The purpose of this regulation is to establish a system for the uniform assignment of road names and numbering of premises in Calvert County, thereby assisting in the efficient and effective provision of emergency services.
These regulations are based on the statutory authority contained in the Land Use Article of the Maryland Annotated Code, as amended.
The "Grid Address Numbering System" is a uniform systematic premises addressing system throughout the County which will promote continuity, avoid duplications and eliminate house renumbering.
The Zero Grid has been established as shown on Map 1, and runs as follows:
East: Beginning at the intersection of Route 2/4 and Church Street in Prince Frederick, it runs east along Church Street to its intersection with Main Street (Route 765), running north along Main Street to its intersection with Armory Road, continuing along Armory Road to Dares Beach Road, running east along Dares Beach Road to the end at the Chesapeake Bay.
West: Beginning at the intersection of Route 2/4 and Route 231 in Prince Frederick, it runs west along Route 231 to the end at the Patuxent River.
North: Beginning at the intersection of Route 2/4 and Route 231 in Prince Frederick, it runs north along Route 2/4 to its intersection with Route 2 in Sunderland, continuing north along Route 2 to the end at the boundary with Anne Arundel County.
South: Beginning at the intersection of Route 2/4 and Route 231 in Prince Frederick, it runs south along Route 2/4 to its intersection with Route 2 in Solomons, continuing to the end at the Chesapeake Bay.
Map 1 - Zero Grid Map
Criteria for determining premises addresses. To reduce the frequency of errors, duplications and renumbering, the following principles of premises-addressing procedures shall be followed:
The directional division of the County is shown in Map 1. When moving away from the zero grid, odd numbers shall be on the right side and even numbers on the left side;
When it is possible that re-subdividing may take place due to lot sizes on the same side of the road, a sufficient quantity of premises addresses shall be reserved for the vacant areas to permit assignment of numbers for any future development or improvement;
Structures facing each other on the opposite side of the same road shall be assigned numbers in relation to each other. That is - 6 facing 5 or 7; 5 facing 4 or 6; and in the instance where a structure fronts off the inside curvature of a road and faces more than one structure fronting off the outside curvature of the same road; 6 between 5 and 7; or 7 between 6 and 8. This will also apply when there are more structures on one side of the road than the opposite side due to variations in lot sizes;
Suffixes such as "A" or "1/2" to the premises address are not permitted. However, when a single-entrance structure has more than one floor comprising other offices or places of business, the owner may add suite or room numbers after the premises address assigned to that structure. Example: "1111 Planner Drive, Suite 1"; or "1111 Planner Drive, Room 201." This will also apply to a basement used in the same manner. In the case of a single entrance place of business with apartments overhead or alongside, letters or numbers may be used after the premises address assigned to that structure. Example: "2222 Planner Drive, Apt 2";
When a development consists of structures that have more than one level below or above ground, and the quantity of stores, offices or multiple dwellings will cause a duplication of hundred blocks already in existence and adjacent to the development, a premises address shall be assigned to the ground-level floor. The owner of the development may then use the floor level either before or after the premises address to identify the store, office or multiple dwelling. Examples: "3333 Planner Place, Lower Level," or "3333 Planner Place, Basement Level." Other levels could be referred to as Main Level, 2nd Level etc.;
Commercial structures with multiple entrances shall be assigned premises addresses for each separate entrance. This will also apply to bays in a warehouse. When a large, single entrance warehouse is located on a parcel of land, a sufficient quantity of premises addresses shall be reserved between other structures on the same road for possible partitioning into additional bays for which premises addresses may be required. Rear entrances shall not be numbered as long as the front or main entrance to the same place of business, bay or apartment has been assigned a premises address;
Each store in a shopping center shall be assigned its own premises address. However, a sufficient quantity of premises addresses shall be reserved for each store or office for approved maximum buildout to allow for future assignment of premises addresses if any of the stores or offices are partitioned to establish other places of business;
Structures on parcels of land fronting on more than one road shall be assigned a number along the road from which the driveway enters the property;
To avoid confusion, every effort shall be made to assign a separate hundred block for a cul-de-sac or any similar type right-of-way bearing the identical surname of the intersecting road. Example: If Bay Court runs in an easterly direction off Bay Road which is numbered as a road running west to east, Bay Court will be assigned a north to south or south to north hundred block;
When possible, continuity of premises address hundred blocks shall be maintained when roads enter the County from incorporated towns within the County;
Road direction. When a road runs diagonally to the cardinal points of the compass, the premises address hundred block shall be assigned on the basis of the greatest distance the road runs along the north/south or east/west axis. If travel along either axis is equidistant, the premises address hundred block shall be determined by the direction of the majority of other roads in the immediate area;
On a road which changes direction, the premises address hundred block assigned shall be in the direction the road runs the longest distance. As it changes directions, the hundred blocks can be extended along those portions by the use of additional digits until it returns to its original direction; and
On a one-intersection circular road, the premises address hundred block shall be determined by the direction of the majority of other roads in the immediate area.
