealth of Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles; and
Vehicle registration issued by the commonwealth of Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles.
The business parking permit shall be issued by the parking clerk upon payment of an annual fee of three-hundred and sixty dollars ($360.00). The permit shall be valid for one year and shall expire on December thirty-first of each year. The permit shall state "Business Parking Permit" and the designated municipal parking lot for which the permit shall be valid. Business parking permits issued by the parking clerk pursuant to the statutes and regulations set out in this section are intended only for the use of businesses only.
The permit shall be displayed on the lower left corner of the front dashboard and must be readable from the exterior of the vehicle. Permits will not be replaced if lost. No person shall sell or offer for sale a business permit to anyone, or alter such permit. Any person who violates this section of this chapter shall have the permit revoked and may be subject to a fine of not more than three hundred dollars for each offense.
(T.C.R. 2015-03, § 1, 5/21/2015)
Healthcare Worker Definition. A person who cares for the sick, injured or infirmed, or any person unable to care for themselves, as the aged or infirmed, at home to include: a member of a Visiting Nurses Association (VNA); home health aide; personal care assistant (PCA); laboratory technician and/or any other title that may be employed to care for ill or incapacitated senior citizens or the infirmed.
All healthcare workers as defined above shall be eligible for the issuance of a portable city of Revere resident visitor parking permit as a city-wide permit for any street listed in Schedule IX of Title 10 of the revised city ordinances and any additional streets that may be added by the Revere traffic commission upon presentation of the following information and documents:
A letter from their employer, on company stationery, confirming employment;
A valid employer identification card (if applicable);
A copy of a valid driver's license issued by commonwealth of Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles;
A copy of certification by the commonwealth of Massachusetts or a copy of an agency certification.
The permit shall be issued by the parking clerk upon payment of an annual fee of five dollars per portable resident visitor permit. The permit shall be valid for one year and shall expire on December thirty-first of each year. The permit shall state "healthcare worker" and registration number on the face in the space specified for location. Resident parking visitor permits issued by the parking clerk pursuant to the statutes and regulations set out in this section, are intended only for the use of healthcare workers who are actually visiting clients.
The permit shall be displayed on the lower left corner of the front dashboard and must be readable from the exterior of the vehicle. Permits will not be replaced if lost. No person shall sell or offer for sale a healthcare worker parking visitor permit to anyone, or alter such permit. Any person who violates this section of this chapter shall have the permit revoked any may be subject to a fine of not more than three hundred dollars for each offense.
(T.C.R. 2006-09 § 1)
Pursuant to the provisions of this title and Chapter 40, Section 21 of the General Laws, any person or body that has lawful control of a public or private way or of improved or enclosed property in the city, used as off-street parking area for businesses, shopping malls, theaters, auditoriums, sporting or recreational facilities, cultural centers, residential dwelling, or for any other place where the public has a right of access as invitees or licensees, shall reserve parking spaces in the off-street parking areas for any vehicle owned and operated by a disabled veteran or handicapped person whose vehicle bears the distinguishing license plate authorized by Section 2 of Chapter 90, General Laws, according to the following formula:
Total Number of Parking Spaces in Area
Disabled/handicapped Spaces Required
More Than
But Not More Than
5% of such spaces, but not less than 2
4% of such spaces, but not less than 3
3% of such spaces, but not less than 6
2% of such spaces, but not less than 6
1.5% of such spaces, but not less than 10
1% of such spaces, but not less than 15
.75% of such spaces, but not less than 20
.50% of such spaces, but not less than thirty
(Prior revision § 12-65; C.O. 82-319 (part); C.O. 83-52 § 48 (part))
Parking spaces designated as reserved under the provisions of Section 10.32.080 shall be identified by the use of above-grade signs with white lettering against a blue background and shall bear the words "HANDICAPPED PARKING: SPECIAL PLATE REQUIRED UNAUTHORIZED VEHICLES MAY BE REMOVED AT OWNER'S EXPENSE." The signs shall be as near as possible to a building entrance or walkway; shall be adjacent to curb ramps or other unobstructed methods permitting sidewalk access to a handicapped person; and shall be twelve feet wide or two eight-foot-wide areas with four feet of crosshatching between them when painted in the pavement.
