[Added 3-26-2024 by Ord. No. 07-24]
In order to protect the public health, safety and welfare, the purpose of this article is to ensure that the public safety radio network utilized by first responders is readily available as, when and where needed.
This article applies to all new commercial buildings, as defined in this Chapter 95, and existing commercial buildings that are modified where the reasonable cost of modifications equals or exceeds 50% of the value of the structure.
All persons to whom this article applies shall be required to ensure compliant coverage area reliability for both the County 800 MHz system and the State 700 MHz system, including, without limitation, the requirements of NFPA 1221 (2016) Sections 9.6, 11.3.9, and Annex 11.3.9.
Compliance may be demonstrated upon satisfaction of the Calvert County's Department of Public Safety's policies and regulations set forth within "Compliant Public Safety In-Building Two-Way Radio Communications Enhancement System Requirements" in effect at time of application, and as amended by the Department from time to time.
Any person who violates this article is subject to a fine of $100 for their first offense, and a fine of $200 for their second and each subsequent offense.
Each day the violation exists is a separate offense.