Assignment of premises addresses. Each premises in the County shall be assigned a street name designated by the Planning Commission, and premises address number by the Department of Public Safety based on the Grid Address Numbering System.
Any premises address number assigned by the Department of Public Safety shall be the only number which may be used by the owner or occupant. The use of any other premises address number other than that which is assigned shall be deemed to be a Zoning Violation, enforceable under Section 1-7 of the Calvert County Zoning Ordinance.
Notification of assignments of premises addresses. The owner of a premises for which a premises address number has been assigned shall be notified by one or all of the following methods:
Issuance of a building permit;
Approval of a subdivision record plat or site plan;
Written notice of premises address assignment; or
Notification as part of the road-naming process set forth in the Calvert County Zoning Ordinance.
Public utility companies and interested federal, state and County agencies shall also be advised of premises addresses number when assigned or changed. At a minimum, the Department of Public Safety shall notify the following agencies:
Calvert County Treasurer's Office;
Calvert County Board of Elections;
Calvert County Water & Sewer;
Calvert County Department of Finance & Budget;
Maryland Department of Assessments & Taxation;
Local Fire and EMS Department;
Local Post Office;
Local Electric Company;
Local Phone Company; and
Local Cable Company.
Changes to existing premises addresses.
The Department of Public Safety shall change premises address numbers whenever errors in assignment are discovered. Such errors may include but are not limited to: duplications; odd and even numbers on wrong side of a road; digital transposition; lower digital sequence number positioned above a higher number; or use of a premises address off wrong road;
The Department of Public Safety shall make changes of premises address numbers in those areas of the County which do not conform to the Grid Address Numbering System. The following procedures shall be followed:
Where practicable, extensions to existing subdivisions which do not conform to the Grid Address Numbering System shall be assigned premises addresses within the Grid Address Numbering System and the older, non-conforming sections shall be renumbered; and
New subdivisions adjacent to or in the immediate vicinity of existing subdivisions shall be assigned premises addresses within the Grid Address Numbering System and other non-conforming areas nearby shall be renumbered.
Notification of change. Whenever a premises address number is to be changed, the Department of Public Safety shall send an official notification, as a Letter of Intent, of the proposed change to the owner of property. The Letter of Intent shall include the new premises address number, legal description, tax identification number of the property, and effective date of the proposed change. After 30 days from the Letter of Intent, a notice of Change shall be sent to the owner of the property and the agencies listed in § 95-6E.
Time period allowed for changes to premises address numbers. Owners of premises scheduled for renumbering shall be afforded 30 calendar days to make necessary adjustments and begin to use the new premises address number. The Director of Public Safety may grant an extension when unusual hardship is demonstrated by the property owner.
Records. The Department of Public Safety shall maintain a record of each premises address assigned or changed. Such information shall be entered on applicable maps or other media as may be employed for such records.
Identification of premises. The owners of all premises within the County shall display and maintain the numbers of such premises, as assigned by the Department of Public Safety, in accordance with the Grid Address Numbering System. All numbers shall consist of plain legible figures placed in a conspicuous place or places facing the road from which the building is numbered.
Displaying premises address numbers. For any premises for which a building permit is issued, the address number shall be displayed upon completion of the work or before a certificate of occupancy is issued.
Unless otherwise specified herein, any person aggrieved by any decision pertaining to the provisions of this article made by the Department of Public Safety may appeal said decision to the Planning Commission, within 30 days of the date of the Letter of Intent. Appeals of decisions of the Planning Commission shall be noted in the Circuit Court of Calvert County. Appeals to Circuit Court shall be made in accordance with the Maryland Rules as set forth in Title 7, Chapter 200, as amended from time to time, within 30 days of the final decision of the Planning Commission.
Appeals found in favor of the appellant shall be required to hold harmless and indemnifying the County of against any liability should there be a delay in service response at a non-compliant address.