(Prior revision § 12-66; C.O. 82-319 (part); C.O. 83-52 § 48 (part))
The penalty for violation of Sections 10.32.080 and 10.32.090 shall be as follows:
First offense, fifteen dollars;
Second offense, twenty-five dollars;
For each subsequent offense, the vehicle may be removed according to the provisions of Section 21 (1(24)) of Chapter 40, General Laws.
(Prior revision § 12-67; C.O. 82-319 (part); C.O. 83-52 § 48 (part))
It is unlawful to obstruct or park a vehicle blocking an ambulance zone. Any object or vehicle blocking or parked so as to obstruct any ambulance zone, private way or municipal parking are in violation of this section, may be removed or towed by the city at the expense of the owner of the obstruction and without liability of the city. The cost of marking of ambulance zones and the posting and erecting of signs prohibiting parking on private property shall be the responsibility of the owner; the fire lanes and signs shall be authorized by the chief of police, and it shall be his or her duty to place and maintain all the official traffic signs, signals, markings and safety zones required under this section. Areas designated as ambulance zones are listed in Schedule X of this title.
(Prior revision § 12-68; C.O. 83-52 § 48 (part))
It is unlawful for the operator of any vehicle, other than a vehicle owned and driven by a disabled veteran or handicapped person whose vehicle bears the distinctive number plates, authorized by Section 2 of Chapter 90 of the General Laws, to park on a public or private way designated by the police department as a restricted parking area for handicapped persons.
Violation of this section shall be punishable by a penalty specified in Schedule I(C) of this title.
Areas designated as handicapped-person zones are listed in Schedule XI of this title.
On-Street Handicapped Parking Spaces and Signs.
An individual seeking an on-street handicap parking space and sign shall file a written request, on an application form provided by the Revere traffic commission, and/or the commission on disability. No more than one application for the same reason and general location may be submitted in a single calendar year, except upon receiving unavailable information or changed circumstances.
Annual Re-Registration for Recipients. Recipients of on-street handicapped parking spaces and signs must re-register, annually, by January fifteenth of each year.
Note: Recipients are responsible to contact the Revere commission on disability or traffic commission for renewal forms. Failure to comply with this section may result in removing designated space and sign.
Individuals seeking a handicap parking space shall, at a minimum, provide the following information in their application:
A written request for restricted parking from a physician, outlining the need;
Name and full address of the property owner;
Either a statement that no off-street parking space, (driveway, garage or lot), is available, or written explanation as to why off-street parking is inadequate and must be provided.
The applicant must have a vehicle with handicapped license plate or placard authorized by Chapter 90, Section 2 of the M.G.L. authorized by the registry of motor vehicle medical affairs branch; if so, a duplicate copy of the registration of this vehicle must be submitted;
It is the policy of the traffic commission that the disabled person can be dropped off while the nondisabled driver parks elsewhere. In rare situations, such as where the applicant is a minor child with a disability and has been issued a placard, the request will be considered. In such circumstances, the applicant shall produce a handicap parking placard, issued in accordance with the provisions of the M.G.L.; if so, there must be a vehicle registered to the placard holder or to a member of his or her household, and duplicate copies of both the placard and the registration of that vehicle must be provided.
Restricted parking areas shall be marked with a sign denoting "NO PARKING—HANDICAPPED PERSON" or H.P. International Symbol.
The no parking—handicapped person space will be reviewed on an annual basis. Annual renewal forms may be obtained, by the recipient, at the Revere commission on disability or the traffic commission, and must be submitted no later than January fifteenth of every year. Failure to re-register, annually, may result in removal of space and sign, without notice.
When the no parking—handicapped person space is no longer needed due to the applicant's change in residence, death or change in eligibility status, the applicant or member of his or her household shall notify the traffic commission or commission on disability, within thirty days.
