This chapter is designed to accomplish the following objectives:
To provide a suitable boundary or buffer between residential uses and districts and nearby nonresidential uses;
To separate different and otherwise incompatible land uses from each other in order to partially or completely reduce potential nuisances such as dirt, dust, litter, noise, glare from motor vehicle headlights, intrusion from artificial light (including ambient glare), or view of signs, unsightly buildings or parking lots;
To provide visual relief to parking lots and protection from wind in open areas;
To preserve or improve the visual and environmental character of Revere, as generally viewed from residential or publicly accessible locations; and
To offer property owners protection against diminution of property values due to adjacent nonresidential use.
(C.O. 96-17 § 48)
The requirements of this chapter shall apply to:
Any nonresidential use which adjoins or abuts any residential use or district;
Any nonresidential use which adjoins or abuts any educational use;
Any multifamily parking facility which adjoins or abuts any residential use or district;
Any nonresidential or multifamily area used for loading;
Any nonresidential or multifamily area used for open or semienclosed storage.
(C.O. 96-17 § 49)
The property line(s) separating residential uses or districts shall be screened from the uses specified in Section 17.32.010 by means of vegetation, plantings or fencing, to be provided and maintained by the owner of the property used for nonresidential or multifamily purposes.
(C.O. 96-17 § 50)
The building inspector shall not approve a site plan unless he or she has determined that the application complies in all respects with the requirements of this chapter. The specific requirements set forth in Section 17.17.070(B) shall be deemed satisfied only when in compliance with this chapter.
(C.O. 96-17 § 51)
The required screening area shall not be devoted for any other use or purpose and shall be planted and/or constructed in accordance with plans on file with the building inspector entitled, "Suggested Plan and Material Plan for Screen Planting" incorporated as part of this title.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-7 (E)(3))
Screening areas between nonresidential uses and residential uses or educational uses shall be at least ten feet wide.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-7(E)(4))
Screening areas between unenclosed multifamily off-street parking facilities and other residential uses or educational uses shall be at least six feet in width.
(C.O. 83-3 § 17-7(E)(5); C.O. 85-656 § 15)
Any commercial/residential use in a PDD2 district which adjoins or abuts residential uses, residential neighborhoods or educational uses, which uses or neighborhoods are located in an RB, RC, or HB district, shall be screened along the property line adjoining such RB, RC, or HB district by a screening area of not less than fifty feet in width. Screening areas in a PDD2 district shall be determined to be included with any area designated as usable open space under 17.24.010.
(C.O. 87-661 § 16; C.O. 97-105 §§ 45, 46)
The owner of the property used for nonresidential or multifamily purposes shall be responsible for the maintenance, repair and replacement of all landscaping materials installed in accordance with this chapter. All plant materials required by this chapter shall be maintained in a healthful condition. Dead limbs, refuse and debris shall be promptly removed. Bark mulch and nonplant ground surface materials shall be maintained so as to control weed growth. Dead plantings shall be replaced with new live plantings at the earliest appropriate season. Fences or walls shall be maintained in good repair and presentable appearance, or replaced.
(C.O. 96-17 § 52)