The city council shall have the exclusive power to grant a license or permit for construction and maintenance of lines for the transmission of electricity for lighting, heating or power and the transmission of intelligence by electricity or by telephone, whether by electricity or otherwise, or for the transmission of television signals, whether by electricity or otherwise, along, under and across such streets of the city as the city council may deem advisable.
(Prior revision § 14A-1)
Every order granted under this chapter shall be subject to the right of the city to place, free of charge, its fire alarm, telegraph, telephone and police and traffic signal wires upon any poles or within conduits in each case where it is practicable and safe to do so. In every underground conduit one duct not less than three inches in diameter shall be reserved and maintained for the above-enumerated systems of the city and the city shall have the right of access thereto at all reasonable times for the purpose of repair, alteration, installation or maintenance thereof.
(Prior revision § 14A-2)
The city council may authorize the attachment of the wires and fixtures of another owner upon the poles, piers and abutments or to maintain its wires or cables in the conduits of a company heretofore granted locations for poles or conduits in the streets and ways of the city.
Before granting such attachment the council shall have received, in writing, the assent of the owners of any poles or conduits to such attachment.
(Prior revision § 14A-3)
Construction and maintenance of lines for purposes specified in Section 12.20.010 shall be approved by the inspector of wires and the city engineer.
(Prior revision § 14A-4)
No person erecting or maintaining any wires shall cut or trim any trees standing in a street or other public place without having obtained legal authority to do so from the tree warden.
(Prior revision § 14A-5; C.O. 17-389, § 2, 12/11/2017)
All persons licensed to erect poles and fixtures and to construct conduits under the provisions of this chapter shall first, before proceeding, give to the city an agreement in writing, satisfactory to the mayor, saving the city harmless against any and all claims for damages, costs, expenses or compensation for, or on account of, or in any way growing out of, the erection, maintenance or use of such poles, conduits and fixtures on or in such streets, or any act or omission of such persons, their agents or servants, or in any manner arising from the rights or privileges granted them by the city.
(Prior revision § 14A-6)
In addition to the agreement required by Section 12.20.060, such person shall, before a street is disturbed for the laying of wires and conduits by that person, comply with the provisions of Section 12.04.080 et seq. of this revision.
(Prior revision § 14A-7)