A list of the areas designated as restricted parking for the purposes of this regulation shall be kept on file by the Revere traffic commission and the commission on disability departments. The commission on disability shall, based upon the traffic commission's actions, update this file on an annual basis.
The traffic commission alone shall have final decision making authority on the new designation of handicapped parking spaces and the removal of previously existing handicapped parking spaces. In reaching its decision, the traffic commission may rely upon the recommendation of the commission on disability.
(Prior revision § 12-70; C.O. 78-783 (part); C.O. 83-52 § 48 (part); T.C.R. dated 5/19/1997; T.C.R. 2001-25, § 1)
It is unlawful to obstruct or park a vehicle blocking a fire lane.
It is unlawful to obstruct or park a vehicle blocking a private way from access for fire apparatus to any building.
Any object or vehicle blocking or parked to obstruct any fire lane, private way, private or municipal parking area in violation of this section may be removed or towed by the city at the expense of the owner of the obstruction and without liability to the city.
The cost of marking of fire lanes and the posting and erecting of signs prohibiting parking on private property shall be the responsibility of the owner; the fire lanes and signs shall be authorized by the chief of police, and it shall be his or her duty to place and maintain all the official traffic signs, signals, markings and safety zones required under this section (See Section 10.12.010).
Areas designated as fire lanes are listed in Schedule XII of this title.
(Prior revision § 12-71 (part); C.O. 77-691; C.O. 78-994/79-994 (part); C.O. 83-52 § 48 (part))
No person shall park a vehicle within twenty feet of either end of a safety zone which is located within thirty feet of the curb or edge of the roadway and which is listed in Schedule XIII of this title.
(Prior revision § 12-72; C.O. 83-52 § 48 (part))
It is unlawful for the operator of any vehicle other than a bus, taxicab or hackney carriage to park in an officially designated bus stand or bus lane, or for any vehicle other than a taxicab to stand or park in an officially designated taxicab or hackney stand. Bus stops are listed in Schedule XIV of this title.
(Prior revision § 12-73; C.O. 83-52 § 48 (part); T.C.R. 2022-19, 8/18/2022)
It is unlawful for the operator of any bus, taxicab, hackney, pupil or livery vehicle to park upon any street in any district at any place other than at a bus, taxicab, hackney, pupil or livery stand, at any time. The owner or lessee of any bus, taxicab, hackney, pupil or livery shall be allowed to park overnight between the hours of six p.m. and six a.m. within the municipal parking lot, the north lot or any other parking lot allowed by the parking clerk, provided such owner or lessee secures a parking sticker for such overnight parking. The fee and conditions for such parking sticker shall be determined by the parking clerk. The penalty for violation of the provisions of this section shall be the penalty established for parking a bus, taxicab, hackney, pupil or livery vehicle away from a taxi stand as provided for by Schedule I of Title 10. The failure to pay the foregoing violation by a person or company licensed by the city pursuant to Sections 5.44.040 and 5.44.060 shall be grounds for the Registry of Motor Vehicles to deny renewal of said license. Vehicles licensed by the Revere Police Department shall be exempt between eight a.m. and five p.m.
The owner or lessee of any bus, taxicab, hackney, pupil or livery shall be allowed to park in metered parking spaces, provided such owner or lessee pays the parking meter and does not violate the time limit restrictions of the metered parking space.
The owner or lessee of any bus, taxicab, hackney, pupil or livery shall be allowed to park in parking spaces designated as "15 minute parking" or "30 minute parking", provided such owner or lessee does not violate the time limit restrictions of parking spaces designated as such.
(T.C.R. 2005-20 § 1; T.C.R. 2013-15, 6/27/2013; T.C.R. 2014-10, 5/1/2014)
No persons shall park a vehicle upon any street in any service zone for a period of time longer than fifteen minutes except while actually engaged in loading or unloading; provided, that such loading and unloading does not exceed a period of time longer than one-half hour. Service zones are listed in Schedule XVI of this title.
