All petitions for the acceptance, laying out, dedication, widening, altering or discontinuing of any public street or way; provided, that such street or way has been laid out and approved by the board of survey between January 1, 1890, and March 27, 1950; provided further, that it has been laid out and approved by the planning board since March 27, 1950; provided further, that the street or way has been actually opened and used for public travel prior to January 1, 1890, shall be presented to the city council.
(Prior revision § 17-33)
No public street or way shall be accepted by the city council of a width of less than forty feet, unless the same has been opened and used for public travel prior to January 1, 1890.
(Prior revision § 17-34)
All petitions for the laying out, acceptance, dedication, widening, altering or discontinuing of any public street or way shall be accompanied by plans made on tracing cloth and shall state the location, scale, date, name and address of the surveyor.
The plans shall show a north point, the names of adjoining property owners, passageways, official street lines, fences, walls and boundary monuments, by suitable conventional signs.
The scale shall not be smaller than eighty feet to an inch and shall be such as to show all data necessary. The horizontal scale of the profile shall in general be the same as the scale on the plan, and the vertical scale in general shall be five times the horizontal scale. Plans shall show distances, angles and all data necessary to enable the lines of the streets shown thereon to be reproduced upon the ground. Surveys shall be connected with existing streets, and plans shall show sufficient data to accurately and conveniently locate the proposed streets. No street shall be shown having a width of less than forty feet. All profile elevations and grades shall refer to Boston City Base.
The plans shall be accompanied by a written description defining the proposed lines, and shall also be accompanied by a list bearing the signatures of such owners and other persons in interest as may be willing to release all claims and damages against the city for property or other damage which may arise out of the proposed changes in accordance with the plan, together with the amount of the damage. A list of the names of all owners or other persons in interest who may decline to release or state their prospective damages shall be filed also.
(Prior revision § 17-35 (part))
After holding the hearing as provided in Section 12.12.050, the city council and the city engineer may approve such plans and profiles of the proposed change, widening, alteration, discontinuance, acceptance or dedication, which action shall be attested thereon by the city clerk, and the plans and profiles shall be filed in the office of the city engineer.
If the city council and the city engineer do not approve the proposal they may direct the petitioner to make such changes in location, width, grades and so forth as will be satisfactory to the city council and the city engineer. The petitioner shall thereupon prepare a new plan with the directions of the city council and the city engineer. After such plans are prepared and presented to the city council they shall be approved and the action of the city council and the city engineer shall be attested thereon by the city clerk and the plans filed in the office of the city engineer.
(Prior revision § 17-35 (part))
The city council, before passing any order for the laying out, accepting, dedicating, widening, altering or discontinuing or abandoning of any public street, private way or way or lay out, shall issue an order of notice as to the proposed action for a public hearing thereon before the city council. Such notice shall be published three successive weeks in some local newspaper; the last publication shall be at least fourteen days before the hearing. Such additional service of the notice shall be made as is prescribed by law. The notice shall state the time and place appointed for the hearing.
(Prior revision § 17-36; C.O. 02-138 § 1)
After hearing all persons concerned at the public hearing mentioned in Section 12.12.050, the city council may approve or reject the proposed laying out, accepting, dedication, widening, alteration or discontinuance or abandonment of any street or way or lay out.
(Prior revision § 17-37; C.O. 02-138 § 2)