Revere residents, qualified by craft, should be part of and benefit from improvements in the city of Revere, specifically those public projects including, but not limited to, residential, institutional, industrial and commercial construction which are funded by public funds.
Therefore, it is appropriate for the city of Revere to make certain that each public project constructed with public funds as defined herein, includes employment opportunities for Revere residents through compliance with the ordinance codified in this chapter entitled the "Revere residents construction employment ordinance."
(C.O. 97-284 § 1 (part))
"Bidding authority"
means the city department or agency assigned or directly responsible for the bidding and/or project management of public construction.
means all persons, corporations, agencies, firms, businesses, developers, bidders and subcontractors, for projects defined herein as public construction, except so-called design services pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 7, Section 30K.
"DDI list"
means the most recent Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Labor and Industries list for minimum wage rates under the prevailing wage laws as determined by G.L. Chapter 149, Sections 26 to 27D.
"Monitoring committee decision on compliance with this chapter"
means the form used by the monitoring committee to render decisions on submittals of the Revere resident employee reporting form submitted by the bidding authority. Such form may be from time to time amended by the monitoring committee to suit the purpose and intent of this chapter.
"Public construction"
means a project or a contract for construction of a project taking place within the city of Revere which is funded in whole or in part by city, state, federal or other public funds, or by grant funds administered by the city or which in accordance with a federal, state or other grant which the city expends or administers or a contract to which the city is a signatory. All owner-occupied residences, projects which cost less than one hundred thousand dollars and projects undertaken by any regional commission or board to which the city is not the sole signatory are exempt from this chapter.
"Revere resident"
means any person for whom the principal place of residence is within the city of Revere for at least six months immediately prior to the award, contracting and/or permitting of a public construction project. Proof of such residence may include, but is not limited to, the following: a valid Massachusetts drivers license indicating a Revere residence, utility bills, proof of voter registration within the city of Revere or such other proof acceptable to the monitoring committee. Any person who provides false information regarding his or her residence shall be subject to a fine of no more than one thousand dollars.
"Revere residents employee reporting form"
means the form submitted by the contractor within twenty-one days of acceptance of the contractor. Such list shall contain Revere residents that have been contacted and confirmed to be employed by the contractor. Such form may be from time to time amended by the monitoring committee to suit the purpose and intent of this chapter.
Revere Residents Employment Certification Form.
This form must be submitted by the contractor with any and all bids for public construction. Such form may be from time to time amended by the monitoring committee to suit the purpose and intent of this chapter.
Revere Resident Employment Monitoring Committee.
Herein known as "Monitoring Committee."
The Revere residents construction employment ordinance, its enforcement, and compliance with its requirements shall be monitored by the Revere residents construction employment monitoring committee. Such committee shall be comprised of five individuals including the following and each shall serve at the discretion of his or her appointing authority:
Two appointees of the city council;
Three appointees of the mayor, one of which most be recommended by the Greater Boston Labor Council.
Initially, one appointment by the mayor and one appointment by the city council (not the appointee recommended by the Greater Boston Labor Council) shall serve for one year. Except as noted herein all appointments made in accordance with this chapter shall serve for two year terms. Such terms may be sooner terminated, with or without case, by the appointing authority named herein. All action by the monitoring committee shall be by majority vote of a quorum of the then appointed members. A quorum shall be no less than three members.
(C.O. 97-284 § 1 (part))
On public construction projects as defined herein, the contractor shall comply with the following requirements:
In accordance with this chapter, the contractor shall be required to provide employment in the amount of thirty-five percent minimum per craft of the total project hours to Revere residents qualified by craft.
The contractor shall be required to provide employment in the amount of ten percent minimum per craft of the total project hours to minorities qualified by craft.
The contractor shall be required to provide employment in the amount of five percent minimum per craft of the total project hours to women qualified by craft.
The contractor shall be required to provide employment in the amount of five percent minimum per craft of the total project hours to apprentices indentured to a bona fide apprenticeship program, approved by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
The contractor shall be required to submit with any and all bids for public construction the Revere residents employment certification form which will be made available in the bid specifications. It is the responsibility of the contractor to complete such form.