(Prior revision § 12-75; C.O. 83-52 § 48 (part))
Editor’s note: Former § 10.32.180, which pertained to angle parking and derived from Prior Revision § 12-76 and C.O. 83-52, was repealed 11/18/2021 by T.C.R. 2021-33.
It is unlawful for any person to park upon a street or highway any vehicle displayed for sale.
(Prior revision § 12-77; C.O. 83-52 § 48 (part))
It is unlawful for any person to park a vehicle or cart in any sidewalk, street or highway for the purpose of displaying merchandise unless a permit is issued therefor by the chief of police.
(Prior revision § 12-78; C.O. 83-52 § 48 (part))
No driver shall park or stand any commercial vehicle or trailer, combined vehicle and trailer, semitrailer, auto home, mobile home, recreational vehicle, boat trailer, transporter plates, repair plates, or dealer plates between the hours of eight p.m. and eight a.m. on any day, or at any time on Sunday on any part of any street, way, highway, road or parkway under the control of the city where parking or standing a vehicle is not otherwise prohibited; provided, that this regulation shall not apply during the actual loading or unloading of materials.
(Prior revision § 12-80; C.O. 82-405; C.O. 83-52 § 48 (part); T.C.R. 84-15; T.C.R. 2002-14B § 2; T.C.R. 2017-22, § 1, 5/18/2017)
Commercial vehicle shall be registered to a Revere address:
Vehicle shall be ten thousand pounds or less—gross manufacturers weight.
Vehicle shall have less than six wheels.
The traffic division of the police department shall inspect the size of the vehicle and provide a recommendation, on an approved form, to the parking clerk on whether said vehicle meets the size criteria.
One commercial vehicle permit will be issued per household.
Permit shall only be valid on the street in which the vehicle is registered.
Cost of the permit shall be four hundred twenty dollars per calendar year. Permits shall expire on December 31st each year. If permit is lost or stolen, permit will not be replaced under any circumstances.
(T.C.R. 2022-14, 7/21/2022; T.C.R. 2019-21, § 1, 1/31/2019; T.C.R. 2017-55, 8/24/2017; T.C.R. 2017-23, 5/18/2017)
No person or company shall park or stand any motor vehicle or trailer, semi trailer, auto home, mobile home or boat trailer, boat or plow, as defined by Section 1 of Chapter 90 M.G.L., in or upon any public parking area or lot owned and operated by the city of Revere, in excess of twenty-four consecutive hours. The penalty for violation of the provisions of this section shall be the penalty established for parking within a posted area as provided for by Schedule I of Title 10.
(T.C.R. 2003-06 § 1 (part))
No persons shall leave unattended a motor vehicle in any private way, driveway or alley in a manner that may interfere with the free operation of firemen or fire apparatus or in a manner that will obstruct free and accessible egress from the building or premises in the event of fire. This section shall not apply to one-family or two-family dwellings.
Whoever fails to comply with the provisions of this section after first receiving notice in writing from the chief of the fire department shall be punished as provided in Section 10.04.060.
(Prior revision § 12-81; C.O. 83-52 § 48 (part))
No person or company, licensed pursuant to Section 13 of Chapter 148 M.G.L., shall leave, place, deposit, park or cause to be left, placed, deposited or parked in or upon any street, alley, public or private way or public place within the city any vehicle which is under mechanical or auto body repair or parked while awaiting or having completed said repair.
No person or company shall engage in the mechanical or auto body repair of a motor vehicle in or upon any street, alley, public or private way or public place within the city.
The penalty for violation of the provisions of this section shall be the penalty established for parking within a posted area as provided for by Schedule I of Title 10.
(T.C.R. 2003-06 § 1 (part))
It is unlawful to park or stand a vehicle upon any street in the city, designated in schedule XXI of this title.
Vehicles found in violation of this section shall be removed or towed away at the owner's expense. Said expense shall be provided for in Section 10.44.020 of this title.
(T.C.R. 2007-10, § 2, 9/20/2007)