Any person desiring to lay out, relocate, alter or construct a private street or way shall, before beginning such construction or before selling land abutting on any such proposed street or way, petition the planning board for approval of such streets, ways and the layout of lots included in the plan.
(Prior revision § 17-38)
Any proposed private street or way in a subdivision proposed and submitted to the planning board after the effective date of the ordinance from which this section derives shall be constructed as set out in this section and through Section 12.16.070. The proposed street or way shall be constructed and graded in accordance with the provisions of this revision and the rules and regulations of the planning board.
(Prior revision § 17-39 (part), (a))
Such proposed street or way shall have the entire area cleared of all stumps, brush, roots, boulders, like material and all trees not intended for preservation.
All loam and other yielding material shall be removed from the roadway area of such street or way and replaced with suitable material as determined by the city engineer.
Such suitable material shall be shaped, graded and compacted according to the Standard Specifications of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Section A-8-30, most current edition.
(Prior revision § 17-39(b; C.O. 83-52 § 50 (part)), (c), (d))
Private streets shall have a twelve-inch prepared gravel base course after rolling and be finished with three-inch bituminous concrete, Class I Type I-1, after rolling, or other pavement of similar lasting character, as determined by the city engineer, on main streets. Such streets shall have a six-inch prepared gravel base after rolling and be finished with two-inch bituminous concrete, Class I Type I-1, after rolling, or other pavement of similar lasting character, as determined by the city engineer, on secondary streets. It shall be the duty of the city engineer to determine which are main streets and which are secondary streets.
Such prepared gravel shall conform to the requirements of the Standard Specifications of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Section B1-20, most current edition, and be laid in accordance with the requirements of such Standard Specifications, Sections B1-30 and B1-31, most current edition. The entire surface of such gravel base shall then be penetrated with approximately one-half gallon per square yard of MC-0 or MC-1 (depending on weather conditions) and allowed to cure for at least forty-eight hours.
Such bituminous concrete shall be applied in two courses: base course of one and one-half inch after rolling and top course of one and one-half inch after rolling on main streets, and on secondary streets, base course of one inch after rolling and top course of one inch after rolling. There shall be a thirty-day period wherein such street shall be subject to traffic between the base and top course.
There shall be a five-inch crown set two inches below the curb on all such proposed streets.
(Prior revision § 17-39(e)—(h); C.O. 83-52 § 50 (part))
All sidewalks shall have not less than six-inch standard type VA-4 granite curbing, to be laid on a six-inch gravel base after rolling, with a seven-inch gutter. All granite curbing shall conform to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Highway Department standard specifications for highways and bridges.
(C.O. 01-494 § 1, 2000)
All sidewalks shall be constructed with an eight-inch prepared gravel base after rolling and covered with four-inch thickness reinforced concrete and all driveways shall be covered with six-inch thickness reinforced concrete with two-way type welded wire and use 4000 psi ready-mix concrete.
(C.O. 01-494 § 2, 2001)
The developer or contractor shall install all sewer systems, surface water drainage systems, manholes and catchbasins for same as required by the city engineer and in a manner determined by the city engineer. Such sewers and surface drainage systems, manholes and catchbasins shall be installed in such proposed street at the expense of the developer or contractor.
(Prior revision § 17-39(k))
Particular reference shall be made to a plan entitled "Type Cross Section of Fifty Foot Street, City of Revere, Massachusetts, 1959," which is included, adopted and made a part of this section.
(Prior revision § 17-39(l))
No new private street or way shall have a proposed established grade at any point less than fifteen feet above Boston City Base.
(Prior revision § 17-40)
The planning board shall establish rules and regulations for the subdivision of land and the laying out of private streets under authority of Section 81A et seq. of Chapter 41 of the General Laws, accepted by vote of the city council on March 27, 1950.
(Prior revision § 17-41)
The petitioner referred to in Section 12.16.010 shall conform to all the rules and regulations of the planning board relating to the laying out of such ways.
(Prior revision § 17-42)
No officer or agent of the city shall take part in the construction, repair or betterment of any street not already laid out, nor shall the building inspector issue a permit for the building of any structure of any nature upon land on the premises abutting on a private street, until the layout of such street has been approved and the street has been constructed in the manner provided in the regulations of the planning board, and unless the top of the foundation of the structure, where there is no cellar or basement, is constructed not less than Grade 16, and then only in streets where sewer, drain and water pipes have been laid.
No officer or agent of the city shall construct or take part in the construction of any sewer, drain or water pipe in any street or way not already laid out, until the location, direction, width and grade of such street has been approved by the planning board and the city engineer and constructed as provided in this chapter; except, however, that this section shall not prevent the laying out of trunk sewer, drain or water mains as engineering demands may require, nor shall it apply to streets already laid out by the board of survey between January 1, 1890 and March 27, 1950, nor to a road opened to public travel previous to 1890.
(Prior revision § 17-43)