The contractor as determined by the bidding authority shall within twenty-one days of such determination complete the Revere residents employee reporting form and submit the form to the bidding authority.
The contractor may submit with the Revere resident employee reporting form a request for waiver. Such waiver shall be based on the fact that after review of sufficient data, a sufficient pool of labor to meet the minimum requirements does not exist.
Failure of the contractor to submit such forms completed with the bid or after determination of lowest bidder shall be sufficient reason for the bidding authority upon the recommendation of the monitoring committee to not accept such bid.
(C.O. 97-284 § 1 (part))
On public construction projects as defined in Section 15.16.020 of this chapter, each contractor shall comply with the following additional provisions for the protection of employees:
The contractor must comply with the obligations established under M.G.L., Chapter 149 to pay the appropriate lawful prevailing wage rates to employees.
The contractor must maintain or participate in a bona fide apprentice training program as defined by M.G.L., Chapter 23, Sections 11H, 11I for each apprenticeable trade or occupation represented in their workforce that is approved by the Division of Apprentice Training of the Department of Labor and Industries and must abide by the apprentice to journeymen ratio for each trade prescribed therein in the performance of the contract.
The contractor must furnish at its expense, hospitalization and medical benefits for all employees employed on the project and/or coverage at least comparable in value to the hospitalization and medical benefits provided by the health and welfare plans in the applicable craft recognized by M.G.L., Chapter 149, Section 26 in establishing minimum wage rates.
The contractor must maintain appropriate industrial accident insurance coverage for all the employees employed on the project in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 152.
The contractor must properly classify employees as employees rather than independent contractors and treat them accordingly for purposes of workers' compensation insurance coverage, unemployment taxes, Social Security taxes and income tax withholding (M.G.L. Chapter 149, Section 148B).
(C.O. 99-171)
Such committee shall meet on a bi-weekly basis, or as needed, end shall review and monitor all information and documentation provided by developers to establish compliance with this chapter. Upon request, all contractors shall submit weekly workforce reports listing the following: name of each employee; residential address of each employee and length of residence; craft of each employee; job category of each employee; hours worked of each employee; hourly wage of each employee and company for which each employee is employed. If through such monitoring, it is determined that one or more contractors are not complying with this chapter, the committee shall immediately direct that the affirmative action officer and/or the bidding authority to initiate procedure for enforcement. The committee shall draft and accept all forms that are necessary for compliance with this chapter.
In the event of violation of this chapter, upon three days written notice to the violator, the monitoring committee, through the city's bidding authority or affirmative action officer, may take any or all of the following actions:
Assessment of a fine of three hundred dollars per day of violation, or the maximum amount allowed by law whichever is greater, against the contractor who violates this chapter. Any fine imposed which is not paid in full by the violator shall be offset by the city of Revere against any payment due to the contractor under any contract for the project;
Cease-and-desist order against any contractor to stop the project;
Liquidated damages payable to the city in the amount of five percent of the dollar value of the contract;
Only the monitoring committee shall be entitled to injunctive relief to enforce the terms of this chapter.
The sole exception to the implementation of such enforcement procedures is the determination and approval of the monitoring committee, as defined in Section 15.16.050 of this chapter, that compliance cannot be obtained because of high local construction employment levels of Revere and Revere residents or cannot comply with the requirements set forth in Section 15.16.030 of this chapter, being unavailable, a waiver from compliance should be allowed.
(C.O. 97-284 § 1 (part))
In the event of high local construction employment levels of qualified Revere residents, and documented inability of the contractor to hire qualified and competent local employees because of such high local construction employment levels, compliance with the provisions of this chapter shall be waiver in whole or in part, on a case by case basis, through a determination made by the monitoring committee, as defined in Section 15.16.040 of this chapter, that high local employment levels prohibit the contractor from hiring local area employees as required. Such documentation shall include evidence of efforts conducted by the developer, contractor and subcontractors which shows a high level of effort in attempting to obtain local employees. Such effort shall include local advertising to seek local employees and solicitation of local companies for contracting purposes.
