In cases where the city council or board of appeals, with the exclusion of single and two-family dwellings, grants a special permit or variance resulting in an increase in intensity of use, said body shall require the applicant to make a payment into a community improvement trust fund only for that portion of the new structure or structures which exceed either the number of units, FAR, height or maximum building coverage allowed by right within the district in which they are located. Payments shall be made in the community improvement trust fund in two equal installments up to a sum equal to three percent of the total construction cost as determined by the city council beyond what percent of construction is allowed by right; the first installment shall be made at the time of the granting of a building permit, and shall be a prerequisite condition to the issuance of the building permit; the second installment shall be made upon receipt of a temporary or permanent occupancy permit for any or all portions of the project and shall be a prerequisite. The applicant at any time may make a lump sum payment of the entire required contribution, if he or she so desires. The construction costs shall be determined by the site plan review committee and shall be approved by the city council. In determining the construction costs, the site plan review committee shall use the median square foot construction costs of an appropriate building category as noted in the most current Means Construction Cost Guide published by the Means Company of Kingston, Massachusetts.
(C.O. 91-23 § 8 (part); C.O. 98-293A § 12)
The community improvement trust fund shall be established in the city treasury and shall be kept separate and apart from other moneys by the city treasurer. Any moneys deposited in said fund shall be expended only at the direction of the mayor as approved by the city council, for the purposes mentioned below. The city treasurer shall be the custodian of the fund and may deposit the proceeds in a bank or invest the same in such securities as are legal for the investment of funds of saving banks under the laws of the commonwealth or in federal savings and loan associations situated in the commonwealth. Any interest earned thereon shall be credited to and become part of such fund. The fund shall be administered by the department of planning and community development.
(C.O. 91-23 § 8 (part))
Any moneys in the fund may be expended only by a majority vote of the entire membership of the city council and shall be appropriated for any of the following purposes; infrastructure and public facilities directly impacted by the project which are included in the city of Revere's capital improvement plan encompassing roadway and sidewalk reconstruction; signalization improvements, sewer, water and drainage improvements; recreation and open space areas and the support of athletic programs; fire protection facilities and equipment; crime prevention facilities and equipment; school buildings and educational programs; and library improvements. Community trust funds may also be appropriated to support affordable housing initiatives and economic development activities in accordance with the city of Revere's economic development plan. No moneys in this fund shall be used for any purposes not included or directly related to the purposes listed above. Further, moneys contributed by a certain applicant for a special permit for an increase in intensity of use shall be spent on city services related to mitigating the impacts of said development. In no instance shall the funds be used to offset the construction costs of traditional and mandatory project improvements which are necessary to secure a building permit including but not limited to sewer, water, drainage and transportation improvements as may be required under the Massachusetts Environmental Protection Act.
(C.O. 91-23 § 8 (part))
Said moneys shall be paid by applicants seeking a special permit for increased intensity of development in the RB, RB1, RC1, RC2, RC3, IP, LI, TED, GB, GB1, HB, PDD1 and PDD2 districts.
(C.O. 91-23 § 8 (part); C.O. 97-105 § 51)