(C.O. 97-284 § 1 (part))
The monitoring committee shall review the Revere resident employee reporting form(s) as submitted by the contractor and the bidding authority. The monitoring committee shall further be responsible for carrying out the review provisions of this chapter.
The monitoring committee shall make decisions as cited below with the following criteria:
Ensure that the contractor has completed the Revere employee reporting form.
The information provided must show compliance with minimum employment requirements cited in Section 15.16.030 of this chapter.
The contractor shall have received commitments from Revere residents in accordance with the Revere resident employee reporting form.
The monitoring committee shall file a final decision with the affirmative action officer within fourteen days of receipt of the information as cited in this section. Such decision shall also be forwarded to the bidding authority and sent registered mail to the contractors who have been reviewed for compliance. Such decision shall be in the manner of the form titled "Revere residents employment monitoring committee decision on compliance with the Revere residents construction ordinance."
(C.O. 97-284 § 1 (part))
Fourteen days prior to the date of public bidding (including any and all subcontractor bidding), it shall be the responsibility of the bidding authority to serve public notice to the residents of the city of Revere that a public construction project is being bid. Such notice shall be for the purpose of informing the Revere residents of employment opportunities in accordance with job classifications (the DLI list) applicable to the project being bid.
Such notice shall be placed in the newspaper of regular circulation fourteen days prior to the bid notice and shall include all project information as required and require the inclusion of the following language at the beginning of such notice:
In accordance with Revere Residents Construction Ordinance, this is a public notice to request Revere Residents skilled in trades as listed in MGL Chapter 149 Section 26 to 27D amended as applicable to the below project to register their names for consideration of employment for such project. Registration must be made on the appropriate form titled "Revere Resident Public Construction List" at 281 Broadway, Revere.
The bidding authority shall include a copy of this chapter and any and all forms in all copies of the bid specification for public construction projects as defined herein.
It shall be the responsibility of the bidding authority to submit to the affirmative action officer a copy of the DLI listing, Revere resident construction list with the appropriate items completed and the Revere resident employee reporting form for the lowest bidder.
(C.O. 97-284 § 1 (part))
It shall be the responsibility of the affirmative action officer to maintain the Revere resident public construction list on a project by project basis and provide copies of such list to all prospective contractors bidding on public construction. A running list of all registrants shall also be maintained in a database for use by the city for contacting Revere residents.
Upon receipt of such forms from the bidding authority, the affirmative action officer shall transmit copies to the monitoring committee.
(C.O. 97-284 § 1 (part))
Where this law or any selection of employees thereto conflicts with other laws relating to affirmative action hiring requirements as set forth by federal, state or local laws, those laws shall supersede this chapter.
(C.O. 97-284 § 1 (part))
In the event any section of this chapter is deemed illegal, unenforceable or unconstitutional, then the remaining sections shall remain in full force and effect.
(C.O. 97-284 § 1 (part))
With the submission of bids, the bidder shall submit a written statement detailing for each trade that it will employ in the performance of the contract, the health insurance that it will make available to its employees. The statement shall include, but not be limited to, the name of the insurance carrier, if any, a copy of the insurance binder, a description of the benefits provided to the employees, including all co-payments and deductibles, the cost of the insurance to the bidder and to the employee, the minimum qualifications for coverage, the names and Social Security numbers of all the craftsmen currently covered by the health insurance. If the bidder is the low bidder, such health insurance policy will become part of the contract documents. Receipt by the (name of the awarding authority) and inclusion in the contract document shall not be deemed to be approval by the (name of awarding authority) of the insurance or of its sufficiency and shall in no event relieve the bidder of its responsibility to make comprehensive health insurance available to its employees. However, any bidder who pursuant to a collective bargaining agreement contributes to a multi-employer health and welfare trust fund may satisfy the reporting requirements of this subsection by identifying said health and welfare fund.
(C.O. 97-284 § 1 (part))